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Replacing the hoses

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  • #16
    Originally posted by logey79
    adacodiatic hunting snails from the planet Spoorroggorus 12 are worth a fortune in the imbordulune and jykwelka territories of the anflartic galaxy (which is about 500 light years past the very dangerous haricoshod nebula), so basically i'd like to continue to breed them and sell them on for huge profit.

    but since my Trans-bias-telecomapathic meter (which is the unit device used by humanoid life forms for inter-stellar travel to keep them safe through the dangers of passing hostile nebula's such as the haricoshod nebula - which unfortunately i need to go through in order to reach the anflartic galaxy) broke on my shuttle, i've been stuck here on earth...so i make do with the surf for now.
    You had to ask him Andrew


    • #17
      Originally posted by logey79
      adacodiatic hunting snails from the planet Spoorroggorus 12 are worth a fortune in the imbordulune and jykwelka territories of the anflartic galaxy (which is about 500 light years past the very dangerous haricoshod nebula), so basically i'd like to continue to breed them and sell them on for huge profit.

      but since my Trans-bias-telecomapathic meter (which is the unit device used by humanoid life forms for inter-stellar travel to keep them safe through the dangers of passing hostile nebula's such as the haricoshod nebula - which unfortunately i need to go through in order to reach the anflartic galaxy) broke on my shuttle, i've been stuck here on earth...so i make do with the surf for now.
      I've got a headache now
      Too old to care, young enough to remember


      • #18
        Originally posted by MudSurfer
        I've got a headache now
        try fixing a Trans-bias-telecomapathic meter with the tools you got on this planet! that will redefine the term headache for ya!
        i swear, it was like that when i got here...


        • #19
          Originally posted by logey79
          try fixing a Trans-bias-telecomapathic meter with the tools you got on this planet! that will redefine the term headache for ya!
          I think my brain has started to seep out of my nose!
          Too old to care, young enough to remember


          • #20


            • #21
              Originally posted by MudSurfer
              I think my brain has started to seep out of my nose!
              daily occurance for the reptiloids of planet sprigenhoch....you could be an ancient decendant you know.

              i could sell you a self testing kit for £20,000 if you want.

              once you're done with it you could fly it back to fregalspaun 9, weigh it in for twice as much as i'm charging (although they only pay in yenkilo gold - but it's the same as earth gold)....ahh, no that won't work because then you'd be stuck there and wouldn't be able to come back.

              ....unless you get a crogel cab to fregalspaun 3, then you could get a full particle bodriantalinflomatic-velocity infusion and be back on earth within minutes! BONUS!

              you want to pay through paypal? or send me a cheque?
              i swear, it was like that when i got here...


              • #22
                Originally posted by Woodzie
                you're an odd one woodzie old boy....maybe you should seek professional help.
                i swear, it was like that when i got here...


                • #23
                  Originally posted by logey79
                  you're an odd one woodzie old boy....maybe you should seek professional help.

