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  • #16
    Originally posted by gmoncrag
    hi guys im new to all this but there is some really good advice here!! ive allready got my turbo working again. (byt attatching the little hose on the right hand side of the engine back on) and ive been keeping a keen eye on the bio diesel vedge oil debate, first off does this mean you can go to the super market buy vedge oil and put it straight in your tank? to a 20% vedg oil to 80% normal deisel and all will be ok? and secondly the government are making it so hard to do it legally whats stopping people just doin it any how and blow the government? can they dip your tank and see its got vedge in? is there any tests they can do? or will it just be the trail of hungry people behind you that gives you away? as i said soz if im been a bit thick but im new to this and it seems the governmernt dont wanna help
    also soz for the spelling and grammar but im doin this in work time and rushing!!!!!! cheers guys
    Ahem - you been warned !

    Look out Eastbourne, the Pandas are coming !


    • #17
      so you wont have to pay tax on the 1st 2500 litres?

      great idea cos i buy some sometimes then it takes me a while to use it, other times I just dont buy any for a while so i dont pay tax for a few months at a time!
      Break It,Fix It,Repeat,Break It,Fix It,Repeat


      • #18
        Chip fat fun!

        Just found out that I can get all the chip fat that I want from work (and seeing as I currently work in a hospital that's undergoing renovation with a couple of hundred Polish labourers each having chips for lunch you can imagine how much fat that is!) They pay to have it removed in rather convenient 20L drums and have said that I can have as much as I want. Beats buying it from Tescos. The only thing I have to do now is to sort out a way of filtering it. I read on here someone saying that they had a filter system set up with a couple of barrels and some mesh filters (20 microns and 5 microns?) Anyone got any good advice as to how to set up a system like this? Thanks, Simon
        Ubi est mea anaticula cumminosa?


        • #19
          pesky police

          cheers trev, for the link, just idle musings thats all, but there is always a loop hole, and say if you wasnt using lots just under the limit like what dirty dog says, wonder what will happen then :S, and if ya fill up at a propper legit bio deisel filling station, and you have got your recipt...... hmmmmmm i wonder cheers again guys keep up the good work, im off to get a cam belt change sorted, (ive reached me first 90,000) and to change me front hed light....

          surfs up dudes


          • #20
            Originally posted by SimonH
            Just found out that I can get all the chip fat that I want from work (and seeing as I currently work in a hospital that's undergoing renovation with a couple of hundred Polish labourers each having chips for lunch you can imagine how much fat that is!) They pay to have it removed in rather convenient 20L drums and have said that I can have as much as I want. Beats buying it from Tescos. The only thing I have to do now is to sort out a way of filtering it. I read on here someone saying that they had a filter system set up with a couple of barrels and some mesh filters (20 microns and 5 microns?) Anyone got any good advice as to how to set up a system like this? Thanks, Simon
            there is an ebay shop that sell the filters http://cgi.ebay.co.uk/ws/eBayISAPI.d...3661&rd=1&rd=1

            you could try them and if you figure a way of filtering let us all know!! i was thining of some sort of pump to get it filitered after leaving to stand for a while will need a strong pump though but will be looking into it!
            it never rain it pours! glad I got the 4X4


            • #21
              Originally posted by Philip
              I think they mean veg oil which has been transesterified and not SVO, which will probably carry same duty, although i can not see how they could check it, without sending sample to lab and i don't think they will bother doing that.
              Just about to send my wholehearted agreement with their proposal.
              Maybe i'll sell more Combos now!!!

              Is it you that sells the fuel cat combos i think i remembeer seeing a post somewere on here in a drunken haze saying that you. Well if you do how much will one set me back??? Do you know anything about fitting them and fitting an aftermarked top mount intercooler I will be trying to get the same set up as the lovely boyo but i think this will get in the way of the fuelcat placement!! anyone have any thoughts on this??
              it never rain it pours! glad I got the 4X4


              • #22
                Any old cloth, (muslin, cotton), for the large particle filtration, then the coffee filter papers for the finishing filter. They'll filter it to the level you need. If you stand the settling tank on a stand three feet or so above the floor, you can use a drum with a paraffin tap or suchlike fitted to gravity feed through the final filter. Just mount the tap approx' 6" above the bottom of the container.


                • #23
                  If you look here you should get a slight clue as to why they looking to change the rules - look at the first paragraph after the heading 'Second wave'

                  guess the dippings will drop - no staff left to do em !
                  Look out Eastbourne, the Pandas are coming !


                  • #24
                    Re Combo unit. Its best to ask Tony as he's the mechanic, i only sell them.
                    Still Searching,
                    Dick Whittington


                    • #25
                      Originally posted by drunkmonkeyboy
                      there is an ebay shop that sell the filters http://cgi.ebay.co.uk/ws/eBayISAPI.d...3661&rd=1&rd=1

                      you could try them and if you figure a way of filtering let us all know!! i was thining of some sort of pump to get it filitered after leaving to stand for a while will need a strong pump though but will be looking into it!
                      I remember reading something on here about a bloke who's set up a filter system using a few filters of different sizes. Think he uses a pump of some description from Machine Mart (about £30) and has connected up the lot with copper pipe. I've got a friend who's just bought a Landie and is up for some proper Biodiesel manufacture (Methanol and KOH, the works). The plan is to get the chip fat from work, run it through a normal sieve type filter to get rid of the spare chips (might make a handy snack!), let it settle in a drum and then pump the oil through the filters into another drum. We'll then add the methanol and KOH and let it do its stuff then take off the biodiesel at the end. Anyone for a bar of soap afterwards just let us know (I gather that's the remaining end product once you've used the methanol and KOH!) Mmmmm.... chip smelling soap, I reckon we could make a fortune selling that in truck stop cafes! The amount of regular diesel I'm getting through at the moment is costing a bomb, I think I could make back the money spent on getting the kit sorted out within a few weeks. Will keep you posted and hopefully have some pics up soon.
                      Ubi est mea anaticula cumminosa?


                      • #26
                        Just as a bit of bedtime reading, :


