If you are thinking of Using it Ensure you have at least 1 gb of Memory as it is very Resource Hungry. All the calls i am seeing at the moment are O/S Reloads which is a pointless task as there is Insufficient Memory to run it.
There are also Hardware issues as some Hardware is not Supported forcing us to buy new Parts. E.G Video cards, Sound cards & Printers.
So my ADVICE is dont do it.
If you are buying a new PC ensure its got at least 1gig of ram Preferably 2 gig
if running VISTA
There are also Hardware issues as some Hardware is not Supported forcing us to buy new Parts. E.G Video cards, Sound cards & Printers.
So my ADVICE is dont do it.
If you are buying a new PC ensure its got at least 1gig of ram Preferably 2 gig
if running VISTA
