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Letter from Tony Blair

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  • #46
    Originally posted by drunkmonkeyboy
    i tryed the obstruction thing once cos i was bloked in by two complete tw*ts about an inch from front and back so did the proper thing and called the police (non-emergancy of course) and was told that the only ruld regarding this was if they were blokcing your garage!!! not even you drive (unless there is a garage at the end) They told me that the only thinkg i could do was knock on the doors around and ask if it was their car and to move it! now i live on a road which has two car parks comming off it and people who work in the main street here in, so far, sunny saltash dont want to pay for car parking fees so park in the road around so these cars could belong to anybody!!! Also what happened if i did go knocking (did not need to got a bike too) and ended up getting a kicking of being killed (far fectched i know but there are some sick people about). Any way my point being i am a law abiding, in the most parts , citizen and for some stainge reason generally know and stick to road laws. But the moral of this story is the police arnt really here to help and protect us from sh*it like this cos they are over stretched doing other stuff. SO it really gets on my tits that criminals get treated so well and have to be reabilitated using our money we pay after paying for the damage they do to us through breaking in, vandlism and the like. they dont want them to do it again then cut off a hand or tattoo theif on their fore head. degrade and PUNISH them for their crimes, make it so that they will think twice about doing it again and so that we can all see who they are!

    Right sorry about that soap box put back in the cuboard
    I agree with you,in a nutshell this country is run to suit 2 types of people fatcats and scum.If you are in between,your basically.............. $$$$ed!
    Powered by ????


    • #47
      You're right about the police not doing anything about people obstructing driveways. My dad works in a 2nd hand car garage and about 1/4 of mile down the road is a ship-builders (sunseeker) who employ 100s of people (a lot are Polish) but only provide a handful of parking spaces. This has led to the road where my dad works being filled with sunseeker employees parking and blocking the garage's access, plus a couple of other businesses and a few residents on that road. The police don't take any notice, the bosses of Sunseeker who have been invited to see the problem themselves don't really care. The only intersted people are the parking wardens who are there everyday to catch the few that have parked on the double yellow line areas. So to resolve the issue of people parking infront of the businesses on that road the garage have resorted to bringing out an old V8 Range Rover and a hefty tow rope and physically moving the obstructing vehicals. It's a source of amusment when the employees return to find their cars dumped a few hundred yeards down the road.
      As for the pay for what roads you use will it apply to private roads? As I do a lot of my driving during the day going around the port area of Poole, which is private land and maintained by the harbour. But with this GPS tracker following me around will it know that I'm not on a proper road or just charge me becuase I'm moving.
      Hold my beer and watch this


      • #48
        For an attempt at de-coding Phony Tony's email, see HERE

        I am not a number. I am a FREE MAN!


        • #49
          That de-coding sounds like it's straight out of the notebook of one of Tone's many arse-licking assistants.
          Mike G


          • #50
            I think your irony filter may be turned up a bit too far...

            I am not a number. I am a FREE MAN!

