About time . Sent off loads of CV's etc , mostly no replies or thanks no thanks letters .
Going to do something I think I may actually enjoy . I am going to be a 'Mechanically minded yardperson' as the ad put it. Got look after the grounds and equipment of a large landscaping co. near home. 1st job is to reroof the office units all 3 of them on my own !
Loads of small plant to service and maintain . Sort out the tool shed , chemical stores and clear out all the s$$$$ the last bloke left . Engines in bits , gearboxes out etc .
Going to do something I think I may actually enjoy . I am going to be a 'Mechanically minded yardperson' as the ad put it. Got look after the grounds and equipment of a large landscaping co. near home. 1st job is to reroof the office units all 3 of them on my own !

Loads of small plant to service and maintain . Sort out the tool shed , chemical stores and clear out all the s$$$$ the last bloke left . Engines in bits , gearboxes out etc .