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Another day, another hotel...

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  • Another day, another hotel...

    Mottram Hall, near Alderley Edge this time.

    No Surfs round here! I haven't seen so many Merc / BMW 4x4s in one place ever! It was about 3pm when I arrived, and nearly all of them were parked outside schools. There must be a huge concentration of money round here.

    Every car that wasn't one of those was a big Merc saloon. They are about as common round here as Fiestas are back home!

    The hotel is a bit flash for me, with a golfcourse outside the window. I feel a bit out of place amongst the 'rupert bear pants' in my jeans and T-shirt!

    Didn't bring the Surf, I have another damn Peugeot 407(?) hire car thing which is about as bad a car as I've ever driven.
    Cutting steps in the roof of the world

  • #2
    Originally posted by Apache
    Mottram Hall, near Alderley Edge this time.

    No Surfs round here! I haven't seen so many Merc / BMW 4x4s in one place ever! It was about 3pm when I arrived, and nearly all of them were parked outside schools. There must be a huge concentration of money round here.

    Every car that wasn't one of those was a big Merc saloon. They are about as common round here as Fiestas are back home!

    The hotel is a bit flash for me, with a golfcourse outside the window. I feel a bit out of place amongst the 'rupert bear pants' in my jeans and T-shirt!

    Didn't bring the Surf, I have another damn Peugeot 407(?) hire car thing which is about as bad a car as I've ever driven.

    around the money set there!


    • #3

      Just been to Emirates Palace Hotel in Abu Dhabi, saw the valet parking driving a nice shiney new Surf to the car park, good taste gets everywhere!

      Anything you can do.......i


      • #4
        Originally posted by Apache
        Mottram Hall, near Alderley Edge this time.

        No Surfs round here!
        Yes there are. there's loads in Congleton (just a few miles down the A34 from you) There's me and Shab and a couple of others. You're right though, alderly edge and through up to wilmslow way is full of footballers etc.

        Are you up there doing stuff for Zenica by any chance?


        • #5
          Originally posted by Apache
          Didn't bring the Surf, I have another damn Peugeot 407(?) hire car thing which is about as bad a car as I've ever driven.
          not sure if it was a 407, but my sister had a peugeot for a while and it was like driving a fish tank!...
          really bad view... she came over and couldn't get it down my narrow driveway... said i'd have a go and couldn't do it either cos of the bad vision on the near side.
          nee nar nee nar, i'm a fire engine!

