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Intolerance behind the wheel

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  • Intolerance behind the wheel

    I was driving my mother to visit father in hospital, got onto a new roundabout when I realised I was in the wrong lane "no ones perfect".

    I indicated when I realised and checked no one was close so I moved over no one had to change speed or direction.

    I checked my nearside mirror on exiting the roundabout and noticed a small a small family car coming onto the roundabout from a slip road onto the roundabout It shot up my inside there was no need for them to be there they forced me onto the opposing oncoming lane I wasn't going to push them off the road they had kids in the car.

    Not being in a position to accelerate quickly I gave way to avoid a collision.

    Both the female driver and male passanger were giving it loads of abuse their fingers gesticulating. w signs, one and 2 finger salutes.

    Then they took the outside lane slowed down screaming abuse with their small children in the rear, they rolled down the windows spat on my surf and kept along side hurling loud abusive chants and gesticulating making no attempt to pull away, I kept my cool and carried on in the nearside lane with these enraged lunatics riding beside hurtling their abuse.

    Why do folk get so het up I felt sorry for the wee kids what chance do they have with parents like that.

    I was never close to them and never caused them to change course or direction. Yes I found myself in the wrong lane but what a carry on.

    Is this what modern living is turning people into or were they just mentally deranged one offs.

    www.brydenenterprises.co.uk www.kirstyskids.org

  • #2

    It Bushwacker he can be terribly abusive on occasion


    • #3
      I don't think anyone on here could be that abusive.

      cheers JB
      www.brydenenterprises.co.uk www.kirstyskids.org


      • #4
        It really makes you want to believe in the credo "don't get mad, get even"

        My Pointer ate the dog trainer


        • #5
          Sorry to hear that mate. I'm beginning to hate driving in busy traffic, give me the country lanes anytime. I afraid to say I wouldn't have had your patience and would have done some serious swerving towards their vehicle, kids in or not, once the red mist rises I lose all sense of reason.

          Perhaps I need one of those anger management courses! Luckily it takes a lot for me to lose me rag but when I do I don't give a duck how big they are or how many, one of these days I'm gonna get the sh!t kicked out of me and I'm too old for that now!
          'Tis better to sting than to be stung!


          • #6
            I did stop at Halfusurds and picked up some air horns on me way home.

            Cheers JB
            www.brydenenterprises.co.uk www.kirstyskids.org


            • #7
              Originally posted by Highlander1
              I did stop at Halfusurds and picked up some air horns on me way home.

              Cheers JB
              A RSJ welded on the front would be more effective!
              'Tis better to sting than to be stung!


              • #8
                And some of those flame throwers as seen on tv out the side
                www.brydenenterprises.co.uk www.kirstyskids.org


                • #9
                  I inadvertantly left some lights in a hurry the other week in the surf
                  forcing someone to clog it in the inside lane to save face apparently ( and avoid some parked cars in their lane

                  prompting them to test their brakes/finger/steering

                  in front of me

                  when we stopped at next lights
                  he/she (really could'nt tell) actually had a sprog loose in the passenger seat beside them!!!!

                  can you believe it,

                  well actually thinking about it
                  you probably can these days


                  • #10
                    Originally posted by Highlander1
                    I don't think anyone on here could be that abusive.

                    cheers JB

                    It's because you were driving a 4X4!


                    • #11
                      Bullbars are what you want. Big wrap around ones. I've finally reached that point where the nobs get a view of the bullbars with a Surf that ain't changing direction or swerving to avoid them because of their tw@tty driving. I've a simple motto now. If they want to act like completely and utterly ignorant *********, there's no way on earth I'm gonna' move out of the way to give them room.


                      • #12
                        Originally posted by MattF
                        Bullbars are what you want. Big wrap around ones. I've finally reached that point where the nobs get a view of the bullbars with a Surf that ain't changing direction or swerving to avoid them because of their tw@tty driving. I've a simple motto now. If they want to act like completely and utterly ignorant *********, there's no way on earth I'm gonna' move out of the way to give them room.

                        Tell 'im is wasn't me matt, tell 'im!


                        • #13
                          I just cant understand how these folk get so mad they must have serious issues to behave in such an out of control deranged state.
                          www.brydenenterprises.co.uk www.kirstyskids.org


                          • #14
                            Originally posted by Highlander1
                            I just cant understand how these folk get so mad they must have serious issues to behave in such an out of control deranged state.

                            It's all thanks to the BBC and other bandwagon jumpers!


                            • #15
                              Originally posted by BUSHWHACKER
                              Tell 'im is wasn't me matt, tell 'im!
                              They picking on you again Vince?

