Something gone a bit weird with our broadband.
A couple of days ago, it started being a bit flakey.
Lights on router all correct, but sometimes I cant get on to anything, or it takes a few goes to get into websites. Sometimes a page will partly load then just stop, and refresh just gets the old 'website not available' message. This can last 10 - 15 minutes, then it just comes back and works OK for a while.
Its not the PC as the laptop is exactly the same via wireless to the router. The PC is directly connected to the router so it's not the wireless part.
I did the speed test on and the speeds and ping were OK, but there was a big delay before the test started, then a big delay after the download test before the upload test.
Anyone any clues as to what is happening? I want to understand whats wrong before I get onto Orange's clueless 'tech help' phoneline.
A couple of days ago, it started being a bit flakey.
Lights on router all correct, but sometimes I cant get on to anything, or it takes a few goes to get into websites. Sometimes a page will partly load then just stop, and refresh just gets the old 'website not available' message. This can last 10 - 15 minutes, then it just comes back and works OK for a while.
Its not the PC as the laptop is exactly the same via wireless to the router. The PC is directly connected to the router so it's not the wireless part.
I did the speed test on and the speeds and ping were OK, but there was a big delay before the test started, then a big delay after the download test before the upload test.
Anyone any clues as to what is happening? I want to understand whats wrong before I get onto Orange's clueless 'tech help' phoneline.