Have discovered in a mates garage a mahindra indian chief, looking for a bit of help getting it back on the road as looks like it could be a bit of fun.
At the moment electrics seem to work but wont turn over, after waiting for the glowplug relay to click turn the key and just get a click. Will this just be starter contacts?
How easy is a new clutch master cylinder to fit as clutch pedal sits on the floor all the time and even when lifted falls back to floor?
Also are the handbrakes hidden on these things as cant find it and looked everywhere
At the moment electrics seem to work but wont turn over, after waiting for the glowplug relay to click turn the key and just get a click. Will this just be starter contacts?
How easy is a new clutch master cylinder to fit as clutch pedal sits on the floor all the time and even when lifted falls back to floor?
Also are the handbrakes hidden on these things as cant find it and looked everywhere
