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  • Biodiesel

    Not sure how this affects anyone on here, but I just found this on the HMRC website:


  • #2
    Mrs Jotto

    Best bit of news i have heard for a while. Its funny that they say just over one thousand people have registered, i would have thought that many more have.
    Please after reading the questionaire, i hope everyone sends in their thoughts on the matter. Maybe in the end we will have a sensible policy for small bio diesel users.
    Still Searching,
    Dick Whittington


    • #3
      probably find most of them have surfs.

      Good bit of news tho


      • #4
        Wow, thats almost sensible! (must be a catch in there somewhere!!!)

        Bet the 'Big Bio-fuel producers' will not like it, if they make a fuss it won't work. Everyone like us who is regestered needs to e-mail in and say how good an idea it is, so we're not rolled over by the big 4 or 5 commercial bio-deisel producers, who won't want to make it easy for 'home brewing'

        4x4toys.co.uk - Keeping you on and off the road...


        • #5
          I've already sent an email telling them how sensible I think this proposal is. I very much doubt it's cost effective for them to process a monthly return and small cheque every month for 1400 people if only 10 of these are significant producers!!



          • #6
            will congratulate them shortly.
            Now for the catch.... I bet the goverment now put a tax on new veg oil in the shops.... or shop owners hike the price up.
            Lets face it, the "intended" users of veg oil - cooking food trades - won't really feel the pinch if the price goes up by say 20 -30% - as this increase would no doubt be deductable from their buisness tax or be passed on to the customer who buy their fish and chips etc, but us "unintended users" would end up paying roughly the same price as derv for veg - giving the gov the tax they are no longer collecting - plus a lot more!
            Lets see what happens!
            Everyone thinks I'm paranoid!!


            • #7
              We don't buy new oil.......

              Originally posted by jaky cakes
              will congratulate them shortly.
              Now for the catch.... I bet the goverment now put a tax on new veg oil in the shops.... or shop owners hike the price up.
              Lets face it, the "intended" users of veg oil - cooking food trades - won't really feel the pinch if the price goes up by say 20 -30% - as this increase would no doubt be deductable from their buisness tax or be passed on to the customer who buy their fish and chips etc, but us "unintended users" would end up paying roughly the same price as derv for veg - giving the gov the tax they are no longer collecting - plus a lot more!
              Lets see what happens!
              4x4toys.co.uk - Keeping you on and off the road...


              • #8
                Did I just read that correctly?

                If you produce less than 2500 litres per annum, there is no requuirement to register, and hence pay duty on biofuels and fuel substitutes?

                I must still be asleep, and dreaming

                Otherwise I feel a quick trip to Makro coming on...

                I am not a number. I am a FREE MAN!


                • #9
                  My EX103 form is on its way and I've made a submission stressing the point that the reason I want to run on SVO is environmental and deregulating it will allow many more small users to benefit the environment.



                  • #10
                    I think they mean veg oil which has been transesterified and not SVO, which will probably carry same duty, although i can not see how they could check it, without sending sample to lab and i don't think they will bother doing that.
                    Just about to send my wholehearted agreement with their proposal.
                    Maybe i'll sell more Combos now!!!
                    Still Searching,
                    Dick Whittington


                    • #11
                      Originally posted by Ballibeg
                      My EX103 form is on its way and I've made a submission stressing the point that the reason I want to run on SVO is environmental and deregulating it will allow many more small users to benefit the environment.

                      This is the point I stressed in my email to mr Tony Baxter - HMCE.

                      Come on everyone - even if you don't use veg - email him and give praise!
                      Everyone thinks I'm paranoid!!


                      • #12
                        Originally posted by jaky cakes
                        Now for the catch.... I bet the goverment now put a tax on new veg oil in the shops....
                        As far as I know, they can't. Veg oil would come under essential/base food stuffs, not luxury like chocolate/coffee, thereby making it immune to their best efforts at revenue generation.


                        • #13
                          see also

                          NEWS FLASH
                          specific info on C&E site says SVO can get lower rate.

                          If you're gonna be a bear... be a Grizzly.


                          • #14
                            I've posted the link on Mud club so more peeps can give favourable feedback

                            And have responded myself too

                            Look out Eastbourne, the Pandas are coming !


                            • #15
                              bio diesel vedge oil and money grabbers

                              hi guys im new to all this but there is some really good advice here!! ive allready got my turbo working again. (byt attatching the little hose on the right hand side of the engine back on) and ive been keeping a keen eye on the bio diesel vedge oil debate, first off does this mean you can go to the super market buy vedge oil and put it straight in your tank? to a 20% vedg oil to 80% normal deisel and all will be ok? and secondly the government are making it so hard to do it legally whats stopping people just doin it any how and blow the government? can they dip your tank and see its got vedge in? is there any tests they can do? or will it just be the trail of hungry people behind you that gives you away? as i said soz if im been a bit thick but im new to this and it seems the governmernt dont wanna help
                              also soz for the spelling and grammar but im doin this in work time and rushing!!!!!! cheers guys

