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Is this anyone here ?

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  • Is this anyone here ?

    Whose a clever boy then ?

    Look out Eastbourne, the Pandas are coming !

  • #2
    at least it's a decent motor to do a demo on


    • #3
      Originally posted by UDTrev

      Not that clever, he's washing that truck with manky bath water, I hope he chamois it off quick before it dries!


      • #4
        What an ars*hole. Got to give him his due for making a go of the business,
        but comes up with a thought and several months later thinks he's an expert
        on water policy. Tw*t.


        • #5
          Originally posted by MattF
          What an ars*hole. Got to give him his due for making a go of the business,
          but comes up with a thought and several months later thinks he's an expert
          on water policy. Tw*t.
          Bit harsh, isn't it?!?!?!
          It just does, OK?


          • #6
            Originally posted by dave.j.robbo
            Bit harsh, isn't it?!?!?!
            Not really. He is a prime example of the do-gooder. His intention may be
            meant with the best of intent. But what is the old saying?

            People like that ought to concentrate on their own lives, or at least come up
            with suggestions that have a truly beneficial effect with no caveats, or literally
            keep their gob shut. Do-gooders are the reason we have so many anal
            retentive rules and such.


            • #7
              im with you matt on this, no need for silly statements from him... plus he is looking to make a few quid no doubt
              Break It,Fix It,Repeat,Break It,Fix It,Repeat


              • #8
                Whats he on about?! Spouting all that 'green' stuff despite driving a gas guzzling planet killing 4x4!!!

                Cutting steps in the roof of the world


                • #9
                  I thought his comments were perfectly reasonable. At least if everyone had a water meter, the water companies couldn't frig the stats as to how much is being lost by leakage i.e. Litres pumped into system minus litres used should be about the same.
                  I don't need one of those gedgets. When we put our bath in I fitted two plug holes. One goes into the waste pipes, the other goes outside to a hose. I haven't had a visit yet for watering the front garden with a hose - I guess nobody has got the wrong idea and grassed me up.
                  I have said before that we shouldn't be flushing the bog, washing our clothes, cleaning our cars and watering the garden with drinking quality water. I am replacing my two water butts with a larger tank and using the supply from my wind generator to pump the water to the hose. It is situated conveniently near to the composter and the wormery. Home grown tomato anyone?
                  It's only a hobby!


                  • #10
                    Phil, the difference is that you're not trying to alter what everyone gets stuck
                    with just because it's possibly a good idea. Trying to enlighten people, yes, I've no
                    problem with that. If, however, you had done your mods and then tried lobbying
                    authorities to have it enforced upon everyone else 'just because', that is where
                    the tw*t status kicks in. If he started on a crusade to get Government to supply
                    every home with water recycling and storage facilities and, once every home
                    had those supplied, *THEN* tried pushing for metering, again, that would be
                    different. However, the man is a five minute genius who also happens to have
                    a complete prickbrained idea to which he thinks: "Why don't I just f*ck everybody
                    over because I think it's a good idea".

                    As I said earlier, a good idea is good when there are no caveats. A bad idea can
                    be made good if you neutralise the caveats first. However, a good idea with
                    caveats is a bad idea.

                    Not a pick at you, BTW Phil. Just pointing out the problem. In this specific
                    example, in this country, we are paying ever increasing water rates. For that,
                    we have water on tap, (generally). However, the water retainment system is
                    literally something that was designed to cover the requirements of a bygone
                    era, and has not been uprated to a suitable degree with regards to the growth
                    in population. If the problem was addressed at the level of helping people to
                    recycle and reuse by supplying the necessary equipment, and then penalising
                    excess use, that I could see a reasoning behind. That chaps efforts at pushing
                    metering upon everyone with no consideration of negating the large effect and
                    problems that would cause puts him severely in the category of:

                    *&*IUGJBHILUP^^%*^& _&**^&%GJB><J:P*^*()

                    It's like putting a bunch of born rich, public school boys who've never had to
                    do a proper days work in their life and whom have no idea of what a normal
                    persons life is like, in charge of the country. Just look where that got us.

                    My apologies for running off on a rant, BTW. It's just that my patience with the
                    policy makers and do-gooders has reached zilch.
                    Last edited by MattF; 9 August 2006, 01:57.


                    • #11
                      Originally posted by kitesurf_phil
                      I am replacing my two water butts with a larger tank and using the supply from my wind generator to pump the water to the hose. It is situated conveniently near to the composter and the wormery. Home grown tomato anyone?
                      You're not married to Felicity Kendall by any chance?

                      My Pointer ate the dog trainer


                      • #12
                        Originally posted by Gamedawn
                        You're not married to Felicity Kendall by any chance?
                        I wouldn't have minded when she was in her Good Life days.
                        It's only a hobby!


                        • #13
                          "Prickbrained idea"

                          It's all sensationalist nonsense. We have now been having this 'crisis' for exactly thirty years, ever since we first started putting bricks in our cisterns.

                          I'm totally with Phil on the recycled water / wormery / whole good life thing but people have doing that for years - my Gran (and everyone else's no doubt) had a compost heap that all the food s$$$$s went on, and bottle banks have been around for Donkey's. There is a gradual change in attitude going on and the level of recycling, water conservation etc is increasing, as it needs to in line with population growth. However, there are two indisputable facts that you have to remember:

                          1. Water doesn't go anywhere. When it evaporates, it rains. The problem is not the amount of water, it is storing a sufficient amount of it when it rains to still have it available when it is dry.

                          2. I build new homes for a living, and they are all fitted with water meters. Hence, all homes will eventually have water meters as old ones are demolished and new ones replace them. People can stop going on about it because it will eventually happen, and there is no need to start bringing in new legislation because what we already have is dealing with the problem over time and without casuing any distress to anyone. Most new homes are now also required to meet strict guidelines on carbon emissions, water usage etc etc.

                          Finally, if he needs to wash his car he should be doing it on his lawn (to water the grass too) and at night (to minimise evaporation) but it's a surf and it's supposed to be filthy anyway.


                          • #14
                            i don't wash my car, or water the garden... if i have a turd then i flush the loo, just a wee, then i go against the wheel... i usually clean my teeth with NO water (cos i get up late and do it in the car!)... always a shower, never a bath...

                            it's called being lazy... so how can it really be hard to conserve water?
                            nee nar nee nar, i'm a fire engine!


                            • #15
                              well if the bloke in the article is on here i can't see him shouting up now...
                              it's in me shed, mate.

