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Project SuperSurf

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  • #46
    Originally posted by Woodzie
    Let me know next time and i'll show you some local routes .

    Not the plain though as it always ends in disasteras mattf keeps reminding me since xmas

    Cheers Ian - have you got any Memory Map routes?? I just took my laptop with me and plugged my USB GPS into it and followed lots of byways....didn't realise how many there are there...
    Too old to care, young enough to remember


    • #47
      Originally posted by MudSurfer
      Cheers Ian - have you got any Memory Map routes?? I just took my laptop with me and plugged my USB GPS into it and followed lots of byways....didn't realise how many there are there...
      no its all landranger maps and in my head .... gps costs money that the surf eats


      • #48
        Originally posted by Woodzie
        no its all landranger maps and in my head .... gps costs money that the surf eats
        Oh right - fancy some maps?

        I've got an iPaq that just needs a new battery, so you can have it if you want it - and it needs the reset switch resoldering though but its the one with wireless built in too....then you can load the mini maps up and track where you've been - I think I have a holder for it too....can't remember
        Too old to care, young enough to remember


        • #49
          Originally posted by MudSurfer
          Oh right - fancy some maps?

          I've got an iPaq that just needs a new battery, so you can have it if you want it - and it needs the reset switch resoldering though but its the one with wireless built in too....then you can load the mini maps up and track where you've been - I think I have a holder for it too....can't remember
          why not ,whatever that is ........ have mem map software on the pc just trying to work it out

          Oh and thanks .......


          • #50
            Originally posted by Woodzie
            why not ,whatever that is ........ have mem map software on the pc just trying to work it out

            Oh and thanks .......
            I'll get it packed up for you soon and send it over - or drop it off when I'm in the area - you can buy a bottle of rouge from the local vineyard??
            Too old to care, young enough to remember


            • #51
              Originally posted by MudSurfer
              I'll get it packed up for you soon and send it over - or drop it off when I'm in the area - you can buy a bottle of rouge from the local vineyard??
              ok i'll see them for some more as it sells out fast
              If you are down this way one saterday ,i'll take you there


              • #52
                Originally posted by Woodzie
                ok i'll see them for some more as it sells out fast
                If you are down this way one saterday ,i'll take you there
                Look forward to it - I'll let you know nearer the time, it's only about an hour and bit from me
                Too old to care, young enough to remember


                • #53
                  Originally posted by MudSurfer
                  Look forward to it - I'll let you know nearer the time, it's only about an hour and bit from me

                  will sort out a bottle ....may even still have a bottle from the first lot of red

