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Warning !!!!!!!!

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  • #16
    Our full condolences to you and yours on your loss. We know what its like losing a dog We have 6 Bloodhounds who are not coping well with the weather.
    Trust your Hound.


    • #17
      Guide dogs are not working or training any dogs in this heat, the only way mine goes out is in the Surf with AC on and then its to lakeside shopping centre to walk in the cool.

      Sorry for your lose but thanks for thinking of others and taking the time to post such a timely reminder to us all

      All the best tony

      p.s Patsy says thanks to


      • #18
        Originally posted by deegz
        dont wanna make any fun of the situation, but would you like to borrow one or two of mine for a week, i could really do with the rest, you may need a small bank loan for the food bill tho....

        sorry neil aint got the room .............................. .cos i spoke to the breeder who is a a very good friend of mine he was well gutted especially for my wife who had just recieved her bronze @ silver good citizens with the bulldog,
        so he had a dicussion with hes wife over our loss and they both decided to offer a dog (12 weeks old) to us which they kept back from a later litter to show but bred the same way bred as freddie (my bitch)
        i decided to take him up on this offer not as a replacement for my bitch (nothing will do that) but something to stop my wife and daughter...................... .....................and myself pondering over our loss,
        i hope it works
        had to drive down to portsmouth tonight to pick up the puppy only time ever my wife thought i drove too slow lol
        so hopefully we will have this little fellah for a long long time and my wife would like to say a big thank you as well
        matt dogs do whatever they want it dosent matter if its freezing or boiling if they want to play its playtime !! the only way i can describe them is like little kids ,FREDDIE
        Last edited by joker??; 22 July 2006, 02:35.
        Only Toyota can get you out of shite


        • #19
          I mis-read your 1st post i thought it was a boxer for some reason but those bulldogs are such lovely dogs and it was very considerate of your friends to let you have another one.It took 12monthe b4 i got another dog
          a Gordon Setter and he is so much like the 5 yr old i lost a year b4.I hope you enjoy having the new pup as much as i have enjoyed the last 3yrs with my new one.the wife and myself still getting his name wrong even now and then you stop and think about what you have just done and it makes me happy as i know i dont forget him.Good luck with him and hope he's everything your last on e was


          • #20
            I'm really sorry to hear about your dog and know how you must be feeling.

            My wife and I lost the younger of our two boxers, Dylan, to a rare tumour on his spinal cord. He was two and a half years old when diagnosed and whent through a major operation and three months of chemo-therapy but finally lost the battle at a little under three years old. Having gone through all that in such a brave fashion we had become extremely attached to him and still miss him lots a year on.


            Dylan is the one on the left.

            I know, like us, you would have given your dog the best time when he was with you and it is the fact that it could not have had a better home and life whilst with you that you must remember.

            Best regards


            • #21
              to all you people who have lost dogs i really feel for you ,
              yes we do call bullseye freddie and call him she( i hope he dont grow up with a complex ) lol
              i understand people who dont have a dog for a long time after a loss it is hard to come to terms with ,
              when i lost a dog many many years ago i didnt want another dog ever ,
              till i was down the park with a friend who is a dog trainer and behaviour specialist she had a black lab with her that had to be rehomed (nutty owner )anyway she asked me to walk him as she had another two dogs in her van that she wanted to make sure he was allright with ................yes you guessed it he came home with me , had him about 9 years now what a sucker lol

              panrixx ... dylan looked a lovely dog ..so sorry
              freddie will never be forgotten she will allways be cherished in our hearts and minds just like the ones on this site who have lost there pets whatever animal
              Only Toyota can get you out of shite


              • #22
                A labrador is my choice of dog! i love em, my wife however would like a chow
                (not sure if thats what there called, there a big brown dog with lots of folding skin on their face) answer is one of each i guess, Yeah know what you mean, we said we'd never have any more chins after the last old one died
                it was a real friendly thing (except with kids, not a bad judge eh!) and was always ready for a fuss or a mock punch-up with my hand, never knew they wagged their tails till we had that one and now our other old one is doing it, he also eats any fruit (which their not supposed to do ) and a drop of wine,
                which their also not supposed to do, then we took in two young males that a mate of mine wanted rid of, so there ya go, three chins, 1 terrapin, two catfish and a pond full of goldfish and koi,
                Too young to die and too old to give a toss


                • #23
                  believe it or not, the only reson i got my first surf was cos i could"nt find manyt cars that they would all fit into, then i realised they had a leccy rear window for them to hang out of, what a result, so its down to my hounds that i"m on this forum, i"ll tell you what joker, take bullseye down to the local park, he"s gonna be a right f***y magnet (sorry mrs joker )
                  Attached Files
                  the b****y dogs have been at it again


                  • #24
                    Sorry to hear of your loss. Losing a dog leaves a big gap. We lost Lady last year to old age but won't consider another dog until we retire. It just wouldn't be fair with me working 12hr shifts.
                    Good luck with the new fella.
                    It's only a hobby!


                    • #25
                      Sorry to hear about your loss dude! If I lost my spaniels me and the wife would be heartbroken. I even bought them a gazebo to get some shade when we are at work. It doesn't matter how hot it is, young dogs will always want to go for a walk. I can only offer a small consolation in that at least it was quick. I would also hate to see any animal or human suffer unneccesarily. Hope you and the family get through it OK!
                      Nil illegitimi carborundum


                      • #26
                        take bullseye down to the local park, he"s gonna be a right f***y magnet (sorry mrs joker )

                        lol my mrs is well wise to to the way women act with a puppy lol

                        i aint seen the pup most of the day (neighbours love him)

                        got my surf for the similar reason deagz fed up with estate cars so decided 4x4 ended up paj or surf

                        k/phil i can understand your position what with work
                        i only do 3 days a week , daughter does shifts so theres usually someone home

                        cheers ace yes i was glad it was quick ,i dont know how panrixx or other managed with long term illnesses of there pets ?
                        Only Toyota can get you out of shite


                        • #27
                          [QUOTE=joker??]take bullseye down to the local park, he"s gonna be a right f***y magnet (sorry mrs joker )

                          lol my mrs is well wise to to the way women act with a puppy lol

                          you could always borrow a mates cute baby and get yourself down to tesco on a saturday.... single women galore... i think i"d better shut up now cos this is the wifes computer, lol......
                          the b****y dogs have been at it again


                          • #28
                            to mrs deagzlol if your husband goes missing our lips are no one will
                            Only Toyota can get you out of shite


                            • #29
                              Originally posted by joker??
                              to mrs deagzlol if your husband goes missing our lips are no one will
                              and if he suddenly gets a new puppy then you know whats going on......lol


                              • #30
                                Joker - Sorry to hear about your loss mate. its horrible to loose a dog, i never know which is worse, when its sudden or when you know its coming. growing up we lost a GSDxcollie suddenly (about 17 years ago), she was about 5, she trotted into the farm yard for work on morning and keeled straight over with a heart attack. Then about 7 years ago we lost a pedigree GSD on her 4th birthday. turns out she's got too close to a cows swinging hoof and it'd caused massive internal bleeding and she died within hours. all other dogs have died with old age. Each one is buried under a different tree in the garden and we remember them all.

                                Deegz - I'd happily borrow your dogs, but its 2 weeks til our wedding so we're a bit busy at the mo.

                                There again we go to see our pup for the first time on saturday, and its only 6 weeks now until the little Great Dane will be coming home. He's the only reason i bought the Surf in the first place!

                                Just trying to raise my postcount!

