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Glasgow airport.

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  • #16
    The police have named of the failed bombers as Singed Inajeep.


    • #17
      Originally posted by AuldNick
      The police have named of the failed bombers as Singed Inajeep.

      And his cousin Onfyer ( Inajeep)........

      Still working for the man!


      • #18
        For sale.

        Jeep Cherokee, slight overheating problem.

        Contact Mr Bashir Doorin.


        • #19
          I see the crispy critter is still alive even after two attempts to kill him he's back into the operating theatre tonight for a good rub doon with pig fat. You just cant beat two days of self imposed torture lets hope he pulls through and suffers till he rots in hell (the hell with the virgins in) fukin moron.


          • #20
            Originally posted by AuldNick
            I see the crispy critter is still alive even after two attempts to kill him he's back into the operating theatre tonight for a good rub doon with pig fat. You just cant beat two days of self imposed torture lets hope he pulls through and suffers till he rots in hell (the hell with the virgins in) fukin moron.
            Ah, the poor fella, make him feel better, give him a bacon butty
            Look out Eastbourne, the Pandas are coming !


            • #21
              Originally posted by UDTrev
              Ah, the poor fella, make him feel better, give him a bacon butty

              With plenty of SALT!

              Still working for the man!


              • #22
                Don't forget that the hospital should use it's beefiest female nurse, or limp wristed male nurse to give him a blanket bath
                Look out Eastbourne, the Pandas are coming !


                • #23
                  Remember 30'ish years ago the UK Gov morons imported USA teachers that couldn't spell (ITA)?
                  Now it looks like they imported internet diploma "doctors" that dont even know how to make a basic bomb, how much are we (NHS) paying these thicko terrorists/doctors and why do our guys need to do at least 6 years med uni yet arabs can learn surgery in six months using the fake paperwork available as spam to everybody here.

                  Can there be a place for islam within the NHS?

                  On another note... Talked to Met police officer today, he wont stop muslims in London even if they are wearing a bomb bag, BIG sh!t as soon as he gets back to the station IE why did you stop the muslim with a full write up every fukin time. Sort it London!


                  • #24
                    Not that UK police know nowt, like the Americans told them Glasgow airport was gonni get bombed and they knew who was gonni do it and didnt bother their arse following up the terrorists house phone call 'till 15 mins before the Jeep.

                    Between you and me the BIG worry now is streatched limo's with over 100 stopped and searched in Edinburgh last weekend ;-)


                    • #25
                      Originally posted by AuldNick
                      Remember 30'ish years ago the UK Gov morons imported USA teachers that couldn't spell (ITA)?
                      Now it looks like they imported internet diploma "doctors" that dont even know how to make a basic bomb, how much are we (NHS) paying these thicko terrorists/doctors and why do our guys need to do at least 6 years med uni yet arabs can learn surgery in six months using the fake paperwork available as spam to everybody here.

                      Can there be a place for islam within the NHS?

                      On another note... Talked to Met police officer today, he wont stop muslims in London even if they are wearing a bomb bag, BIG sh!t as soon as he gets back to the station IE why did you stop the muslim with a full write up every fukin time. Sort it London!

                      Agree completely.
                      Last edited by plumb bob; 3 July 2007, 01:18.

                      Still working for the man!


                      • #26
                        Originally posted by plumb bob
                        Agree completely, and to be honest, can there be a place for Islam on the planet?

                        We do not need this bunch of hate filled, war mongering sadistic, bigoted,anti free speech, anti western, anti women scum in this or any other country!..

                        Rant over................for now.

                        How does that help? You hate them because they are 'hate filled'? You want to go to war with the 'war mongers'? Would you torture these ' sadists' to find out what else they are up to? Would you silence them ? Do you hate the middle east? which is worse for women, the burka or the tv and media full of porn? I will not defend the insane action of terrorists, but will you just look at what the terrorists want to achieve? We over react to terrorism, beat up a few muslems maybe even a few poor sould from other religeons because we cannot tell the difference. What happens next? Al qaida suddenly have a load more volenteers. and a few more car bombs go off and a few more arabs get beaten up or maybe killed. Then all merry hell breaks out and guess what. the terrorists get what they wanted all along.

                        Stay calm, dont make the situation any worse than it is. Keep your eyes open, and DONT DO ANYTHING STUPID!
                        it's in me shed, mate.


                        • #27
                          Originally posted by Chillitt
                          How does that help? You hate them because they are 'hate filled'? You want to go to war with the 'war mongers'? Would you torture these ' sadists' to find out what else they are up to? Would you silence them ? Do you hate the middle east? which is worse for women, the burka or the tv and media full of porn? I will not defend the insane action of terrorists, but will you just look at what the terrorists want to achieve? We over react to terrorism, beat up a few muslems maybe even a few poor sould from other religeons because we cannot tell the difference. What happens next? Al qaida suddenly have a load more volenteers. and a few more car bombs go off and a few more arabs get beaten up or maybe killed. Then all merry hell breaks out and guess what. the terrorists get what they wanted all along.

                          Stay calm, dont make the situation any worse than it is. Keep your eyes open, and DONT DO ANYTHING STUPID!

                          Just said we didn't need 'em, thats all.

                          Still working for the man!


                          • #28
                            Originally posted by AuldNick
                            We need to keep him alive BUT with minimum pain relief, he chose his life so let the crispy fukir boil & bubble for the next 50 years, FFS if he wants somebody to hose him down or burst his boils I am sure Paisley can provide more than one "nurse".

                            We need to see the back of his friends & family, Pakistan sounds nice.
                            We also need to sieze all of his assets and kick the rest of his family out of the country with nothing but the rags they wear!!!
                            [I][B]96 3rd Gen in bluuuueeeee[/B]I]


                            • #29
                              Just been speaking to the work experience boy in my office. His cousin is a nurse in Paisly hospital and has the fun job of looking after the failed bomber who got burned!!
                              Hold my beer and watch this


                              • #30
                                Originally posted by captain_chaos
                                Just been speaking to the work experience boy in my office. His cousin is a nurse in Paisly hospital and has the fun job of looking after the failed bomber who got burned!!

                                shame the NHS didnt do checks on them before they gave them all jobs makes me wonder if they killed any people in hospital before they did the bombing. will def make me think before i see a doc again sorry but this country gone to pots as i was talking to a old guy in pub other nite n he said if he had known during the war what this country would turn out like he would have surrendered to hitler gladly. they died for our freedom n these days we aint got any its all for imigrants now days. UK will be muslim one day n christian will be gone dont mean to sound rascist but its true this country not for us anymore its all for imigrants
                                Last edited by pirate-storm; 3 July 2007, 12:13.

