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  • #31
    One of the biggest mistakes made was phaseing out the old electric "trolly" busses and replaceing em with diesiels, i believe many other countrys have gone back to electric for their public transport, That would make a difference to the emmisions problem, same for the railways, they cut em back and as a result the roads are crouded with heavy good veh's
    (prob get a dig frome the truckers on here) if the rail ways were expanded and all electrified then most freight could be moved by rail, we used to have a large goods yard at fratton with only short haul deliverys from there by smaller trucks, Now it's a McDonalds, a B&Q and several other usual suspects, these days it's all speed, next day delivery, the got to have it now
    mentality that goes these days, I'm not saying that life was better on those days but do we really need to live life so f**king fast
    Too young to die and too old to give a toss


    • #32
      Originally posted by ian619
      One of the biggest mistakes made was phaseing out the old electric "trolly" busses and replaceing em with diesiels, i believe many other countrys have gone back to electric for their public transport, That would make a difference to the emmisions problem, same for the railways, they cut em back and as a result the roads are crouded with heavy good veh's
      (prob get a dig frome the truckers on here) if the rail ways were expanded and all electrified then most freight could be moved by rail, we used to have a large goods yard at fratton with only short haul deliverys from there by smaller trucks, Now it's a McDonalds, a B&Q and several other usual suspects, these days it's all speed, next day delivery, the got to have it now
      mentality that goes these days, I'm not saying that life was better on those days but do we really need to live life so f**king fast
      you saying about the trains Ian.When the steam engines were fazed out and then the disiel took over while they started to develope the electric trains but they apparentley say it cost too much to put all trains to electric thats why parts of the coutry have it and others are still diseil


      • #33
        i wanna be a train driver!
        nee nar nee nar, i'm a fire engine!


        • #34
          Originally posted by stormforce1067
          you saying about the trains Ian.When the steam engines were fazed out and then the disiel took over while they started to develope the electric trains but they apparentley say it cost too much to put all trains to electric thats why parts of the coutry have it and others are still diseil
          I know when i was a kid (back in nineteen hundred and frozen to death) the southern region was electric and when we changed in london going up north it was all steam, still remember the thrill of those big engines, also the trolly buses use to be a pain as the pick up hooks were allways falling off, the conductor (remember them) was always haveing to get this long wooden pole frome under the bus and hook em back on again, especially at the guildhall junction, expect with the technogoly about these days they could devise summat a bit more relyable,
          Too young to die and too old to give a toss


          • #35
            Originally posted by ian619
            I know when i was a kid (back in nineteen hundred and frozen to death) the southern region was electric and when we changed in london going up north it was all steam, still remember the thrill of those big engines, also the trolly buses use to be a pain as the pick up hooks were allways falling off, the conductor (remember them) was always haveing to get this long wooden pole frome under the bus and hook em back on again, especially at the guildhall junction, expect with the technogoly about these days they could devise summat a bit more relyable,
            Trolleys have 1 problem, they are almost silent, you can't hear em coming - hmmmmmmmmmm

            That should remove a few chavs

            Look out Eastbourne, the Pandas are coming !


            • #36
              Originally posted by UDTrev
              Trolleys have 1 problem, they are almost silent, you can't hear em coming - hmmmmmmmmmm

              That should remove a few chavs

              just like the new virgin trains.when we're out on track working (i did say working) you cant hear them coming around the corner like the old 125's until they're right on you


              • #37
                as far as im concerned i pay my insurance, my road tax,my mot,i put heavily taxed fuel in my 4x4 and i will drive what i want where i $$$$$$ want to...except london maybe as i got no money left for congestion charge now lol


                • #38
                  vote against 'em here:



                  • #39
                    Looks like the no's are in the lead, just!
                    Too young to die and too old to give a toss

