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I Really Hate It When.............

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  • #16
    Originally posted by Copycat
    Nope, refuse to pay for Sky Sport and theres nowt else on the telly, so I'm filling in my time starting daft threads on the forum!
    Me to!!! Huddled in my bedroom around the AM dial...due to contractual obligations they wont broadcast it over the web and the wife is watching property ladder :-(
    Stop the World !!! I want to get off.


    • #17
      Originally posted by Copycat
      I can understand everything you hate except Apollo 13? Is it the spacecraft itself, or the film?
      Spacecraft?.....Aye thats it, USS Enterprise, utter poo, it's a con, it dont fly it floats, I know 'cos I was on it when it visited Portsmouth AND the doors dont go SSSShhhhh't either! I hate boats wot cant do final front ears.


      • #18
        Originally posted by drunkmonkeyboy
        can say i can remember them eating, maybe kevin but its ok cos if hes eating he s not talking so much! lol only kidding kev!

        My other cars a QUAD
        (sv1000spilot on surf forums)


        • #19
          i hate clapping, eg, an audience's round of applause. it really gets on my nerves. also, anyone who doesn't indicate when you're waiting to turn out a road and could have gone if they'd indicated - same goes at roundabouts and people who indicate they're turning too early, so you got to go and there's nearly an accident coz these pr1cks can't drive.

          people who shop in petrol stations all need to die...you wait forever in your motor for them to finish in there, then they usually get in their cars and take an age to finally move as well.

          people who park on the taxi ranks all need to have biro's stuck in their eyes too. costs me a small fortune to pay to park on these each year and you can't get on them coz these to55ers won't pay for car parks...be warned, if ANYONE here does this in farnham and i'm there, there's the reason your car is scratched to f**k when you get back to it...so don't do it.

          people who get in the cab and ask if they can smoke - when there's signs on all the windows, and the dash saying "NO SMOKING"

          people who ask for directions then don't pay attention when you tell them the way.

          people who want to pay by card for a £2.60 fare...no you can't, f**k off!

          people who take half an hour in the bank while the queue gets longer and longer and the feckers who work there don't open another cashiers booth. they need a slap too.

          litterbugs and people who spit in the streets. scummy, dirty, grubby little maggots.


          groundsmen who don't open the changing rooms until 10 minutes before kick off are all tw@ts.

          stupid little sketches they put on the comedy channel, they're all sh1te...don't put them on the tv.

          that fecking advert with the woodpecker on that numpty's head.

          ebayers who can't understand the concept of ebaying.

          ebayers who sell fake dvds, cds etc.

          ebayers who don't leave feedback.

          ebayers who try to haggle on the price after the final bid/end of bidding.

          ebayers who ask if you'll post a bulky item when you've already stated in the damned advert that you WILL NOT POST!!!


          couriers/delivery persons who knock your front door from the van with a big long stick then drive off a millisecond after so you have no chance of getting your package you've waited 400years for.

          microwave dinner film lids you need a degree in physics to open in one go coz they shred into a thousand bits, then you always find a bit in the cr@p that barely resembles food.

          i got 1000's on the idiotic things that happen/occur during time and space travel, but i'm too sick to go into them.

          people who list lots of pet hates on a motoring forum!!
          i swear, it was like that when i got here...


          • #20
            Now why did you have to go and ask a question like this. I can't possibly resist. Poor manners, poor hygiene, sloppiness, impatience and just about every other trait which people exhibit. In fact, come to think of it, scrub that and just put people.


            • #21
              Originally posted by MattF
              Now why did you have to go and ask a question like this. I can't possibly resist. Poor manners, poor hygiene, sloppiness, impatience and just about every other trait which people exhibit. In fact, come to think of it, scrub that and just put people.
              cheer up you miserable sh1t!!!
              i swear, it was like that when i got here...


              • #22
                Originally posted by logey79
                cheer up you miserable sh1t!!!


                • #23

                  Look out Eastbourne, the Pandas are coming !


                  • #24
                    Originally posted by UDTrev


                    • #25
                      All of the above. And... desparate housewives, Football, Councils, Anything described as Progress or 21st century or improved. Call centres. people who drive like ####s. Being skint. People who keep on about global warming (some fool on freecycle yesterday was asking for a push mower so she could get rid of her 'planet killing electric mower') Aching joints. Bleeding brakes. Jumping through hoops for some no nothing jobsworth trying to meet some meaningless target. Tony flippin Blair. Gordon Brown. Ainsley harriot. Stinging nettles. Rust. The fact that I can't eat 2lb of chocolate in one go anymore. The fact that I can't climb 6a anymore(top roped...) Margerine.

                      And a few other things too that are impolite to mention.
                      it's in me shed, mate.


                      • #26
                        Originally posted by Chillitt
                        All of the above. And... desparate housewives, Football, Councils, Anything described as Progress or 21st century or improved. Call centres. people who drive like ####s. Being skint. People who keep on about global warming (some fool on freecycle yesterday was asking for a push mower so she could get rid of her 'planet killing electric mower') Aching joints. Bleeding brakes. Jumping through hoops for some no nothing jobsworth trying to meet some meaningless target. Tony flippin Blair. Gordon Brown. Ainsley harriot. Stinging nettles. Rust. The fact that I can't eat 2lb of chocolate in one go anymore. The fact that I can't climb 6a anymore(top roped...) Margerine.

                        And a few other things too that are impolite to mention.

                        Even Teri Hatcher??!!


                        • #27
                          Originally posted by BUSHWHACKER
                          Even Teri Hatcher??!!
                          Yep. Even Teri hatcher. I told her, stop phoning me at work.. did she listen???
                          it's in me shed, mate.


                          • #28
                            well quite a few things.

                            Tree huggers
                            the ban it brigade
                            the anti 4x4 brigade
                            ebayers that dont send the stuff
                            hearts (of midloathian)
                            paying 94ppl diesel
                            gordon "dick turpin" brown
                            Bring me the head of a treehugger


                            • #29
                              Originally posted by Copycat
                              I can understand everything you hate except Apollo 13? Is it the spacecraft itself, or the film?

                              Them damn modules! So bl00dy cramped, and not a very green way to go spaceexplorin! Thats why he hates them!
                              Cutting steps in the roof of the world


                              • #30
                                Originally posted by coolsv650
                                well quite a few things.

                                Tree huggers
                                the ban it brigade
                                the anti 4x4 brigade
                                ebayers that dont send the stuff
                                hearts (of midloathian)
                                paying 94ppl diesel
                                gordon "dick turpin" brown
                                Shouldn't that read gordon "dick 7urd" brown

                                There's always a Payback .... You just can't see it Comin !!!!
                                Buncefield Burner

