Means you can keep track of where the ISS is at any time, and get the best viewing times to see it screaming across the sky at 17500mph. Friday evening looks good for the UK. If there's still some light in the sky it should look like a very bright star. If you see it, take a moment to think that there's human beings up there. Awesome!
There's also a shuttle launch in the early hours this Friday. It was on the pad when I visited last weekend.
Means you can keep track of where the ISS is at any time, and get the best viewing times to see it screaming across the sky at 17500mph. Friday evening looks good for the UK. If there's still some light in the sky it should look like a very bright star. If you see it, take a moment to think that there's human beings up there. Awesome!
There's also a shuttle launch in the early hours this Friday. It was on the pad when I visited last weekend.