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  • #16
    hope you ok m8, the little $$$$s want a gud kicking!!!!!!!

    I once got into deep deep trouble for protecting my self from two guys with what i thought was a real gun, me and the girlfreind at the time were sat on some steps outside a night club in germany when two guys put a gun to my head and demanded all my cash, there wasnt a lot in mi wallet anyway!!! so i was all brave and sorted the problem out should we say!!! but then i ended up in a german nik for the night for protecting my self...

    it didnt end there cause the **ats pressed chargers aganst me for putting one of them in hospital.. they said they was just having a joke and it wasnt a real gun!!!!! some f****** joke......

    CHEERS JOHN................


    • #17
      Originally posted by kitesurf_phil
      I was supposed to be at work today but I got mugged after getting off the train last night. Four onto one is not fair odds!

      The good news is that the police think they had three of the scumbags in custody within ten minutes of it happening. I had a couple of coppers sitting in our kitchen from 1AM until 4AM this morning taking my statement. I heard that they did somebody else who had to be interviewed in hospital. At least they didn't touch me physically. I just feel a bit of a twit for having cut through the same park, day or night, for nearly twenty years without incident. The $$$$$$$s had the cheek to tell me it was my own fault for being stupid.

      They only got £4.80 off me and were stupid enough to let me keep my "c r a p" mobile phone, which I used to dial 999.

      At least I am in one piece, athough I still feel a little shakey.
      PHIL. The Criminal Injuries Board have been tipped off that this is a scam due to the fact that im getting a 3rd gen soon & POPS said your jealous.
      Honestly mate im glad your OK & i hope that those responsible get their cumupance.


      • #18
        Very sorry to hear this Phil, Its been said but thank god your OK! Really hope these ba$tards go down for this and the others they've mugged, My wife worries herself sick when i go into ports on a friday night, I would'nt stand a
        chance at my age, my ar$e kicking days are over, I've promised myself that if i got attacked and it looked like they were gonna do for me that i would try and latch onto one of em and bit a big piece out of his face so he'd remember me for the rest of his life, Iguess its a different matter when it happens though, Take it easy mate, Ian
        Too young to die and too old to give a toss


        • #19
          As everyone is saying, sorry to hear what happened, but glad you are ok, let's hope the scroats get a dose of their own medicine soon.

          Look out Eastbourne, the Pandas are coming !


          • #20
            Glad your ok Phil and the scroats get what they deserve


            • #21
              society today im afraid
              hope your well m8
              your ego has been knocked for six but you will bounce back

              do they still read the perps addresses out in court?
              thats how i sorted a similar problem out but like slim i got into a bit of bother for it
              at the end of the day................ it gets dark


              • #22
                Scum Bags

                give em what they deserve back to old skool rules if it aint yours dont ****ing touch it good to hear your ok
                MOVE IT OR LOOSE IT


                • #23
                  as long as they parked on yellow line outside they will get what they deserve, other than that no one will be interested. The dont give out medals and promotions nor are their any cash incentives for prosecuting the sort of crimes that really matter to 95% of the public.
                  Parts of your engine go up, stop then go back! Mm!


                  • #24

                    It seems to me that the only way to deal with this effectively is to adopt the tactics that ensure no Police retribution !

                    Sounds like a group of unidentifiable blokes in dark clothing jumping the victims and proceeding to knock seven bells out of them , stealing their dosh and laughing all the way to the curry house .........

                    Glad you're OK - but personal experience says the shock will be there for a while

                    Life is too important to take seriously !


                    • #25
                      There is nothing you can do but take it on the chin and be grateful you didn't take it up the a**e. I once had a knife pulled on me for a cigarette. I was with the missus and we backed off. I felt a $$$$ for ages but I lived. Another time in a similar position, but on my own, I fought back. With a lucky punch I put the bloke in hospital for a couple of days. Lucky until I got nicked for GBH two days later. Community service and a £300 fine later I wished I'd walked away. That's all you can do, and hope they eventually get the full force of not having a decent pension in later life!!


                      • #26
                        Pension, jesus I'm getting old!


                        • #27
                          Sorry to here of your troubles Phil, Since the Blackout I haven't bin able to see Squat.... Hope you on the mend & Quickly
                          Buncefield Burner

