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smoking law

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  • #16
    Originally posted by plumb bob
    This ban, as I understand it, is on smoking in public places, ie; pubs, clubs,bars,resturaunts etc.etc.

    So would it be legal to set up a members only smoking establishment???

    It could even have a licience for alchohol and entertainment too! ( although I think we already have them they're called PUBS)

    It's not public because you need membership to enter ( membership could even be free) , and only smokers would be members.

    Am I being niaeve??? Or is it really that simple??
    In Jockland it covers " Substanially enclosed public spaces" It includes private members clubs. So Im afraid its not that simple and yes you are being naive. It even includes bus shelters, although if you live in area where the yobs regularly rip them apart you could argue they are not substantially enclosed. It includes your works van, even if you are self employed and its your own van.It includes your cab if youre a truck driver, again even if its your own. Its certainly helped in the demise of bingo clubs, although pubs generally seem to be surviving.

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    • #17
      Methinks there is a legal loophole regarding "private" members clubs, not sure but deffo read something regarding that them and HMP's are OK to smoke in.

      Worst part of the ban for my business is I employ only two smokers both smoke 20+ a day so I rekon I am losing up to 4 hours production time as this pair nip out for a "fag" SO do I impose smoke breaks and spend half my day watching/timing the puffers or do I sack 'em and never employ smokers again.

      This problem never existed when they could smoke and work!

      Another half cocked looney idea/ban by morons in suits.

      PS. The ESS tail docking ban is another example of lazy git polititians with nowt to do.

