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  • #16
    Originally posted by M35A2
    Viva La Canada Vince..
    now that is the one place i would like to live and always have


    • #17
      good boy tony but what were you doing up there with your Truck
      Enjoying Life after Cancer


      • #18
        I was walking the dogs and drove up the byway.
        4x4toys.co.uk - Keeping you on and off the road...


        • #19
          Just the way it's going in this country, $hite everywhere, yob's everwhere, less services for yer money, Been looking at property's in france the last few week's, (on the net that is), some good priced places, rural not city's, seriously thinking about it with the way things are going here, you pick those bottles up and put em in a bag out with the bin and they wont take em, take em to the recycleing tip and they might not take em either, wot do you do???
          not condoneing what those Wa*kers did though, It's comeing to something when you got to use stealth to get rid of rubbish, bit at a time hidden in the bottom of the wheelie bin, i mean for f**ks sake, He's an example:- i phoned the council for em to pick up my old garage door, willing to pay for this of course, first thing the girl said there will be a charge for it, i said ok, she said we'll have to send someone round to have a look at it first to make sure it'll fit on the truck, i said ok when, week after next she said, then we will tell you how much it's going to be, so when will you pick it up then i said, probably the week after that she said, so thats three weeks time i said, yes,
          she said and what colour is it? blue i said, are the blue ones more expensive to get rid of then, there arnt many loose garage doors leaning up against the side of garage's up here, you cant miss it, and what if it blows over on someone in the three weeks before you come, no answer, i said forget it,
          my nabour took it the next day for nowt (scr@p), here endith the lesson
          Last edited by POPEYE; 3 October 2006, 23:12.
          Too young to die and too old to give a toss


          • #20
            $$$$$$ asylum seekers lol


            • #21
              Hey tony, if you stand that lot up side down for an hour or two, you will probably end up with over a litre FOC!! better than nought.
              (probably not that env. friendly, but I use 2 or 3 empties to light my bonfires)
              Did I mention I have a BLUE one

