Originally posted by MudSurfer
No announcement yet.
Which gen is which???
Originally posted by RodLeachsorry, mudsurfer, Couldnt see what colour you put cuz it all just fades into the background!
How's this????
faded into the background yet?Too old to care, young enough to remember
Originally posted by MudSurferfades into the background my plums!!!
How's this????
faded into the background yet?=========
Originally posted by RodLeachSure is mate! been playin guitar for aaaagges! well, not that long. Im only 20 years old in the first place! Got a decent collection. My pride an joy is my Washburn dime 2ST:
The les Paul has a bigsby trem from stock too! Got it when i met Jim marshall:
Originally posted by maggotropolisI too am a guitarist. I'm very into the recording/engineering thing too. Got a little home studio but don't get much time to play these days:
Ive b*ggerd my hand up... tendonititisssits or sometbasically means its hurts like hell, so im not gunna b playin for a few days, shame... mates parents are away tomorrow!
Well... I got a Roland VS1680 16 track hard disk recording console, Boss GX-700 rackmount guitar fx (wicked bit of kit!) ZoomRT234 drum machine, Yamaha MU80 sound module and a MIDI keyboard, some Behringer FX processors in a rack mainly for vocals and enhancing the mix, Red5 Condenser mic, Crafter electro-acoustic, Wesley PRS copy (cheap but plays a dream!), an old battered Westone Thunder bass, Warrior 300 watt power amp, Eltax monitors and a Packard Bell laptop running Cubase and EXPAudio Editor. Erm.. I think that's about it!