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  • Nicked

    Had my Surf nicked in the early hours of the morning between 0130-0430.


    Police dont seem that interested but I have a crime ref number.

    If anyone knows or hears of a Grey gen 2 being broken around the North Manchester area could you please let me know just in case as I dont think it was joy riders, I think someone may have a poorly one they want bits for..

    -=I swear to drunk I'm not god=-

  • #2
    sorry to here that mate !! al keep an eye out for u.


    • #3
      Bad luck mate, sorry to hear that. How did theytake it..did they get your keys?

      Two years ago some F+++kers broke into mine and tried to nick the ECU, lucky for me a nieghbour scared them off when he came home from a late night(early morning) out...cost me a new window


      • #4
        No I have the keys and there was no sign of any broken glass etc so not sure how they got in. It was parked outside my mates house as we where on the beer.. they left both of his cars which both had the stereo fronts still on to take mine, which makes me think its been taken for parts..
        -=I swear to drunk I'm not god=-


        • #5
          Sorry to hear that Max.I hope they get the scum but i wont hold my breath tho as these people always seem to get away with breaking the law


          • #6
            Awww mate that's pants - I hate sh!te like that - no need, scum of the earth won't get a decent job an sponge offa everyone else. I think someone tried to nick me hoss few weeks back, luckily it's off its head an even I can't catch it most of the time. I'll Keep me eyes out for ya - got a mate who is a srapp dealer an another in the trade so will ask um to keep ears an eyes open.
            How can I be lost when I've got no where to go


            • #7
              I read somewhere and now I'm slapping my forehead cos I can't remember where... that there is quite a market for the Surf/4Runner in Russia and that some of them were being nicked to be exported over there.

              Hope yours turns up anyway mate.
              Real trucks don't have spark plugs


              • #8
                Wasn't it about this time last year Spoofers ( the one with the giant bull bar)got nicked


                • #9
                  Cheeky B*****ds. It used to be hot hatches that went all the time. I got my bike data tagged and etched with plenty of stickers. I do think it helps.

                  Alpha dots the best cos there's a higher chance of them getting traced.

                  I hope your insurance doesn't give you hastle on a replacement I Know it's not the same co's you know your own truck it's querky bits and all. I'd hate to start again.

                  Sorry for you mate.
                  www.brydenenterprises.co.uk www.kirstyskids.org


                  • #10
                    Sorry to hear of ya troubles Max, Hope ya get it Sorted..

                    ps. Highlander
                    I got my Trike data tagged and etched in places ya not would believe & wiv plenty of stickers to advertise the fact. Alpha dots the best cos there's a higher chance of em getting traced.
                    Maybe it's time to Alpha dot our Trucks !!!!!!

                    There's always a Payback .... Hope they don't see there's Comin !!!!
                    Buncefield Burner


                    • #11
                      I'll keep my eyes peeled as well any PICS so i know what too look for
                      (='.'=) SQUIRREL MUNCHER GRRRRRRR


                      • #12
                        Sorry to hear that mate. You must be gutted. I hope they find it, but you know the law, they're only interested in speeding motorists.


                        • #13
                          This was the one.. but I have a feeling it will be in peices by now..

                          -=I swear to drunk I'm not god=-


                          • #14
                            Nice looking truck. Don't want to appear to be the prophet of doom but I suspect it won't be joyriders that stole it. The real p!sser is that spares aren't that expensive for an import vehicle so if they think they'll make a fortune selling bits they may be in for a shock. Will keep my eyes peeled on ebay etc.

                            You never know they may just have wanted the bull bar and spots and you may still get it back in one piece. Best of luck in it's safe return mate.
                            'Tis better to sting than to be stung!


                            • #15
                              Originally posted by Surferjess
                              Sorry to hear of ya troubles Max, Hope ya get it Sorted..

                              ps. Highlander
                              I got my Trike data tagged and etched in places ya not would believe & wiv plenty of stickers to advertise the fact. Alpha dots the best cos there's a higher chance of em getting traced.
                              Maybe it's time to Alpha dot our Trucks !!!!!!

                              There's always a Payback .... Hope they don't see there's Comin !!!!
                              I am off to Glasgow and will get a pack when I'm there. It only works if we use them.
                              www.brydenenterprises.co.uk www.kirstyskids.org

