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what do the POLICE do....

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  • #46
    Met a guy on our cruise last week who is a retired Asst Divisional Commander from Manchester. He was really scathing of the top brass in the police today, most of whom have never walked a beat or even understand what policing is all about. He was really $$$$ed about the guy who eventually succeeded him because despite the job being to run the division he wasn't interested in anything other than taking courses and sucking arse to ensure he climbed another rung on the promotion ladder.

    He agreed that if he was still working now he'd leave because the police are too politicised from the top down. That, useless self serving MP's and corrupt Councillors is the real problem with society today. Nobody in "authority" cares a $$$$ about the ordinary law abiding person these days other than to use them as a source of never ending tax funds. It's about time we had a revolution and took back this country from the scum that are running it for their own benefit, not ours. And if the only legitimate way is to vote BNP (since there is no one else worth voting for) then we should just go ahead and do it.
    Mike G


    • #47
      Originally posted by CaptainBeaky
      Try here for a view from the front lines...

      Excellent reading!


      • #48
        The guys on the beat do the est they can but from inspector up they turn into bank managers and look for ways to show their boss how good they are that they have saved a few quid by doing away with a police car or posting another from a shift or turning another copper into a cctv camera.

        All to win favour with the higher archy so they can get promoted.

        I have seen it over thet last 22 years getting worse and worse but still feel the public dont complain enough.

        If you bought a car from a dealer which then broke down on the motor way with a knackered engine 10 miles from the shop would you complain?

        I $$$$$$ would. But people sit back and winge rather than complain.

        Get on the phone and flood the system with genuine complaints not trivial $$$$ and things will have to change.

        They have just taken my car away fron the biggest beat in Europe so If I get an energency call I need to take the next bus!"!!!! Jobs F**ked.

        www.brydenenterprises.co.uk www.kirstyskids.org


        • #49
          I wonder how many policemen or former policemen visit this forum and do own a Surf. I am an ex-British South Africa Policeman and served my time in Rhodesia now Zimbabwe. We had respect and crime was low and we never carried firearms openly like our South African couterparts although we were in the middle of a terrorist war. We never had the sh*t that the police get over here but then that was the sixties. We also used our own discretion at times and never had targets to meet although the paperwork was still there. A few of my friends over here are policemen and I have sympathy for them. I blame the governemnt and their targets and also allowing prisoners out early to commit cimes again thus trying up the police force even more.

