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  • #16
    Originally posted by Spoggle
    There are cameras and there are cameras, some are there to try and prevent idiots killing other road users by driving at excessive speeds, even though many drivers believe that the road traffic act wasn't meant to apply to them but only to less important and skilled mortals. Then there are the ones that can detect the vehicles and in some cases the drivers that shouldn't be on the roads in the first place. The only way to avoid speed cameras is DONT SPEED IN THE FIRST PLACE. Sorry but speed kills, and the costs of that are beyond belief both in the pain it causes and the time it takes to investigate and resolve. But it's a sad fact that the only way a lot of people can learn is by hitting there pocket. So if a motorist gets caught speeding, who's fault is it? Speeding in a built up area shouldn't carry a fine, it should carry a six month ban.

    Sit's back and waits for the howling to start

    I'm with you, what really really grinds my gears is when you are following someone who does 50 mph in a 60 zone, then it changes to a 30 mph zone and they keep doing 50.

    City cnetre in Aberdeen has been reduced to a 20 mph zone, its a fair few roads too, although its not had much impact as i) during the day you'd really not be able to get over 20 mph anyway, and ii) at night, hardly anyone pays any attention to it, and no-one seems to enforce it.
    There are 10 kind of people in the world, those that understand binary and those that don't.

    'There's no place like'


    • #17
      Originally posted by Spoggle
      There are cameras and there are cameras, some are there to try and prevent idiots killing other road users by driving at excessive speeds, even though many drivers believe that the road traffic act wasn't meant to apply to them but only to less important and skilled mortals. Then there are the ones that can detect the vehicles and in some cases the drivers that shouldn't be on the roads in the first place. The only way to avoid speed cameras is DONT SPEED IN THE FIRST PLACE. Sorry but speed kills, and the costs of that are beyond belief both in the pain it causes and the time it takes to investigate and resolve. But it's a sad fact that the only way a lot of people can learn is by hitting there pocket. So if a motorist gets caught speeding, who's fault is it? Speeding in a built up area shouldn't carry a fine, it should carry a six month ban.

      Sit's back and waits for the howling to start

      Well I would support speed camera's if they were used to reduce speed and not increase revenue.

      Our local Scamera partnership started putting speed cameras on open roads..... then had the speed limits dropped from 60 to 50 (and below). Speed camera's outside schools = OK, in the middle of nowhere on a straight road with a speed limit of 50 (which should be a 60 anyway) = revenue raiser.

      Anyway who gave these unelected bodies the right to slap these things everywhere!

      I agree that people shouldn't be speeding in built up areas, I don't but I am constantly harranged by ar5holes who think speed limit don't apply to them.

      they ought to send the ANPR cars & DVLA round here about 75% of the cars are untaxed (they don't know what MOT & insurance is either!)
      Bring me the head of a treehugger


      • #18
        Originally posted by Spoggle
        ... Sorry but speed kills ...
        Sorry mate, but you are talking cr@p.

        Following that logic, motorways should be areas of non-stop carnage. The "speed kills" mantra is pushed, and pushed hard because, guess what, speed is easy to measure. You can do it with a camera, no human presence required. So the statistics are massaged to support the idea.

        Example: A motorcycle travels down a residential road at 20mph (30 limit). A car pulls out of a side turning and hits the motorcycle from the side.
        Cause of accident recorded - "failure to judge the speed of an oncoming vehicle". Surprise, surprise, it goes into the "Speed-related accidents" column in the council records.
        And yes, I checked this out, because I was the sap who got knocked off the bike :furious3
        Bad driving is what causes accidents, not speed per se, as a moment's thought should clarify.

        The ANPR thing just increases the theft and/or cloning of numberplates - as again, a moment's thought by Mr Criminal would give the answer to the problem of ANPR.
        Crushing untaxed/uninsured cars sounds quite reasonable tho'

        I am not a number. I am a FREE MAN!


        • #19
          Originally posted by BUSHWHACKER
          You said MIB.
          Sorry Vince I should have explained DVLA ="Driver Vehicle Licencing Authority" or MIB ="Motor Insurance Bureau" , ABI= Association of British Insurers etc etc
          Hope this helps !!!!!

          Mobile Phone users should have their cars CRUSHED as well & Yes there are still loads of 1D1Ots about !!!!!

          There's always a Payback .... You just can't see it Comin !!!!
          Last edited by Diezel Weazel; 26 March 2007, 15:00.
          Buncefield Burner


          • #20
            Originally posted by Surferjess
            Sorry Vince I should have explained DVLA ="Driver Vehicle Licencing Authority" or MIB ="Motor Insurance Bureau" , ABI= Association of British Insurers etc etc
            Hope this helps !!!!!

            Mobile Phone users should have their cars CRUSHED as well & Yes there are still loads of 1D1Ots about !!!!!

            There's always a Payback .... You just can't see it Comin !!!!
            Aye the other thing that grinds my gears is folk who have kids wandering about the back of their cars, not strapped in whilts the driver yaps away on their cell phone.
            There are 10 kind of people in the world, those that understand binary and those that don't.

            'There's no place like'


            • #21
              Originally posted by Mike Fraser
              Can't remember voting for a police state, can anyone else?
              9/11 and 7/7 did that for you.
              The benchmark....


              • #22
                [QUOTE=onlynik]'There's no place like' [\QUOTE]

                very good theres goldies then there is oldies....
                The benchmark....


                • #23
                  Originally posted by CaptainBeaky
                  Sorry mate, but you are talking cr@p.

                  Following that logic, motorways should be areas of non-stop carnage. The "speed kills" mantra is pushed, and pushed hard because, guess what, speed is easy to measure. You can do it with a camera, no human presence required. So the statistics are massaged to support the idea.

                  Example: A motorcycle travels down a residential road at 20mph (30 limit). A car pulls out of a side turning and hits the motorcycle from the side.
                  Cause of accident recorded - "failure to judge the speed of an oncoming vehicle". Surprise, surprise, it goes into the "Speed-related accidents" column in the council records.
                  And yes, I checked this out, because I was the sap who got knocked off the bike :furious3
                  Bad driving is what causes accidents, not speed per se, as a moment's thought should clarify.

                  The ANPR thing just increases the theft and/or cloning of numberplates - as again, a moment's thought by Mr Criminal would give the answer to the problem of ANPR.
                  Crushing untaxed/uninsured cars sounds quite reasonable tho'

                  I can see your point mate and its very valid!!! I agree that its drivers that cause the problem! I think speed under certain circumstances is what kills as such!!
                  a 30mph limit will be set because its an "active" area! cars pulling into/off of driveways! pedestrians etc! Doing 30mph gives you enough time to react to any changes happening around you! Doing 40mph in these areas is stupid and dangerous!

                  When i fitted vatchmans old bar to the front of my truck a couple of my mates were saying "oh you got death bars then" and other such stupid comments! The reality of it is my truck DOES 30mph in a 30 and as such makes it easier for me to react to changes etc!! Them doing 40-50 in there modern silent cars is just like a death smog! before you know it you're dead because you've been hit by there cars!!!
                  I honestly feel my truck c/w bars is safer then them speeding in a residential area!

                  As for whoever commented about putting cameras on long empty country roads!! Its because its a prime area to put the pedal to the metal and go seriously fast!! Its there to catch anyone being stupid enough to speed!!

                  Weather speed kills or not can be debated for years! but the simple fact is! if anything goes wrong and your speeding! you better have some KY jelly sat around cuz the police are gunna f**kin ram raid you!


                  • #24
                    Speed kills.

                    This quote which you see everywhere was unfortunatley manipulated. It was originally "inappropiate speed kills". If it was straight forward speeding, why are the German Autobarns not covered in accidents. In some situations the speed limit is too high for the conditions. When the government says excessive speed kills, they mean that if the driver was going slower the accident wouldn't have been so bad, not that the driver was speeding (they manipulate the statistics). Recently in my area they have been going through a spate of reducing speed limits without reason in non-built up areas, for exemple there was a nice road with a 60 limit, they spent thousands upgrading the road, and when it was reopened it was a 40. There is only one house and three junctions on the 2 mile road and 60 would be more than safe (in fact most of the traffic still does 60), reducing speed limits like this makes people not believe in speed limits the same as you don't believe those gantry sighs on motorways because most of the time they were from last week.
                    I disagree with an absolute zero tolerance, not because I believe in speeding, but because if you get people too worried about speeding they will spend too much time watching their speedo and not the road, and speed cameras have actually made speeding easier because you don't have to worry about Police any more. But they also cause accidents because people see them and jump on their brakes in panic I see this regulary cause during a 20 mile round trip from my house to town and back I pass 5 speed cameras, all of them are in areas where speed has not caused accidents, inconsiderate driving has.

                    Finally (and thanks for all of you who have stayed with me this far) speed cameras, and number plate recognition cameras did not come about because of the recent terrorist activities. They were actually develouped to try to reduce the IRA bombings.
                    Gone from 4x4 to 1x2


                    • #25
                      Nice to cause some sort of reaction and a bit of honest debate On my point about speed being a cause of death on our road's perhaps I should try to clarify. Whilst a driver may well be able to drive at speed he is unable to judge to capabilities of other road users, who may well be unable to react to his speed in a positive and safe manner. Whilst I totally agree that some drivers are watching speedometers because they are looking out for cameras, could it not also be said that speeding drivers are only aware of what is in front of them and take little notice of what else is going on on the road about them. Remember there is always someone who wants to be faster that you. Having spent some time in H.M Plod in the past .I had to deal with a number of RTA's. Most were the result of incorrect use of speed, too fast for the road conditions ie. wet ,snow, road works, volume of traffic, visibility etc. Or driver's who themselves were not up to the speed due to lack of skill and ability, or physical condition etc. The one thing that I can say for sure is that in the event of a pedestrian or cyclist Vs vehicle RTA was that the higher the speed of the vehicle the less chance the individual they collided with had of survival. Remember that this sort of accident also happens on those nice unrestricted roads where we can put our foot down a bit. We should remember that just about every driver on the road believes that they are a much better driver than they are in reality. Where I live now in County Durham we have no fixed speed cameras, we have mobile ones that get moved around all the time so you can never be sure where they will be. But you can bet that where ever they are it's because bad accidents have taken place in that location ,and not just so they can create revenue.
                      I see that I've been nominated for IOW. Perhaps those who cant see why speed limits are set and enforced would be better candidates. May even make our roads a bit safer and reduce the costs to the tax payer of dealing with the aftermath of accidents and even reduce the cost of motor insurance.
                      For the time being, I rest my case.

                      Last edited by Spoggle; 27 March 2007, 11:58.


                      • #26
                        Originally posted by Spoggle
                        I see that I've been nominated for IOW. Spoggle
                        You were nominated for IOTW, but NOT for this.

                        Look out Eastbourne, the Pandas are coming !


                        • #27
                          Originally posted by UDTrev
                          You were nominated for IOTW, but NOT for this.


                          Go on then Trev give me a clue. Off work with stress at the moment, my dad is in hospital (not sure if he will come out again) and my head is somewhere up my a*s*. What have I gone and said now



                          • #28
                            Originally posted by Maverick
                            If it was straight forward speeding, why are the German Autobarns not covered in accidents.
                            The Germans generally drive to a much higher standard and have very good lane discipline. They overtake and move back in…….

                            Whereas we have old duffers hogging the middle lane and kids in Corsas who think they belong in the third (fast) lane just because they have the word “sport” on the back of their little hatchback.

                            I for one would not like to see “no limit” autobahn speeds introduced on our motorways without a mass driver re-education programme.
                            Mine WAS a 150 bhp V6 and ran on PETROL


                            • #29
                              Originally posted by Spoggle
                              Go on then Trev give me a clue. Off work with stress at the moment, my dad is in hospital (not sure if he will come out again) and my head is somewhere up my a*s*. What have I gone and said now

                              go here, and look at your post numbered 27 - WHERE is the one you made earlier ??
                              Look out Eastbourne, the Pandas are coming !


                              • #30
                                Originally posted by UDTrev
                                go here, and look at your post numbered 27 - WHERE is the one you made earlier ??
                                Ah so, well yes, got ya now. Er, it's still in my 'my pictures' file. Tried to follow the 'idiots guide to posting pictures' thread, and well, it didn't work. But have to say it cant be down to operator error, it's my P.C.s fault cos it cant follow simple step by step instructions. Suppose if I had every ones address I could send postcards with a picture of the truck on em, would be simpler that trying to attach one to a post.


