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Cowardly little **********

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  • Cowardly little **********

    Some scum came into my garden last night scored the $$$$ out of my wee girls car and nicked my new garden solar light.

    Ok it's an old car but if I get hold of the $$$$ I wont be responsible for him.

    Car now needs a complete respray.

    www.brydenenterprises.co.uk www.kirstyskids.org

  • #2
    Originally posted by Highlander1
    Some scum came into my garden last night scored the $$$$ out of my wee girls car and nicked my new garden solar light.

    Ok it's an old car but if I get hold of the $$$$ I wont be responsible for him.

    Car now needs a complete respray.

    P1ssed someone off ..........
    didn't some idiot give you greif the other week

    if you find out who ,i find baseball bats work well OR if you want to be nasty get their car and fill every hole with mushed fish guts and rancid prawns

    The smell never goes


    • #3
      Hi Woodzie

      That was some car driver at mothers 160 miles away. This is just an occupational hazard some little druggy $$$$ I hate it when the job gets to my family.

      Wish I'd heard him come in. It would have to be my wee girls first car.
      www.brydenenterprises.co.uk www.kirstyskids.org


      • #4
        Originally posted by Highlander1
        Hi Woodzie

        That was some car driver at mothers 160 miles away. This is just an occupational hazard some little druggy $$$$ I hate it when the job gets to my family.

        Wish I'd heard him come in. It would have to be my wee girls first car.
        what a w*nker
        the montion sensor lights do help a bit.
        Oh Nana, what's my name?


        • #5
          Originally posted by Woodzie
          P1ssed someone off ..........
          didn't some idiot give you greif the other week

          if you find out who ,i find baseball bats work well OR if you want to be nasty get their car and fill every hole with mushed fish guts and rancid prawns

          The smell never goes
          If you find out who done it then just every hole of them with rancid fish guts. Far more satisfying payback.
          Hold my beer and watch this


          • #6
            My misses had her car keyed and what looked like brake fluid done to it a couple of years ago, the work cost £1100, we think we know who done it but he is mental in head and i would have got done big time, cos we had a long running feud. In the end the police were round every other day. And our local mp helped us to be moved.
            Working at last.......


            • #7
              The word mental is probably a good description of me right now I hate cowardy bTds. If they had the guts to ring the bell. God I would have enjoyed using as much force as was necessary
              www.brydenenterprises.co.uk www.kirstyskids.org

