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4x4 Bashing again

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  • 4x4 Bashing again

    Another anti 4x4 rant in the Mail this week - link here http://www.dailymail.co.uk/pages/liv...n_page_id=1770

    This really upset my wife, who is getting quite bolshie in her advancing years (note to self - don't let her see this thread), so much so that she sat down and wrote an e-mail to the paper this morning (below). I thought it was quite good, even though she doesn't really like driving the Surf because of its size.

    To: 'letters@dailymail.co.uk'
    Subject: "Chelsea Tractors"


    So some-one else (Jill Parkin) is jumping on the band-wagon and trying to
    tax 4x4's from our roads. Please leave us alone.

    There is another group of people who NEED large, heavy vehicles, and my
    husband and I are in that group. We enjoy our lovely caravan holidays and
    weekends spent in rural England - no need to pour huge amount of jet-fuel waste into the atmosphere. Whilst on holiday "leg-power" fuels some of our outings, as we like to take our push-bikes. We spend our wages in Britain, benefiting these rural economies.

    We like a little luxury so have invested in a fixed bed caravan where we can sleep comfortably. This not a huge twin-axle model, and is now more than 3 years old (and made in England), but to tow it safely we need a car which is "fit for purpose". It is not a "£40,000 toy", but a very modest 13 year-old 4x4. This was the affordable option for us to continue with our holidays.

    In addition, I need a car to get to work - using public transport
    to get to the other side of neighbouring town is impracticable - so have a
    small family car which is used for most of our other journeys, and our 4x4
    is kept for towing and for the times when we both need to drive at the same time.

    Who is damaging the environment (and our British economy) the most? Is it us, who will keep this caravan and car until we are priced out of them by the media who have the bit between their collective teeth, and have decided that anyone with a 4x4 must be either a "high-earning alpha male" or a "trophy wife" (I especially resent that last comment from Ms Parkin). Or is it the couple who jet off to various parts of the world 2 or 3 times a year.

    "Mrs Gas-Guzzler"
    Christine Gleeson
    Mike G

  • #2
    Posted my two penneth worth - for what that's worth!
    Another member of the 'A' team


    • #3
      They've removed your comments, Boyo!

      I am not a number. I am a FREE MAN!


      • #4
        And I can't post a comment from work, due to the firewall.

        I am not a number. I am a FREE MAN!


        • #5
          Replied to what is a truly moronic article. Christ, how do these 'so called' journos get work?!

          Oh, hang on, it's the Daily Fascist... thats how.
          Cutting steps in the roof of the world


          • #6
            They've had my thoughts on the matter too. I also noticed that the subject of Richmond Council came up on Question Time last night with, as usual, gas guzzlers & 4x4s being lumped together. I really think a lot of this is to do with envy rather than anything else!


            • #7
              put my comments in
              Only Toyota can get you out of shite


              • #8
                Added my comments.
                Paul </Slugsie>
                Immortal.so far!


                • #9
                  added my tuppence worth


                  • #10
                    Originally posted by The Lovely Boyo
                    Posted my two penneth worth - for what that's worth!
                    me too
                    Powered by ????


                    • #11
                      Added mine too!
                      Nil illegitimi carborundum


                      • #12
                        Added mine too,

                        but noticed it's not been updated since 25th October - hmmmmmm do we spot censorship here ?

                        Look out Eastbourne, the Pandas are coming !


                        • #13
                          i bet this journo lives in a cave and hangglides to work too. another one of these people who 'recycles' to make themeselves feel self righteous without actually giving a monkeys reeeeeaaally.
                          665 the neighbour of the beast


                          • #14
                            Added mine too !!


                            • #15
                              These people make my blood boil!

                              My comments are in too
                              Bring me the head of a treehugger

