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Jerremy Vine anti 4x4 vote....

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  • Jerremy Vine anti 4x4 vote....


    Clearly this is just another Jerremy Vines (badly disguised) digs at 4x4 again. So we should all vote for the TOYOTA PIOUS (sorry Prius) for these reasons:

    "Because people mistakenly believe they are helping to save the planet when they buy one of these hybrid type cars. Given the horrendous amount of eneregy it takes to manufacture these cars (and particularly the batteries) they would have far more positive impact driving a 15 year old diesel 4x4 running on veg oil- you can't get much greener than that!"

    Given the picture- can anyone cross post this to a carvaners forum?

    Help us hijack this winkers poll!
    Last edited by laser_jock@work; 2 March 2007, 15:45.

  • #2
    The links not working Nev


    • #3
      Linky corrected!


      • #4
        Originally posted by laser_jock@work

        Clearly this is just another Jerremy Vines (badly disguised) digs at 4x4 again. So we should all vote for the TOYOTA PIOUS (sorry Prius) for these reasons:

        "Because people mistakenly believe they are helping to save the planet when they buy one of these hybrid type cars. Given the horrendous amount of eneregy it takes to manufacture these cars (and particularly the batteries) they would have far more positive impact driving a 15 year old diesel 4x4 running on veg oil- you can't get much greener than that!"

        Given the picture- can anyone cross post this to a carvaners forum?

        Help us hijack this winkers poll!

        I voted,nice of him to use the words polluting and 4x4 side by side,not trying to sway anyones vote much is he?W@NKER!!!!
        Powered by ????


        • #5
          I voted for cyclists...............


          • #6
            I voted for Hysterical Bandwagons to be banned 'Because I am sick to death of sactimonious do gooders whooping and hollering as they ride them the length and breadth of the country'
            it's in me shed, mate.


            • #7
              I emailed this to the show,

              "Looking at your web page,

              http://www.bbc.co.uk/radio2/shows/vi...iclevote.shtml today at 1.50pm I see you use the phrase,

              "polluting 4x4s" .

              Talk about the BBC telling folk what to think! By all means mention 4x4's along side cars, vans, estates, lorries etc but to mention them on their own with the adjective 'polluting' is objectional.

              My 4x4 needed as a dependable form of transport to get my wife, a rural GP, to house calls on bad tracks and roads in the west of Scotland runs on vegetable oil, a green fuel. Incidentently this green fuel is taxed at the same rate as fossil fuel diesel but that's another story.

              So please sort out your biased reporting and take into account that 4x4's are not all in Chelsea, that older vehicles are greener as the environmental impact of their production is spread out over many years of use (mine is 12yrs old and still saving lives) and that there are cases where a 4x4 is a lifesaver, such as here when a person has heart attack on a hill farm and needs the GP."




              • #8

                Voted for the Prius and cross posted to a caravan forum as suggested !

                Making an odd vote is fun but unless there is consistency then 4x4's and caravans will still be at the top of the list .....

                Next please !

                Life is too important to take seriously !


                • #9
                  I emailed this to vine@bbc.co.uk

                  Dear Mr Vine

                  Your anti 4x4 rants,no matter how you disguise them are now becoming very tiresome and boring.May I bring it to your attention that people in rural areas(yes there are still some left in the UK!)rely on these vehicles,especially in winter.I myself run a small business repairing and rebuilding Drystone Walls(which incidentallyare very good for the environment)and I rely on my 4x4 for business/work purposes as most of my work involves travelling through fields or over rough terrain.I wish you would give people like me a break,this latest poll you have running is solely intended to outlaw 4x4s once again,why else would you describe 4x4s as polluting?They are no more polluting than lorries,vans etc but no one outlaws drivers of those vehicles purely because 4x4 drivers are a minority therefore an easy target for people like yourself who should know better!I am sick and tired of being scowled at for driving a vehicle that is vital for me to continue in this line of work (which I have been doing since I left school 27 years ago).You are causing a lot of bad feeling with these brainless little polls Mr vine.
                  Powered by ????


                  • #10
                    Nissan Micra

                    Hell`s teeth, they`re always holding up traffic,should be banned
                    Stella Artois


                    • #11
                      Oh dear, I appear to have climbed onto my soapbox and have sent the following grumble to the BBC complaints dept - bet they love me - NOT

                      Yet AGAIN I have to complain about your biased attacks on 4x4s implying that they are the biggest polluters going - I would suggest that you look in your own car park for far more polluting vehicles. Before you reply that you are not biased may I draw your attention to the website 'http://www.bbc.co.uk/radio2/shows/vine/vehiclevote.shtml' which states "polluting 4x4s" According to this Propaganda Merchant my 4x4 is a mass polluter, yet it runs on biofuel which is sustainable, it also is far less greedy than some of the luxury and sport cars in your carpark. I would also draw your attention to a recent edition of top gear that roadtested a popular sports car - the Maxda MX8 - check out it's fuel consumption. The BBC USED to have a reputation for fair, impartial broadcasting - those days appear to be long gone. Are you being biased, scared of upsetting your bosses, incompetent, or leading an ill conceived witchhunt. This is the 3rd time in just over a month I have been forced to complain about your actions. IF YOU HAVE 1 SHRED OF DECENCY YOU SHOULD ENSURE THAT SOMEONE SENIOR GET'S OFF THEIR REAR END AND REPLIES TO THIS COMPLAINT.
                      Look out Eastbourne, the Pandas are coming !


                      • #12
                        I voted for Jeremy's car, as he's become unpopular with me
                        Hold my beer and watch this


                        • #13
                          Sorry guys, I had to think green when voting, so the choice was obvious - I voted for the Toyota Pompous oops Prius
                          Look out Eastbourne, the Pandas are coming !


                          • #14
                            Yup, another vote for the Prius - reason: whole-life energy costs. Higher than a Surf running on diesel, let alone on vegoil.

                            I am not a number. I am a FREE MAN!


                            • #15
                              I got a reply from Mr Vine it reads thus:

                              I am not remotely biased against 4x4s I promise Robert.
                              Powered by ????

