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  • Madeleine

    On a serious note guys & gals.

    Looks like the Daily Mirror are determined to destroy any chance of finding wee Maddie so we and other free minded forums should do our upmost to keep this story / search alive.

    No doubt you lot already have the "eyes" picture so get posting all over EUland and beyond.


  • #2
    BTW Mr Management. Can we have this thread "sticky" 'till the wee girl is found.



    • #3
      I know its a tragedy that she has gone missing, but I understand how her parents can live with themselves. If they had left a child over here while they went for an evening out they would have been done for child cruelty and neglect, but because they where on holiday that seems to have been forgotten and they are portrayed as the victims when they help to cause this.

      Was she snatched or did she walk out of the room on her own and was then snatched?
      What if there was a fire in the room while her parents where having fun?

      I do hope they find her safe and well, and I do hope they catch the person responsible. I also hope that her parents are charged with neglect and cruelty in any instance.

      This will probably cause a bit of a stir and make me look insensitive, which is not the case.. but this never needed to happen and its all down to 2 people selfishness.
      -=I swear to drunk I'm not god=-


      • #4
        Originally posted by max6674
        I know its a tragedy that she has gone missing, but I understand how her parents can live with themselves. If they had left a child over here while they went for an evening out they would have been done for child cruelty and neglect, but because they where on holiday that seems to have been forgotten and they are portrayed as the victims when they help to cause this.

        Was she snatched or did she walk out of the room on her own and was then snatched?
        What if there was a fire in the room while her parents where having fun?

        I do hope they find her safe and well, and I do hope they catch the person responsible. I also hope that her parents are charged with neglect and cruelty in any instance.

        This will probably cause a bit of a stir and make me look insensitive, which is not the case.. but this never needed to happen and its all down to 2 people selfishness.

        Dude, I've been thinking exactly the same thing since I heard this story on the news when it happened.
        I'm on your side.


        • #5
          Originally posted by max6674
          I know its a tragedy that she has gone missing, but I understand how her parents can live with themselves. If they had left a child over here while they went for an evening out they would have been done for child cruelty and neglect, but because they where on holiday that seems to have been forgotten and they are portrayed as the victims when they help to cause this.

          Was she snatched or did she walk out of the room on her own and was then snatched?
          What if there was a fire in the room while her parents where having fun?

          I do hope they find her safe and well, and I do hope they catch the person responsible. I also hope that her parents are charged with neglect and cruelty in any instance.

          This will probably cause a bit of a stir and make me look insensitive, which is not the case.. but this never needed to happen and its all down to 2 people selfishness.
          I agree with most if what you have said Jason. If they had left them alone in the house here the social services would have had a field day. Sure my hart goes out to them and if i had a few grand spare i would have gone over and helped look for her, no stone unturned. Apparently the hotel has a baby sitting service, so why o why didnt they use it??
          I would have thought the mum and Dad are beating them selves up about leaving them for a few pints and prob never forgive them selves and have to live with it for the rest of there lifes, god knows what that would feel like.
          Anyway, lets hope and pray she is found safe and well, although it aint looking good.


          • #6
            Agreed whole-heartedly. The parents were selfish in the extreme to put their own pleasures ahead of the safely of their children. Leaving three kids under four on their own in a strange house in a strange land is just criminal! I can see their local Social Services attempting to take the other two children into care when they get back because of neglect. And apparently they have a Nanny for the children when they are at home but didn't bother to bring her with them when they went on holiday.

            Whilst I hope she is found alive, the longer it goes on the more likely it is that she isn't. Even if she is found, the experience will do her no good whatsoever.
            Mike G


            • #7
              Originally posted by magnum force
              Apparently the hotel has a baby sitting service, so why o why didnt they use it??
              I did notice that when it first happened.

              Like every one else I do hope they get her back….. whatever the outcome she is going to be mentally scarred for life. The more it drags on, the more inevitable that the outcome will be of the worst kind.
              Mine WAS a 150 bhp V6 and ran on PETROL


              • #8
                I read that they didn't use the babysitting service as they didn't want to leave the children with a stranger !!

                Enough has happened to children in accidents on holiday, those children killed by monoxide, pool accidents etc... without parents leaving their children alone... a fire, one of them choking or just waking up and finding themselves alone in an unfamiliar room... what were they thinking... and just so they could have some tapas... and not the first time it had happened that holiday if the press is to be believed.

                Children are a huge responsibility, one of the reasons i don't have them, hard enough looking after myself... you have them , they are precious take care of them...

                I sincerely hope she is found soon..agony for the parents and also her siblings... has anyone thought how they have been affected..what they saw ??
                Had enough... going to live in Spain....


                • #9
                  Originally posted by Helen
                  ...and not the first time it had happened that holiday if the press is to be believed...
                  Generally, in stories of this kind, I find the press are NOT to be taken without a very large pinch of salt - "SHOCK HORROR: Parents left children alone on several occasions" sells more papers than, "It was the only time they had been left alone..."

                  As a parent, I really hope she is OK, and I do feel for the parents as well - the feeling of guilt (whether justified or not) must be very hard to bear.

                  Cynic: A blackguard who sees things as they are, not as they ought to be...

                  I am not a number. I am a FREE MAN!


                  • #10
                    I'm afraid I have to agree with what's been said.

                    How can two Doctors (of all people) leave three very young kids all alone in a holiday apartment while out having dinner.

                    You only have to look at this case to decide that something doesn't sit right. It seems funny that, if she was snatched, that whoever did it knew exactly what room she was in. I have a feeling that this wasn't the first time the kids were left on their own. Maybe whoever did this was watching them and saw that they left the kids alone at night while they went out. Then when they went out that night the person or persons knew that they had time to go in and snatch her. i find it hard to believe that she just wondered out, as surely someone would have seen her on her own. It's incredibly unlikely that she wondered out and the first person who saw her was a member of a paedophile ring.

                    I hope to god that they find her, but as time goes on it's not looking good at all.

                    I also hope that they are held to account for their stupid actions.


                    • #11
                      Concern should be for the child, not the parents. The child is in a situation that no child should be in, through no fault of her own. One can only hope the outcome is good.

                      The parents, and the term is used very loosely, deserve whatever and more than they get.


                      • #12
                        don't think they need a shocking headline... what's happened is shocking enough... people want to know what's happening and it's pretty much the only form of information available

                        it was a bad decision... for one night or lots of nights... it only took one... they are paying dearly for it now....
                        Had enough... going to live in Spain....


                        • #13
                          this is a very emotive subject. i had a conversation with a pal who has three kids, and was trying (in vain) to put across a similar viewpoint to most of you guys, seems i am not allowed to pass judgement on them cause i don't have kids!!!!
                          how much of this do you folks think is a class thing?? if mr and mrs scally from a council estate had done this at home never mind abroad how do you think the press/ pulbic would have responded? probably by calling in social services and rehousing any other kids and crucifying the parents!

                          ah well thats my two bobs worth

                          hope as everyone does that she is found safe and well


                          • #14
                            Originally posted by mack
                            this is a very emotive subject. i had a conversation with a pal who has three kids, and was trying (in vain) to put across a similar viewpoint to most of you guys, seems i am not allowed to pass judgement on them cause i don't have kids!!!!
                            That's an irrelevant point, as to whether you are a parent or not, and you should have told him so. Common sense and responsibility are not exclusive rights for parents alone. He sounds like a f*ckwit mate. I wouldn't bother trying to argue with him.


                            • #15
                              I hate to say it, but I doubt Madalene is still in the country, as Portagal has a huge coastline which is poorly patroled.

                              The person/s who abducted her will most likely has absconed via boat, and will have been in another country within 24hrs.

                              It was good to see the local/national bikers who took posters and news toall the remote and outlying parts of the country ( that may not have electricity/TV) to make as many people aware as poss.

                              Shame the local/national plod didn't think of that, and didn't act on a national/international basis within the first 24hrs of her dissapearance.

                              There will be recriminations whether she is found or not.

                              There were the usual racist coments,about if she had not been white middle class then the press would not have been so vigorous in their reports, but personally I think it may be partially racially motivated, in that one of the reasons she was taken was that she is white, blonde hair and blue eyes, which is gonna get a better price from the peadophiles and the those who buy children for adoption. ( just my oppinion from speaking to people who have spent time in countries where the populus is more swarthy in appearance)

                              Lets all hope and pray that they find her safe and well.

                              Still working for the man!

