Originally posted by Woodzie
boys.....boys - behave yourself
didn't think you were having a go but sometimes a posting leads to all sorts having an ill informed pop - so just thought I would protect 'the lads'
why still burning after 30 hrs?
fire in woodland can burn underground in the peat and woodland litter for weeks. We have a sawmill waste pile in devon (it is massive) that has been burning underground for years!! - comes to the surface every now and then - the lads go back and pump a few thousand galls of water in it to knock it back
latent heat and most of the fire fighting would have been with beaters - no cooling effect and with the small ammount of water used (reletivly speaking) the heat stays in the ground
every thing is tinder dry so re ignition is common
sparks and hot spots can go unnoticed untill a bit of wind
how often if you have had a camp fire or bonfire have you seen it still burning the next day?, these fires had large bushes and trees involved
also gorse has natural spirit in it even when green - a bit like turps, good for fire lighting
lesson 1 over!! but you did get me going on my subject!!!