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  • #16
    especially if its wet on the saturday and everyone wants a shower before going to the pub and we all park in the drive and drop mud everywhere


    • #17
      Sounds like you got my nabours there
      Too young to die and too old to give a toss


      • #18
        Almost every lorry N bus driver here are Polish working for minimum wage or less if the employer provides digs, one local haulage company has build a wasing block so the drivers can kip in the lorry, obviously "room" & board are deducted from wages.

        One belter a few weeks back.... Polish bus driver took his bus complete with passengers on a detour to collect a fridge and some furniture then deliver the stuff to his house, the paying punters were gobsmacked and got some crackin video on mobi cameras what made TV.

        No he wasnt sacked.


        • #19
          Originally posted by ian619
          Sounds like you got my nabours there
          i'm just glad that i ain't involved in this one but was asked to step in and calm things down a bit.
          When the Polish guy gets back then there is going to be a meeting of all the residents here to try and sort this once and for all.
          I can understand both sides of the argument but seeing as the Polish own the driveway and they dont want all the kids playing on their property but the other kids are doing no harm playing out there and are safe although they are by law trespassing on his property so we have to find a way of keeping everyone happy somehow but i don't think its gonna work


          • #20
            Didnt we just get rid of trespass laws, or was that just Scotland?


            • #21
              Originally posted by AuldNick
              Didnt we just get rid of trespass laws, or was that just Scotland?

              I bl00dy hope not.

              Still working for the man!


              • #22
                Originally posted by plumb bob
                I bl00dy hope not.

                Thats what most thought here but they forgot to upgrade supporting laws like I can shoot on my land and my dog can be jaggy without warning, just make sure everybody knows ;-)


                • #23
                  I thought there was no such thing as trespass now , what with right to roam laws and the like, as long as you don't cause damage?
                  Did I mention I have a BLUE one


                  • #24
                    Originally posted by BUSHWHACKER

                    1000 posts dieselboy.
                    i see that! how did that happen?!
                    Oh Nana, what's my name?


                    • #25
                      Originally posted by fatfires
                      I thought there was no such thing as trespass now , what with right to roam laws and the like, as long as you don't cause damage?

                      Thats the one, although it's always been that way up here. FFS anybody can even walk through your garden now and there is nowt you can do apart from "beware" signs but remember "BEWARE A PUNCH IN THE GOB" aint allowed but "BEWARE JAGGY ANIMALS" is, dunno about "TRIP HAZARD"?


                      • #26
                        Originally posted by AuldNick
                        Thats the one, although it's always been that way up here. FFS anybody can even walk through your garden now and there is nowt you can do apart from "beware" signs but remember "BEWARE A PUNCH IN THE GOB" aint allowed but "BEWARE JAGGY ANIMALS" is, dunno about "TRIP HAZARD"?

                        here's some usefull info;http://www.gardenlaw.co.uk/phpBB2/index.php

                        Still working for the man!


                        • #27
                          This is piddling me of as well
                          (='.'=) SQUIRREL MUNCHER GRRRRRRR

