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  • #46
    Originally posted by Apache
    If you're gonna be the BUTT of a joke, it may as well be a good one!
    It definitely made the level. Think I'm gonna risk checking the thread again now.


    • #47
      hi and

      hi and welcome to the mad house
      S S R G is the only way to surf

      scottish mud club member kerelawsurf


      • #48
        Originally posted by joymic
        hi an welcome !! u only 2 miles from me, good crack on here, where in mid , i was born there.
        Haha I've noticed there's a good crack on here. Live in Boarshaw mate.

        So anyways, picked up my surf, awesome! Only problem is that the rear window motor has seized. The dealers sorting it out for me anyway, so not too fussed.

        Need to find out what all of the buttons do. I'm well impressed at how highly specced they are for their age.

        Air con, EW, EM, CL, PAS.

        Anyone know what the L is for on the auto box?


        • #49
          Originally posted by Weseastham
          Haha I've noticed there's a good crack on here. Live in Boarshaw mate.

          So anyways, picked up my surf, awesome! Only problem is that the rear window motor has seized. The dealers sorting it out for me anyway, so not too fussed.

          Need to find out what all of the buttons do. I'm well impressed at how highly specced they are for their age.

          Air con, EW, EM, CL, PAS.

          Anyone know what the L is for on the auto box?

          L is for LOW as in low gear


          • #50
            My Surf.

            I was up at a clients house when I took these pics, and within 2 minutes got a complaint about my car blocking the road. Brilliant!

            I can't wait for a hippie to complain about me killing the planet. I will recycle them with my bull bars.


            • #51
              Originally posted by Weseastham
              My Surf.

              I was up at a clients house when I took these pics, and within 2 minutes got a complaint about my car blocking the road. Brilliant!

              I can't wait for a hippie to complain about me killing the planet. I will recycle them with my bull bars.
              Now it needs mud to hide the colour..........It looks good how big is the grin


              • #52
                There'll be plenty of mud on it soon enough.

                Not stopped smiling yet. Everyone in work is sick of me talking about it already.


                • #53
                  Originally posted by Weseastham
                  Where in Rockerdale are you from?

                  Im from Whitworth.. for my sins.

                  Have you had the beast off roading yet.. I know loads of good places up and around here if you fancy it some time?
                  -=I swear to drunk I'm not god=-


                  • #54
                    Originally posted by MattF
                    Hard? Mancunians? You're having a laugh mate.
                    Ahh.. I think you will find I said northerners.. which would of included your good self.. but seeing as you want to get regionalist the RED rose is far nicer to look at than that poxy white one..
                    -=I swear to drunk I'm not god=-


                    • #55
                      Originally posted by max6674
                      Im from Whitworth.. for my sins.

                      Have you had the beast off roading yet.. I know loads of good places up and around here if you fancy it some time?
                      Haha. Someone has to be. No, just kidding. It's alright up there. My old bosses used to live there so went up for a drink a couple of times.

                      Sounds good that pal. I'm run off my feet the next few weeks working and moving house, but after that, I'll give you a shout and head up to your neck of the woods. I want to get her feet wet.

