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  • #16
    Originally posted by TonyN
    Now this is a tricky question, it depends what mood I'm in.

    If I'm starving and want sheer quantity, then McD's wins hands down. If I'm after a bit more taste, and have the extra cash then BK is the choice.

    Exactly my thoughts


    • #17
      Burger king. Even their milkshakes taste better!


      • #18
        I know a story about McD's and the store at Botley in particular, that resulted in the store being closed for refurbishment. As McD's have long arms I cannot say what it was that closed the place down.

        BK if I have the money (too bl00dy expensive) and Mac D if I'm starving.

        BUT, a large Dominos Pizza with ham,bacon,chicken,mushrooms and peperami will do nicely.


        • #19
          Hmmm - it's all rubbish - I prefer the baguettes myself, and then go for Subway...but if I had to choose, then it would be Bu66er King
          Too old to care, young enough to remember


          • #20
            hedgehogs cooked in mudball hmmmmm

            99% on our site prefer them
            Only Toyota can get you out of shite


            • #21
              What about a Wimpey Burger?

              Or for shear indulgence you can't beat a Little Thief Allday Breakfast!

              But to answer the question (Eventually) BK beats McDs every time. (though their chips are better).


              • #22
                Originally posted by Andy Dawson
                What about a Wimpey Burger?

                Or for shear indulgence you can't beat a Little Thief Allday Breakfast!

                But to answer the question (Eventually) BK beats McDs every time. (though their chips are better).
                Haven't seem a wimpey bar for years..... used to be one in bradford & it closed, last one I saw was in Huddersfield....... actually i lied. Dont they have them on the motorway services now?
                Bring me the head of a treehugger


                • #23
                  Originally posted by Andy Dawson
                  What about a Wimpey Burger?
                  I used to like Wimpys alot, Its funny, my dad calls all burgers Wimpys, We have Wimpys when we're have a BBQ at home!! I guess its like the Hoover/Jeep thing to him.
                  4x4toys.co.uk - Keeping you on and off the road...


                  • #24
                    Burger King chips and onion rings are superb, this has made me ravenous, I want one NOW !!!


                    • #25
                      got to be bk as there burgers are bigger but you can't beat a burger van burger there the best

