my mates old v8 hilux is on ebay now. sold last year. loved that truck, but with only a 4 speed it was way too juicey. could pull away in 4th. 2nd gear pull away was like what 1st should of been like. lovely v8 sound too. shame he sold it:
the seller exagerates a bit on the sale though, my mate didnt sell it till about august last year
since the owner has it, looks like he has replaced the wheels with nicer ones, changed the exhaust (at where the car had been sitting it sort of disintegrated on the drive home) and looks like there has been nicer seats fitted too. engine bay looks clean but was always like that.
the women loved it. especially that roar.
the seller exagerates a bit on the sale though, my mate didnt sell it till about august last year
since the owner has it, looks like he has replaced the wheels with nicer ones, changed the exhaust (at where the car had been sitting it sort of disintegrated on the drive home) and looks like there has been nicer seats fitted too. engine bay looks clean but was always like that.
the women loved it. especially that roar.