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Oh woe...

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  • Oh woe...

    Sorry guys, but on the basis that a problem shared is a problem you've p1ssed everyone off with...

    My dad has MS. He was diagnosed 12 years ago (within a week of the birth of my son) and gradually declined in health since then.

    He's lost his legs (completely dead, confined to a wheelchair), his hands (barely any sense of touch), he's going blind, has to have a catheter and pee in a bag. As as if that doesn't dent your dignity enough, he's recently in a lot of pain. Today he's been taken into hospital for brain scans, is tonight out of it on morphine while specialists try to find a solution which looks like being cutting nerves in his face around his eyes and jaw, with all of the nasty side effects that will have.

    12 years ago he was a fitter man than I. He had a boat, enjoyed fishing, fast cars etc. ALL of that has been taken from him. My mum's life's been taken from her as well while she cares for him. But at least tonight she gets a rest while someone else looks after him.

    After seeing his grandad in so much pain last weekend, my son is really down. Because of all this, I'm really down and I have to confess I have hit the beer a bit tonight (and am continuing) despite having responsibilities myself, but what do you do?

    What a sh1t disease. It takes his life from him, and then it leaves him in the sort of pain that leaves a man I've never seen cry in tears.

    Vicki got me out of the pub sharpish this eve. I needed a drink, but felt like beating the $$$$ out of someone - anyone - in sheer frustration.

    Sorry for bombing the mood on a forum which has only just come back so should be celebrated (you lot are like a distant family to me), but telling others is cathartic. Cheers chaps and chapesses.
    Cutting steps in the roof of the world

  • #2
    Been through that recently too mate, my stepmum had it, died 6 years ago, my grandfather had alzheimer's died 18 years ago Jo's mum has had alzheimer's for the past 12 years and is still in a nursing home, and now she's just lost her dad to pneumonia.


    • #3
      Sorry things are getting worse for your family , I think most of us have been there at some time , I have . Have a good drink , like you have , and then after you sober up try and be supportive to everyone else around you when they feel down , like your son .
      I hope this helps a little .
      All the best wishes
      Rick...Member of 1st Gen club. ONE LIFE ... GET ONE !!


      • #4
        Sorry to hear about your dad Its horrible watching a loved one suffer knowing theres nothing you can do. I felt the same last year when my mum was dying of vascular dementia but my family and a good bunch of mates helped me through it.I've found that surfers are a nice group and willing to lend an ear to others woes if you need to talk to someone theres always somebody here to listen. I hope things improve but ms is such a difficult disease to cope with just remember to let your friends and family help you and if you need anything someone here will always help.


        • #5
          not much we can say that will make you feel any better but try and keep your chin up your family will need you strong. We dont mind listening when your down makes a change from some of the banter. Just know you got all your surf brothers watchin your back
          it never rain it pours! glad I got the 4X4


          • #6
            Weve all been there in one way or another so We understand what you are going through. You know we are here if you need to talk.


            • #7
              I'm so sorry about your dad. It sounds awful, i cant imagine what u and your family must be going through right now . I really feel for u mate and will have a drink for ya. Chin up , your dad is in the right place at the moment maybe they can make him a bit more comfortable. Hope everything goes ok for u all , mitsy.


              • #8
                I can't offer anything constructive, but like the chaps have said, some of us are facing similar situations. My dads slowly loosing his marbles- sometimes he forgets my name, once or twice he has forgotten his.. and mother got him a new chainsaw for christmas!
                Drink when you have to, be strong when you can. If there is anything practical we can do to help, just ask.
                it's in me shed, mate.


                • #9
                  Me saying this sounds feeble, but your comments and thoughts really do help. I know I have to be strong, and I think in public, and for my family I have been, but its hard to keep that up 24/7, so when they're not around I do need to let go a little.

                  Thanks for your suppost folks, it wont be forgotten.
                  Last edited by Apache; 14 March 2007, 23:24.
                  Cutting steps in the roof of the world


                  • #10
                    hell yeah drink kick scream smash stuff (vince has a telly you could start with) do what ever you need to to let off some steam!

                    i dont reccomend beating anyone up cos that might make things a bit more difficult, UNLESS the tw*ts are breaking into or damaging your truck of any of the stuff you own then knock yourself out. well done knock yourself out but you know what i mean.
                    it never rain it pours! glad I got the 4X4


                    • #11
                      I was told to got & beat the sh$t out of a TREE with a stick.
                      (='.'=) SQUIRREL MUNCHER GRRRRRRR


                      • #12
                        Originally posted by marky
                        I was told to got & beat the sh$t out of a TREE with a stick.
                        did it work?
                        it never rain it pours! glad I got the 4X4


                        • #13
                          Originally posted by marky
                          I was told to got & beat the sh$t out of a TREE with a stick.
                          Basil Fawlty styleee?

                          I'm usually a placid hippy as you all proably know, but earlier tonight I felt like ripping someones head off for only the 2nd time in yeas. tHe first being when my ex said she was moving to spain and taking may 12 year old lad with her - She decided against in the end, but not until I'd had a lot of sleepless nights.
                          Cutting steps in the roof of the world


                          • #14
                            Originally posted by drunkmonkeyboy
                            did it work?
                            I did'nt try as it sounded too Violent for me & there was NO Tree HUGGERS about
                            (='.'=) SQUIRREL MUNCHER GRRRRRRR


                            • #15
                              Originally posted by marky
                              I was told to got & beat the sh$t out of a TREE with a stick.
                              whats that tree ever done to you. sorry to hear about you dad andy.my father has been battling with the big C for almost 2 years now.it left me and my family devastated at first,feeling a lot like you do but then you pick yourself up and get on with life,coz deep down you know thats what they want you to do,but i do sympathise with you mate.its not nice seeing a loved one gradually going down hill.

