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Parking Ticket.

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  • Parking Ticket.

    Anyone know the law concerning warden still writing ticket when you drive off. I am sure i heard somewhere that it had to be on the car. I mean, i was only on double yellow for less than two minutes.
    Thanks Philip
    Still Searching,
    Dick Whittington

  • #2
    Originally posted by Philip
    Anyone know the law concerning warden still writing ticket when you drive off. I am sure i heard somewhere that it had to be on the car. I mean, i was only on double yellow for less than two minutes.
    Thanks Philip

    You'll receive it in the post.

    Once they've entered the reg. number into the machine, that's it, they can't cancel it.


    • #3
      had a similar prob a few years back , warden actually stood in the way of car actually tapped him out of way , phoned up the council parking place to explain what happened [cover my arse]they said he had to put the ticket on window, and if he stood in front of car hes prob if he got hit,
      dont know if law has changed or different rules for different areas but try fight it

      oh yeah they usually photo it now
      Only Toyota can get you out of shite


      • #4
        I think if it's on street parking it still has to be fixed to the vehicle to be legal, that's why they started to photograph them. Car parks are a different matter, they can do what they like as long as they got signs up saying so.
        =SOLD UP!=


        • #5
          it has to be attached to the vehicle or given to you by hand for it to be legal. if not it has not technically been issued
          TeaM BOFA4x4 Mac 2008



          • #6
            appeal against it as you are aloud 20 mins to load/unload your car on double yellows he must record what time he first spotted the car and then when he issued the ticket if it aint 20 mins he hasent got a leg to stand on
            I HAVE FOUND JESUS he was behind the sofa


            • #7
              The time allowed depends on where it was, i think it's governed by local bye-laws or something, or the type of road. We get 5 minutes on our road but in the town centre there are areas where they ticket you straight away and areas where they stand 20 minutes before they ticket you.
              =SOLD UP!=


              • #8
                I was just getting in my car yesterday , when one of Satan's Servents was going to put a ticket on the car . I drove off and he seemed to just push a button on his keypad and start looking for another victim . Will wait and see what happens .
                Rick...Member of 1st Gen club. ONE LIFE ... GET ONE !!


                • #9
                  Thanks All.
                  Still Searching,
                  Dick Whittington


                  • #10
                    Originally posted by nero279
                    The time allowed depends on where it was, i think it's governed by local bye-laws or something, or the type of road. We get 5 minutes on our road but in the town centre there are areas where they ticket you straight away and areas where they stand 20 minutes before they ticket you.
                    It's whatever mood they feel in at the time. Also, writing to their department is worse. They are a bunch of anal retentive, illiterate, ignorant devils. Had one around a year or so ago, in a loading bay, whilst loading, with a sign on the Surf's dash to say at which premises I was located, and they classed a six minute period where the warden hadn't noticed any visible signs of movement as an excuse for issuing a ticket. Pr1cks. Wrote several letters to their department, and received nothing but speculation, poor grammar and tardiness. Suffice to say, (as you can probably guess regarding my slight penchant with regards to correct use of the language, especially by business and government dept's), , never received any further response from them after the second or third letter, and never paid the fine either. I'll be damned If I'm going to have a civil dept writing letters that sound and look as if they have been typewritten by a fifteen year old girl with an attitude problem. Nobheads.


                    • #11
                      Originally posted by MattF
                      4x4toys.co.uk - Keeping you on and off the road...


                      • #12
                        i got a call form the walton center after claire had her brain hemorrhage telling me i should get over at about 7.30 am , and went over to find no parking , so i put the surf half on the path and half in a flower bed .
                        after about an hour i came out to find the t*t putting the ticket on the surf so had a debate with him .
                        he stopped a passing police car as he said he felt in danger and the debate got bigger addad to by two itu staff ( looking after claire ) the police told the warden to $$$$ off in the end but the ticket stood .
                        i did pay it but i phone up and gave some poor sod a nervious brakedown .
                        I was told that the warden asked to use the bog the next day and was told staff only, by the security the i had got to know over the 9 weeks the claire was in. so worth £30 all day plus i left the surf hanging out of the flowerbed all day and into the night as the police told me i got the most expensive parking spot on the site.
                        i bust things ,, it a skill i have ,,( need help?)


                        • #13
                          Originally posted by joker??
                          had a similar prob a few years back , warden actually stood in the way of car actually tapped him out of way , phoned up the council parking place to explain what happened [cover my arse]they said he had to put the ticket on window, and if he stood in front of car hes prob if he got hit,
                          dont know if law has changed or different rules for different areas but try fight it

                          oh yeah they usually photo it now
                          B@st@ards did it to me bout 12 months ago, in a council car park, tw@t had already stuck ticket on screen, cowboys at the council wouldn't cancel it s I had to get my own back. Just as well I work in the dept that their vehicles are stored. Oh dear when he came for his van 1 day it was blocked in

                          Then when he left the depot I made him walk the long way round

                          Now when I see him I always try to make sure its near a puddle!!
                          Bring me the head of a treehugger


                          • #14
                            well being a parking officer myself i find all your above comments totally out of order, and verging on a phobia, if it wasnt for people like me the roads would be chaos!!!! emergency vehicles wouldnt be able to get in certain areas, dangerous parking would jepodise the public and so on, most areas are well displayed where you can and cannot park, if you play with fire sometimes you get burnt, maybe you could all do with taking a step of your ivory 4x4 towers and have a long hard look in the mirror.

                            just kidding guys but hey i bet i got a few worked up................now how long before April fools
                            if a politition is talking its lying


                            • #15

                              ....sussed it as soon as you spelled 'parking orrifice' wrong
                              =SOLD UP!=

