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small hint about veg oil

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  • #31
    Originally posted by MattF
    I haven't lost interest in the thread. Unless he tries to spout that bunkum even more prolifically, however, not much more to add. But, seeing as you've started me off again, , someone posting to ask as to whether the advice they had been given was true or not would not have been annoying. Even allowing for the statement that he may have misinterpreted some of what he was told, however, was in no way an excuse for posting what amounted to complete and utter untruth in every respect.

    Plus, the fact that someone tried to spread such misinformation on a forum where, by virtue, the benefits of both biodiesel and SVO/WVO are extolled in impartiality, and advice given with respect to which is more suitable for a persons personal requirements, without any of this 'mine's better than yours' attitude which some of the other websites do, is just asking for a verbal kicking. Physical wouldn't go amiss either, but that's moot.

    And on a finishing note, what complete and utter cretin would even think of trying to pick upon my communication and language skills as a point of argument? That goes well beyond any level of masochistic.

    well i have to say matt ,sometimes i havnt got a clue what the fcuk your on about. but in this case.
    Last edited by surfenstein; 3 February 2007, 19:58.


    • #32
      Originally posted by MattF
      And on a finishing note, what complete and utter cretin would even think of trying to pick upon my communication and language skills as a point of argument? That goes well beyond any level of masochistic.

      Hehe, true!!

      Stimpy's been a good guy in the past, judging by the time of the post and the spelling hopefully he was just back from the pub and a little jolly, add to that being misinformed by someone with an different agenda.
      4x4toys.co.uk - Keeping you on and off the road...


      • #33
        BTW, what are the chances that he will admit the acquaintance is a biodiesel producer/analyst/chemist? Methinks not a lot.

        Oh hell, you've set me off again Tony. This is a really annoying thing that they are doing. Neither of these methods have any inherent advantage over the other, as what can be classed as a weakness of one is the strength of the other, and vice versa. They both equate to roughly equal, when you take into equation the fact that one requires extra work through processing, (biodiesel), which SVO does not require, yet biodiesel has the benefit that unlike SVO, it requires no adaptation of the vehicle for it to be used as a straight replacement for diesel, (unlike SVO, which requires pre-heating). Provided, of course, the seals are made from viton or some similar material which is not prone to the aggressive properties of biodiesel.

        However, as you say, the Government for starters is siding with the biodiesel producers, (and it don't take a genius to figure out why), whilst another perfectly viable alternative is being purposefully pushed to the side because it has no fiscal incentive for the people in charge.

        That initial post could have been very misleading for someone who has no, or very little, prior knowledge of the subject. If someone looks at that post now, however, at least there is a corrective post straight underneath. It's bad enough we get shafted by the Government over this subject, without some pillock posting blatantly false information on the forum where it really could have affected or biased someones decision.

        Hell, I really do hope he does repost regarding this subject.


        • #34
          Originally posted by Woodzie
          part of a stir. thought you were still online at the time, but obviously you'd gone back to looking in the mirror and blowing kisses at yourself for having the best on the forum.

          mine's catching up fast though!
          i swear, it was like that when i got here...


          • #35
            Originally posted by TonyN
            Hehe, true!!

            Stimpy's been a good guy in the past, judging by the time of the post and the spelling hopefully he was just back from the pub and a little jolly, add to that being misinformed by someone with an different agenda.
            Must admit that I was surprised by the post coming from him. Hopefully though, if he was a tad the worse for wear last night, he might go and give his mate a good kicking for dropping him in the cr@p.


            • #36
              Originally posted by vatchman
              well i have to say matt ,sometimes i havnt got a clue what the fcuk your on about. but in this case.
              Ignore it. Occasionally the drugs wear off and I have a moment of clarity. It'll pass, don't worry.


              • #37
                Hehehe remind me not to make any sweeping declartions of my techinacle
                knowlage on ere,
                Too young to die and too old to give a toss


                • #38
                  Originally posted by ian619
                  Hehehe remind me not to make any sweeping declartions of my techinacle
                  knowlage on ere,
                  or spelling cellar dweller wannabe.....hehehehehehehe


                  • #39
                    Originally posted by stormforce1067
                    or spelling cellar dweller wannabe.....hehehehehehehe
                    And remind me not to use long words as well
                    Too young to die and too old to give a toss


                    • #40
                      Originally posted by ian619
                      And remind me not to use long words as well
                      but if people don't make spelling or grammar errors, then Matt's high horse won't get any use!

                      come on, we shouldn't be in favour of animal cruelty should we?

                      i swear, it was like that when i got here...


                      • #41
                        Originally posted by logey79
                        part of a stir. thought you were still online at the time, but obviously you'd gone back to looking in the mirror and blowing kisses at yourself for having the best on the forum.

                        mine's catching up fast though!
                        Had been up since 4 am and could not remain awake any longer



                        • #42
                          I've been following this with some interest and I have a few questions which may or may not help clarify the initial statement.
                          We are talking about the molecular structure (hydrocarbon chains) of fuels. Just to give some size relation to this argument - there are more molecules in a glass of water than there are grains of sand in all the deserts and beaches in the world!!
                          How can something so microscopically miniscule cause a problem - to say molecules are abrasive because of there length, is just pure nonsense. Dino diesel has a very long hydrocarbon chain - something like 16 carbon atoms link together with 34 hydrogen atoms (if my school memory is correct) - which is a longer & thinner chain than svo - so why isn't normal dino more abrasive???
                          The only thing that can cause bother is incorrectly processed wvo / bio, which may have particulates left in or may be slightly acidic etc.
                          The very fact that fuel filters remove particles up to 10 microns in diameter (10 one thousandths of a millimetre or 1 hundredth) says to me that anything smaller than that will not cause any damage.
                          Oh and to keep the bad language up - can I just say fcuk fcuk and fcukety fcuk. tw@t and b0ll0cks.
                          Please feel free to correct me on any point of the above, be it content, grammar, or spelling. The above is only my opinion based on my limited knowledge of molecular science and common sense.
                          Everyone thinks I'm paranoid!!


                          • #43
                            Originally posted by jaky cakes
                            I've been following this with some interest and I have a few questions which may or may not help clarify the initial statement.
                            We are talking about the molecular structure (hydrocarbon chains) of fuels. Just to give some size relation to this argument - there are more molecules in a glass of water than there are grains of sand in all the deserts and beaches in the world!!
                            How can something so microscopically miniscule cause a problem - to say molecules are abrasive because of there length, is just pure nonsense. Dino diesel has a very long hydrocarbon chain - something like 16 carbon atoms link together with 34 hydrogen atoms (if my school memory is correct) - which is a longer & thinner chain than svo - so why isn't normal dino more abrasive???
                            The only thing that can cause bother is incorrectly processed wvo / bio, which may have particulates left in or may be slightly acidic etc.
                            The very fact that fuel filters remove particles up to 10 microns in diameter (10 one thousandths of a millimetre or 1 hundredth) says to me that anything smaller than that will not cause any damage.
                            Oh and to keep the bad language up - can I just say fcuk fcuk and fcukety fcuk. tw@t and b0ll0cks.
                            Please feel free to correct me on any point of the above, be it content, grammar, or spelling. The above is only my opinion based on my limited knowledge of molecular science and common sense.
                            molecular science and common sense aside for a second...why a glass of water and not a beer, or a coke or something?
                            i swear, it was like that when i got here...


                            • #44
                              Now beer is abraisive - thats why you get a bad head!!

                              can I just add - if svo is abraisive - why didn't mr Rudolf diesel invent an engine to run on dino rather than peanut oil???
                              Everyone thinks I'm paranoid!!


                              • #45
                                Has this surf forum turned into a mad scientist forum

                                Some of you guys spent alot more time at school than i did

                                Stella Artois

