I'd say at this point, that you should just count the fact that your MP has had this issue brought to their attention as a good thing. The more people bring this up, the more they will realise that it is a real concern 'for the masses' and thus a potential vote winner, and thus something they should deal with.
No announcement yet.
Moan moan moan.
I forgot all about that Rob.I got mine today aswell.
Did they by any chance say that your email got filed wrong and it has only just been found again
just looked at your first pic Rob and mine is exactly the same.Seems so convenient that 2 letters were misfiled and suddenly come to light again and replies sent out the same timeLast edited by stormforce; 9 January 2007, 23:54.https://www.facebook.com/groups/henpals/
This is what gets me with the lib dems (down here anyway) is that they are wanting a greener country and all this $$$$ and they can't be bothered to reply to emails from people concerning these issues which they are campaigning for.
What really p1$$ed me off is that after 6 weeks i resent the email i sent originally and they still couldn't respond to it and then myself and Rob we both get exactly the same letters on the same day appologising.
All these political parties are the f**king same.https://www.facebook.com/groups/henpals/
I'm a bit late getting involved here having only picked up on this thread today.
I've sent a letter to both my MP's (i live within 2 constituencies).
Just wondered whether anyone has highlighted this thread to the people at www.goatindustries.co.uk ?
Just a thought, as a lot of these guys are very passionate about this subject, and could be good sources of technical information as a lot of them have been producing BioFuels for a number of years.Just Vegging Out
I just received this letter from my local MP. She sent a letter saying she would pass my letter to Gordon Brown, and she has now sent the reply from the MP responsible for Biofuels etc.
There is a lot of jargon and buzz words, but I think the gist of it is that they won't be reducing the level of duty on Straight Vegetable Oil because they are anticipating a huge increase in the amount of Biofuels being used, so will be taxing it at the point of purchase (when you buy it from the pump). this doesn't give us any more detail about adding pure Vege to the tank, so if anyone is willing to send this guy another letter highlighting the Pure Vege option, I would be happy to send one too.
If anyone gets a different conclusion from this letter, then please post a reply up here.
DaveJust Vegging Out
I just looked to see what my MP does and what she is into, turns out she is into environmental issues like wind famrs and stuff.. so the letter may open her eyes?
I will also get one in the local paper in the readers writes..
I am a member of a Landy owners club so will have a look on there and see if anyone is using cooking oil and if they are will post the letter..-=I swear to drunk I'm not god=-
Just found this which may be of use. Sorry if someone else has posted it.
I have just sent the letter to 2 MP's and 8 MEP's in one hit but I will also post them hard copies.-=I swear to drunk I'm not god=-