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an inconvienient truth

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  • an inconvienient truth

    Just bought this DVD. I think veg oil is the way foward.
    have a look at the preview, makes me feel a little guilty about owning a 4x4
    Kite Surf

  • #2
    Personally, I've started to worry a lot less recently about this sort of thing. I worried a even less after reading through a lot of the material here.
    Paul </Slugsie>
    Immortal.so far!


    • #3
      Originally posted by surfstar
      Just bought this DVD. I think veg oil is the way foward.
      have a look at the preview, makes me feel a little guilty about owning a 4x4

      IF any damage has been done through fossil fuel burning etc blah blah, then it's been done by your governments who ARE in big indusrty that churns out more harmful emissions from one powerplant a year than all the 4x4's in the world put together!

      don't believe the propaganda and the anti 4x4 mob, it's all government sponsored BS! divide and conquer is and has always been the way that THEY get US to do what THEY want US to do! which at the moment is pay heavy 'green' taxes and argue about what cars we drive, while they carry on doing what the f**k they want to do!

      don't believe the sh1te!
      i swear, it was like that when i got here...


      • #4
        Right, so a Hollywood film company produces a film about global climate and you take it seriously?

        1) It's produced in America, the biggest abuser of rights, social or ecological.

        2) The amount of energy consumed during the production of that film is probably more than a standard household uses over five years. Really eco-friendly.

        3) It's an American Film company. Reality track record and rating: zilch.


        • #5
          Originally posted by MattF
          Right, so a Hollywood film company produces a film about global climate and you take it seriously?

          1) It's produced in America, the biggest abuser of rights, social or ecological.

          2) The amount of energy consumed during the production of that film is probably more than a standard household uses over five years. Really eco-friendly.

          3) It's an American Film company. Reality track record and rating: zilch.
          WOOOoo there! My thought plan is quiet basic, 4x4s use more fuel therefore kick out more $$$$ thus poluting more and using more natural resources. Am i wrong in saying this?
          What the heck im still shopping for a new surf.
          Kite Surf


          • #6
            prescotts jags and all the other executive motors that the government officials use ALL have worse fuel economies. but have they decided to start driving about in more economical cars? NO!

            why won't they? BECAUSE WE IDIOTS PAY FOR THEM!
            i swear, it was like that when i got here...


            • #7
              Originally posted by logey79
              prescotts jags and all the other executive motors that the government officials use ALL have worse fuel economies. but have they decided to start driving about in more economical cars? NO!

              why won't they? BECAUSE WE IDIOTS PAY FOR THEM!
              Fair point but surely its not political anymore and the "hes got a more polution causing car than me!" attitude is a bit wrong? I would have thought its each persons efforts that count.
              Kite Surf


              • #8
                Originally posted by surfstar
                WOOOoo there! My thought plan is quiet basic, 4x4s use more fuel therefore kick out more $$$$ thus poluting more and using more natural resources. Am i wrong in saying this?
                Sorry. Didn't mean it to sound like a reproach. Yes, in basis, you are incorrect. 4 wheel drive vehicles themselves are not anything specifically on the scale. It's dependent upon the vehicle, not the drivetrain options. However, it is due to America that the perception of 4x4's being so has arisen, due to their obsession with throwing 5 litre engines and upwards into everything.


                • #9
                  Originally posted by surfstar
                  Fair point but surely its not political anymore and the "hes got a more polution causing car than me!" attitude is a bit wrong? I would have thought its each persons efforts that count.
                  Couldn't agree more. However, being shafted by the people who are ten times worse than oneself is annoying, and they are also the pillocks that make it nigh on impossible to be kind to the ecology if you still want to be able to feed your kids each week, due to the exorbitant theft they impose on anything 'green'.


                  • #10
                    Originally posted by surfstar
                    WOOOoo there! My thought plan is quiet basic, 4x4s use more fuel therefore kick out more $$$$ thus poluting more and using more natural resources. Am i wrong in saying this?
                    What the heck im still shopping for a new surf.
                    Its not that simplistic, which is where the eco-nazi's are misguided.

                    You can can buy a small car, that doesn't use much fuel, but its going to be inadequate for pulling a trailer, for carrying 4 adults and luggage, taking the dogs out, carrying goods, playing offroad, etc.......

                    None of the above are illegal, you have right to them, and to buy a car that suits you needs, If you are a single guy (I know you're not) who only goes shopping and down the pub, it up to you to decide what car suits you best. If you have a horse trailer or a large family a bigger car is necessary, you know it costs more to fill up, that is the price you pay.

                    I know the planets is in a mess, that why we make a point of recycling everything possible, shopping locally for local produce, We walk to local places (unless it raining!! )

                    4x4's are an easy scapgoat, especially if you don't own one, its easy to ban something that you don't use or need. Lots of cars and vans are do just the same MPG while being less useful.

                    The whole of the UK is such a tiny % if the global pollution issues its almost embarressing, others need to pull their weight, they can tax us till we're blue in the face, if the whole of the UK lived in caves and ate leaves it wouldn't change the planet much.
                    4x4toys.co.uk - Keeping you on and off the road...


                    • #11
                      this 4x4 driver is not going to take any lessons in ecology from someone who rides about in aeroplanes!!!!
                      it's in me shed, mate.


                      • #12
                        if the government truly cared about the so called 'green' issues they wouldn't tax SVO at all. it's all about the money. we've got a little bit, and they want it all!

                        i'll use veg in the summer, but not to be green, just because it's cheaper.

                        that being said, i'm not anti-green, i recycle more then most people i know, and i love our countryside and would never ever litter.

                        it's the sh1te that goes around about being 'green'. for every truth, eg, veg oil instead of diesel is better for environment, there's a million lies and exaggerations. so in the end, lots of people who would naturally give a damn, like myself, end up not believing any of it.
                        i swear, it was like that when i got here...


                        • #13
                          Can I make a compleatly different point, the main talking point at the moment is CO2 and it does not matter what you burn in your car at the moment you produce CO2, saying that veg oil is CO2 neutral (i.e. the plant converted it from co2 to fuel) is still a rather poor excuse, unless every form of machine used in getting the fuel from the plant to your engine is also running on veg oil.
                          I met a guy the other day who had a range rover and he tried to tell me that because his was running on LPG it was better for the enviroment that running it on petrol. Maybe slightly, i.e. you dont have all the addatives but thats about it.

                          I would agree more with the fact that we should be doing more for the enviroment, i.e. recycling and planting more trees etc.

                          (Recycling is also another funny thing, they tell us we should be recycle plastics etc but then they have to use power etc to transport the plastic and to break it down etc I saw one program showing that our plastic goes to india to get recycled!!!. Why not stop using plastic altogether and use paper glass wax etc.)

                          I will admit I am no saint but I am trying. I am sure we can go on forever argueing about whats better and whats worse but in the end we will end up being taxed for it what ever they decide!


                          • #14
                            Global warming is an issue and I think that we are all awre of it although there is often much spin put on the subject. Something is changing as I remember my childhood where there actually were four seasons and you could go out in the summer without getting burnt and look forward to snow in the winter. I think those that set the rules should set examples before telling us what to do.


                            • #15
                              Here's a fact...5 of the top 15 MOST CO2 FRIENDLY vehicles are big Jeeps! (Hold the Jeep banter for a second, I think the study was American!)
                              Most of the eco-destroying 4 by 4 's owned on this site are over ten years old.

                              How much CO2 is produced in the manufacture of a new (even eco-friendly) vehicle?
                              New vehicles aren't built to last, but are designed to be replaced after only a couple of years! (More CO2 to build the replacement!)
                              How much CO2 is produced during the necessary recycling of the big 4 by 4?
                              You can happily drive your big fuel guzzling truck for years, and you won't come close to the amount of CO2 you'd contribute by changing!

                              It's not just about how much fuel you burn. It's about a vehicles total lifetime CO2 footprint.

                              (Can you tell the tree-hugging anti 4 by 4 campaigners have wound me up?)
                              Last edited by heapy; 11 January 2007, 17:42.

