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Intolerance behind the wheel

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  • #46
    Originally posted by Highlander1
    I was driving my mother to visit father in hospital, got onto a new roundabout when I realised I was in the wrong lane "no ones perfect".

    I indicated when I realised and checked no one was close so I moved over no one had to change speed or direction.

    I checked my nearside mirror on exiting the roundabout and noticed a small a small family car coming onto the roundabout from a slip road onto the roundabout It shot up my inside there was no need for them to be there they forced me onto the opposing oncoming lane I wasn't going to push them off the road they had kids in the car.

    Not being in a position to accelerate quickly I gave way to avoid a collision.

    Both the female driver and male passanger were giving it loads of abuse their fingers gesticulating. w signs, one and 2 finger salutes.

    Then they took the outside lane slowed down screaming abuse with their small children in the rear, they rolled down the windows spat on my surf and kept along side hurling loud abusive chants and gesticulating making no attempt to pull away, I kept my cool and carried on in the nearside lane with these enraged lunatics riding beside hurtling their abuse.

    Why do folk get so het up I felt sorry for the wee kids what chance do they have with parents like that.

    I was never close to them and never caused them to change course or direction. Yes I found myself in the wrong lane but what a carry on.

    Is this what modern living is turning people into or were they just mentally deranged one offs.


    If you think you have it bad, you should drive artics for a living like me mate. I get that every day of the week. If they never had kids in I would have got out and give them a good beating...


    • #47
      Originally posted by graham78
      i scored one for the surfers yesterday when an bmw x5 tried to muslcle me out at a turning, needles to say mine is definetley not a shiney, and they lost a wing mirror courtesy of said bars!!!!!

      neededa minute to day in a car park waiting for grandad to reverse his car out of space so i could get in there when a very impolite eastern european (i could tell by the plate!) vdecided to honk and get annoyed, he has a nice dent/scratch on his bmw trying to squeeze past me..... really enjoyed the sound of the crunching, he didnt!!!! i think he said have a nice day to me in polish

      i am not normally evil only some people like to drive like nonces....

      and we are supposed to be the bad guys/gals in 4x4?!?!?!?!!?

      Did you get his insurance details....... Oh hang on, Polish you say? Oh, he wont have any insurance.

      When a foreigner does that to me, that's when I see the red mist!!


      • #48
        Originally posted by M35A2
        Did you get his insurance details....... Oh hang on, Polish you say? Oh, he wont have any insurance.

        When a foreigner does that to me, that's when I see the red mist!!

        insurance, - my trucks ok, its his bmw that is minus a wing mirror and needs a little attention!!!!


        • #49
          Hi Graham

          Sent you a message on the otherside cheers JB
          www.brydenenterprises.co.uk www.kirstyskids.org


          • #50
            People these days can't let things go, they must be seen to be right no matter what.

            It part of the reason I love driving so much, when I drove a van and lorry around London everyday, watching the same people who got so outraged at someone else's mistake do it themselves five minute later. I always got back to work with a big smile on my face.

            People are so funny and predicable, once you've worked this out life is easy.

            4x4toys.co.uk - Keeping you on and off the road...


            • #51
              Originally posted by TonyN
              People these days can't let things go, they must be seen to be right no matter what.

              It part of the reason I love driving so much, when I drove a van and lorry around London everyday, watching the same people who got so outraged at someone else's mistake do it themselves five minute later. I always got back to work with a big smile on my face.

              People are so funny and predicable, once you've worked this out life is easy.

              When you're just observing their actions, one couldn't agree more. However............ (am I banned from using that word yet), when they put you in a spot where you are risking physical damage to your vehicle because of their ineptitude, that becomes a different matter. I've always tended to back off so the pillocks can kill themselves merrily later on down the road out of my way, but even that ain't enough for some of 'em. They still try to place you in a tight situation.

              If you're gonna' get your vehicle screwed over by them, one may as well make sure theirs takes at least the same amount of, and preferably more, damage.


              • #52
                Originally posted by MattF
                When you're just observing their actions, one couldn't agree more. However............ (am I banned from using that word yet), when they put you in a spot where you are risking physical damage to your vehicle because of their ineptitude, that becomes a different matter. I've always tended to back off so the pillocks can kill themselves merrily later on down the road out of my way, but even that ain't enough for some of 'em. They still try to place you in a tight situation.

                If you're gonna' get your vehicle screwed over by them, one may as well make sure theirs takes at least the same amount of, and preferably more, damage.
                You still gotta laugh, I actually had some clown try to muscle his way inbetween my truck and boat on trailer once, I almost pee'd myself, watching him in my mirror, his mirror get closer and closer to the side of the boat, then fall off! Hows the boat gonna let him in, its fixed to my truck!!!!

                Yeah, when push comes to shove they are on their own, but insurance is a pain, and people will try to screw you over if poss. I just let them get on with it.

                I don't drive aggressively, but confidently, this normally lets you progress just fine in most cases, still leaving room for the freaks who need to cover up having a small knob and low self esteem, but not having people take the pi$$ all the time.

                4x4toys.co.uk - Keeping you on and off the road...


                • #53
                  Originally posted by TonyN
                  I don't drive aggressively, but confidently, this normally lets you progress just fine in most cases, still leaving room for the freaks who need to cover up having a small knob and low self esteem, but not having people take the pi$$ all the time.


                  • #54
                    Originally posted by TonyN
                    You still gotta laugh, I actually had some clown try to muscle his way inbetween my truck and boat on trailer once, I almost pee'd myself, watching him in my mirror, his mirror get closer and closer to the side of the boat, then fall off! Hows the boat gonna let him in, its fixed to my truck!!!!

                    Yeah, when push comes to shove they are on their own, but insurance is a pain, and people will try to screw you over if poss. I just let them get on with it.

                    I don't drive aggressively, but confidently, this normally lets you progress just fine in most cases, still leaving room for the freaks who need to cover up having a small knob and low self esteem, but not having people take the pi$$ all the time.

                    Yeah, them clowns can be a real pain in the rear sometimes, I think it's the big trousers and red noses that cause them to lose control.

                    Still working for the man!

