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Warning !!!!!!!!

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  • Warning !!!!!!!!

    just got in from having to bury my 10 month bulldog bitch(not very nice )
    took her out this morning for a short walk when all of a sudden breathing went laboured and she keeled over , no other warning than that!!!!!!
    i consider myself faily knowledgeable on dogs had em all my life go to training classes etc, so i must admit it was a right blow to me and my family,
    im not after sympathy just warning people to be very careful with there dogs in this weather
    yes i did try clear her airways and dunk her in cold water but it was to late
    being a bulldog it didnt help,
    the vet said they have had a few go over in the last few days so if you have got dogs be carefull !!!!!!!!
    Only Toyota can get you out of shite

  • #2
    being huge dog lovers me and the missus cant say how sorry we are to hear your bad news, we"d be gutted to loose any of ours.....wont try to give any ideas why it happened, dont know much about the breed or the circumstances, will just offer our condolences instead.... sorry bud
    the b****y dogs have been at it again


    • #3
      we are big dog lovers ourselves so we know what you are feeling like after losing 1 of ours 4 years ago,and 1 of our others was diagnosed with a tumour Friday b4 last and went in for a operation last monday and paid to have the lump bi-opsyed which the results came back yesterday and thankfully it was bonine.
      sorry again about your loss


      • #4
        Very sorry to hear this Dave, We are big amimal lovers and whatever your pet you really become attached to them, I believe bulldogs do suffer with breathing/respatory problems which i think is just down to the breed, This weather must be hell for them, We dont have a dog but would like one altough haveing chinchilla's its prob not a good idea, We are haveing enough problems keeping them cool, they hate this heat and just lay there panting even with a fan on them, I know it broke my heart when we had to have our old chin and a turtle put down, both suffered total organ failure, anyway sorry mate, ian
        Too young to die and too old to give a toss


        • #5
          Sorry to hear that Dave... I must watch out for the Girlfriends Mutt...it likes to play... but he's a big dog too, and he has been panting quite a bit in the hot weather..

          Back in the day Baby


          • #6
            That's terrible Dave. Sorry to hear about it.


            • #7
              thanks for all the kind words my missus and me really apppreciate them

              yes the bulldogs do suffer badly with breathing probs ,our one had a smaller airway than most , but was really active which didnt help

              ian my missus has got two chinny's (i said chinnys)and the dogs get on fine with them went to buy one and got sucker punched into taking two lol

              vultch dont let the dog play whilst the weather is this hot you wont get no warning but dont get paranoid if he does look hot hose him down
              Only Toyota can get you out of shite


              • #8
                Sorry to hear that, Dave.

                We've just lost one of our cats the same way, probably heart failure due to the heat (big cat, thick coat, heart murmur). Lot of animals having difficulty with the weather at the mo'
                We have a bull terrier on loan to our theatre group (playing Bullseye - Bill Sikes' dog - in Oliver!) and he is needing a lot of TLC in this heat. The worst bit is not being able to give him any attention - he mustn't act friendly to any of the cast except the bloke playing Sikes and his on-stage handler...
                (V difficult for a dog-lover!) Dog has his own shelter, water supply etc - better provided for than the chorus

                I am not a number. I am a FREE MAN!


                • #9
                  Originally posted by CaptainBeaky
                  Sorry to hear that, Dave.

                  We've just lost one of our cats the same way, probably heart failure due to the heat (big cat, thick coat, heart murmur). Lot of animals having difficulty with the weather at the mo'
                  We have a bull terrier on loan to our theatre group (playing Bullseye - Bill Sikes' dog - in Oliver!) and he is needing a lot of TLC in this heat. The worst bit is not being able to give him any attention - he mustn't act friendly to any of the cast except the bloke playing Sikes and his on-stage handler...
                  (V difficult for a dog-lover!) Dog has his own shelter, water supply etc - better provided for than the chorus

                  watch this space !!!!!!!
                  Only Toyota can get you out of shite


                  • #10
                    Originally posted by joker??
                    just got in from having to bury my 10 month bulldog bitch(not very nice )
                    took her out this morning for a short walk when all of a sudden breathing went laboured and she keeled over , no other warning than that!!!!!!
                    i consider myself faily knowledgeable on dogs had em all my life go to training classes etc, so i must admit it was a right blow to me and my family,
                    im not after sympathy just warning people to be very careful with there dogs in this weather
                    yes i did try clear her airways and dunk her in cold water but it was to late
                    being a bulldog it didnt help,
                    the vet said they have had a few go over in the last few days so if you have got dogs be carefull !!!!!!!!

                    Man this is awfull, Can't imagine how you are coping! I love my dogs so much I even named myself on here after one of them "Phoebe" so I can bet you are feeling very sad. Hope you can both recover......

                    Words are not enough.............. Its devastating

                    All the best m8

                    I used to have a surf me!


                    • #11
                      i know nothing about dogs... but i'd imagine it would be best to just let them out in the garden where they can run if they want or sit in the shade???

                      leave a big bowl/bucket of water... i drink 5 litres in this weather, so more than that for a big dog?

                      don't dogs just sit down if they don't wanna do something??
                      nee nar nee nar, i'm a fire engine!


                      • #12
                        Originally posted by joker??
                        watch this space !!!!!!!
                        dont wanna make any fun of the situation, but would you like to borrow one or two of mine for a week, i could really do with the rest, you may need a small bank loan for the food bill tho....
                        the b****y dogs have been at it again


                        • #13
                          Originally posted by da SLUG man
                          i know nothing about dogs... but i'd imagine it would be best to just let them out in the garden where they can run if they want or sit in the shade???

                          leave a big bowl/bucket of water... i drink 5 litres in this weather, so more than that for a big dog?

                          don't dogs just sit down if they don't wanna do something??

                          The thing is Matt you are supposed to drink water not ale....

                          Sorry about the loss chap my poor ole boxer numb nuts is suffering big time if his tongue got any bigger it would be dragging on the floor....
                          Im not a gynacologist but ill have a look


                          • #14
                            that's awful fella, especially given her age, and those circumstances...jeez feel for you big time there. i can only walk the wolf after dark this last week and he just sits in front of the air con all day and must be so knackered because he been lying down to eat!

                            been hosing him in the garden everyday too and the floors in the house are in a right mess now!
                            i swear, it was like that when i got here...


                            • #15
                              My 14 year old retriver is suffering badly as to the point that we can not walk her at all at the moment

