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smoking law

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  • smoking law

    AS of 1st July 2007, smoking will be illegal in all manner of places. My shop being one of them. fair enough, I hear you say, as after all it would appear that it's bad for you...
    No one has smoked in my shop for many years - its full of paint and flammable wood finishes. But now I am obliged by law to stick dirty great 'no smoking' posters on the door and all over the place. My shop is listed (2*) and I dont even have a mastercard/visa sticker on the door....

    And now I have been sent a flyer from the council, inviting me to a 'roadshow' (one of four..) so I can;
    Find out how the new law will affect my business and what I must do to comply (it won't we are all ready there)

    Get essential information, advice and smoke free signs(its not essential, its a waste of time)

    Hear from the experts how to use Smoke Freedom to benefit your business..
    (experts in my business? thats me then..)

    Hang on... 'Smoke Freedom'? Odd, I would have thought a better name for banning something could be found..

    Whats the point of it all? Why use such an Owellian name for the exercise? Does anyone want these poxy stickers??
    it's in me shed, mate.

  • #2
    I'd love to see a proprietor who puts up a:

    Non-smoking whingers banned

    sign instead of a no smoking sign. Also, if the owner of the establishment sees fit to allow smoking, I still can't see how they can make it illegal. Non smokers who don't wish to be around smoke can easily use their feet and walk out of a room. Why should they have full rights and smokers none? Nobheads in Govt again, that's why.


    • #3
      We have had it in sweaty sock land for a year now. My only problem with these bans is, its too easy for them, it started with hunting, then smoking, both minority pursuits and therefore easy. Its only a matter of time before they ban something you like. Everyone will be affected eventually , but as with any "minority" activity, who is going to do anything about it??.
      Still on the plus side, the lcal council can employ a few more jobsworths, smoke wardens are coming your way. Yes its Orwellian, yes its OTT, and in my view unnecessary, there are other ways of creating smoke free havens. They dont have the guts to make smoking illegal, so they are working on a programme of " denormalising" it.

      Off roading ??? next on the list,?? Maybe not, but on the list I,ll bet.


      Сви можемо


      • #4
        Too Late Matt we've already been in trouble at the BBIC for doctoring the signs ! They are already on with planning permission for a smoke shelter on the car park !
        Death rides a Black Horse


        • #5
          First they came for the smokers and we did nothing....

          Its the crass use of double speak that really grips my****..
          it's in me shed, mate.


          • #6
            Originally posted by John h
            Too Late Matt we've already been in trouble at the BBIC for doctoring the signs !
            Nice one.

            Originally posted by John h
            They are already on with planning permission for a smoke shelter on the car park !
            I'd love to see the whingeing equalitarians freezing their knacks off in one of those in winter. Might make them get the stick out of their arse.


            • #7
              Originally posted by Bogus

              My only problem with these bans is, its too easy for them, it started with hunting, then smoking, both minority pursuits and therefore easy. Its only a matter of time before they ban something you like.

              Close - but I seem to recall it started with machine guns in the 30's because of concerns that they'd be used for poaching .......

              Then there was the Dangerous Dogs Act - have you noticed how effective that was ?

              Then they banned pistols in 97 - and that's REALLY worked too !

              How about we ban morons from standing for political office ????

              Life is too important to take seriously !


              • #8
                Originally posted by Predictable Bob
                How about we ban morons from standing for political office ????
                But that would mean we don't have politicians any more ......... ok now I see your point

                My Pointer ate the dog trainer


                • #9
                  same in hospital grounds no smoking i was there other day as wifey was in hospi n women said bout no smoking in front of window so i said you get more s4it from cars, ambulances n the helicopters passing by than you do from people smoking n beside the tax on my cigs goes to goverment which help nhs you'll soon be moaning when you will have to pay for private health because there aint no more money coming to the nhs, so next day i parked my car outside her office she couldnt say any thing as its a car park n i made sure i gave her some of my smoke from exhaust


                  • #10
                    well...if you dont want the stickers.......


                    • #11
                      Originally posted by RodLeach
                      well...if you dont want the stickers.......
                      coughs spluters yeah i need them to make my rolls m8 oopppssss wonder if this will become a smoke free forum lol


                      • #12
                        Originally posted by Bogus
                        We have had it in sweaty sock land for a year now. My only problem with these bans is, its too easy for them, it started with hunting, then smoking, both minority pursuits and therefore easy. Its only a matter of time before they ban something you like. Everyone will be affected eventually , but as with any "minority" activity, who is going to do anything about it??.
                        Still on the plus side, the lcal council can employ a few more jobsworths, smoke wardens are coming your way. Yes its Orwellian, yes its OTT, and in my view unnecessary, there are other ways of creating smoke free havens. They dont have the guts to make smoking illegal, so they are working on a programme of " denormalising" it.

                        Off roading ??? next on the list,?? Maybe not, but on the list I,ll bet.

                        I HATE BANS


                        Could not agree more always said that once they have one victory (ie hunting) then they would move onto something else....Smoking,fishing, right to drive what I choose! even the right to ENJOY LIFE ! I hate these people who seem not to have anything else better to do in their lives but make sure everyone does as they are TOLD (New world order and all that)

                        P.s I am a non smoker which I choose to be but if I go to the pub then I expect to come home smelling like an ash tray! MY CHOICE


                        • #13
                          This ban, as I understand it, is on smoking in public places, ie; pubs, clubs,bars,resturaunts etc.etc.

                          So would it be legal to set up a members only smoking establishment???

                          It could even have a licience for alchohol and entertainment too! ( although I think we already have them they're called PUBS)

                          It's not public because you need membership to enter ( membership could even be free) , and only smokers would be members.

                          Am I being niaeve??? Or is it really that simple??
                          Last edited by plumb bob; 2 May 2007, 18:42.

                          Still working for the man!


                          • #14
                            Originally posted by plumb bob
                            This ban, as I understand it, is on smoking in public places, ie; pubs, clubs,bars,resturaunts etc.etc.

                            So would it be legal to set up a members only smoking establishment???

                            It's not public because you need membership to enter ( membership could even be free) , and only smokers would be members.

                            Am I being niaeve??? Or is it really that simple??
                            nope, if you have staff the ban stands. even if they all smoke. or if the all don't smoke, you still need the stickers. even if they are unpaid volenteers.
                            it's in me shed, mate.


                            • #15
                              Originally posted by Chillitt
                              nope, if you have staff the ban stands. even if they all smoke. or if the all don't smoke, you still need the stickers. even if they are unpaid volenteers.

                              you could have no staff, just bring your own beer 'n' fags, and turn the light out when you leave. ( hang on a minute, thats home)

                              Soon the ban will cover OUTSIDE too, like in some cities in the US.

                              They will ban everthing eventually.

                              Still working for the man!

