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General whinge

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  • #16
    Originally posted by AndyLala
    Hey, don't complain.. keeps us all in a job...

    There is one guy who swears blind that the sun does truly shine out of his trousers... and everyone falls for it... Almost on his own he has kept me employed and earning very good money thank you very much for nigh on the last 15 years... Long may the numpties continue to fall for his Cr*p...
    Why do customers fall for it more than once, though? Getting screwed
    once should be a bit of a giveaway, but letting the same people keep
    doing it to them is just blo0dy weird.

    Granted, you know you'll end up going back in one day to sort it all out
    again, , but why do they listen to cr@p but ignore perfectly sound


    • #17
      Originally posted by Chillitt
      thank god! i thought i was the only one to have had a tw** magnet secretly implanted by space aliens... if only there was some way to reverse the polarity to repel them instead...
      You ain't alone Charlie. Not managed to reverse the field yet, but I seem
      to be making it alternate at the moment. They're coming no nearer but not
      getting any further away, either.


      • #18
        Originally posted by MattF
        Granted, you know you'll end up going back in one day to sort it all out
        again, , but why do they listen to cr@p but ignore perfectly sound


        I'm afraid it sounds like you're just one of those people that have no credibility - all you can do is struggle to hide the smile when you say "I told you so"

        I've been in the same boat for the last 30 years - I've just learned to live with it (Well most of the time anyway !)

        Life is too important to take seriously !


        • #19
          Originally posted by Predictable Bob


          I'm afraid it sounds like you're just one of those people that have no credibility
          - all you can do is struggle to hide the smile when you say "I told you so"
          At least I know what's written on the invisible sign, (to me), above my head
          now then.

          Have been known to upset people on occasion when I start chuckling when
          that happens. Weird sense of humour, possibly, but I was never very
          good at being subtle with the 'told you so' bit.

          Originally posted by Predictable Bob
          I've been in the same boat for the last 30 years - I've just learned to live with it (Well most of the time anyway !)

          It's only about once every two or three years that one specific case makes
          me cringe and really get peeved, so at least you'll all be safe from me
          whingeing for another several years.

          Must say, though, I actually spoke to the customer yesterday to complain
          about the fact these new numpties had locked me out of the network so I
          couldn't alter any settings for the new setup they'd done, and found out
          that nigh on a week after they supposedly changed this system, all the
          new kit is in and bugger all works. I know I'm still being silently ignored
          advice wise, but I have the feeling I'm going to be sorting things out a
          damned sight quicker than I was expecting. The new crew have surpassed
          even my expectations of uselessness.


          • #20
            [QUOTE=angusglover]Jeez...are you having a whinge at IT engineers in general or managers in general...FFS get out more .

            I have been in IT for over 12 years, been an engineer, manager and consultant for some of the biggest companies in this country and there is always some tw@t complaining. "IT don't know sh*t, IT didn't do that" or "my boss keeps telling me what to do..."

            Jeez...get a life...

            Sounds like you've done the whole nine yards me old mate, Very busy eh!,
            probably explains why you did'nt reply to my PM a few weeks ago, Never mind,
            Too young to die and too old to give a toss


            • #21
              As we're havin a moan, does this happen to anyone else or just me,
              I',ve had several e mails over the past few months regarding the "mods" i've done, and asking for info on how i did em etc, Being only to pleased to help,
              i've spent several hours on verious evenings typeing up a reply and pics etc, Send it off and hear no more, I dont expect eternal gratitude but you'd think they'd send a quick mail back just to say thanks for that or cheers or kiss my ar$e, Happened four times now the last being that roof bar thing, If someone helps me i'm only too pleased to thank em and do whatever i can to help them, One of em even sold me a CB radio for £50 that quite frankly i'd have given away, Perhaps i got "MUG" tattooed on me bonce that dont show up in the mirror, The're forum members but dont post (much) no names!!
              Too young to die and too old to give a toss


              • #22
                Oooh bugger! I thought I was the only one. I don't work in IT but I rely on IT to be able to do my work. My favourite saying is, "IT, constantly finding ever more complicated ways of making life easier."

                The times we have had perfectlly good systems installed then managers, presumably to justify their existance, have to keep asking for this to be tweaked, that to be tweaked, a button for this, a link to that and against the advice of the designer the whizz kidds bend over and give them what they want.

                The best fault management system I ever had to use (in a previous job unfortunately) went from ideas scribbled on a fag packet, to consulting the people at the sharp-end, (amazing - not some managers idea of what he thought would be what we wanted), handed over to the software designer/developer, installed, de-bugged and working well in less than 12 weeks. The young lady who did all the work was highly intelligent and good looking as well!
                It's only a hobby!


                • #23
                  Originally posted by ian619
                  As we're havin a moan, does this happen to anyone else or just me,
                  You definitely ain't alone, Ian. I think some of us just have the drawback of
                  being helpful. I still think that manners and general courtesy are in a
                  steady downwards decline, year after year. ( I'm really beginning to sound
                  like an old fart ).


                  • #24
                    Originally posted by kitesurf_phil
                    Oooh bugger! I thought I was the only one. I don't work in IT but I rely on IT to be able to do my work. My favourite saying is, "IT, constantly finding ever more complicated ways of making life easier."
                    A lot of admins/network engineers definitely lost the plot a while ago
                    on the I.T front. I've always been a 'least amount required to do the job
                    needed' person with regards to installations, or draconian, as most phrase
                    it. Could never see the point of all the useless bells and whistles that
                    look nice, but either do bugger all or make the system that unreliable that
                    it's next to useless.

                    Originally posted by kitesurf_phil
                    The young lady who did all the work was highly intelligent and good
                    looking as well!
                    That always helps.


                    • #25
                      Originally posted by MattF
                      Could never see the point of all the useless bells and whistles that
                      look nice, but either do bugger all or make the system that unreliable that
                      it's next to useless.

                      Not a Microsh!te fan then ??????

                      Life is too important to take seriously !


                      • #26
                        Originally posted by Predictable Bob

                        Not a Microsh!te fan then ??????

                        Did I make it that obvious?


                        • #27
                          Matt!! After posting that last night i got an email today appoligising for not replying to me, I feel guilty now, i cant win
                          Too young to die and too old to give a toss

