Well, I drove back from Cardiff this afternoon in the beast I've owned for a week. Just as I reached Evesham, steam started puoring out of the bonnet
So over I pull, straight on the phone to 'Chillitts recovery service', who popped out and confirmed my worst nightmare.
The head has gone!
The RAC arrived and also rubbed salt in the wound. Not happy
But hey, ho. I'm off to the garage in the morning to get a price for fixing. I know now that the missis will go mental when I tell her how much it's likely to cost. I may need a spare room to bed down in!
I'll keep you informed.
So over I pull, straight on the phone to 'Chillitts recovery service', who popped out and confirmed my worst nightmare.
The head has gone!
The RAC arrived and also rubbed salt in the wound. Not happy
But hey, ho. I'm off to the garage in the morning to get a price for fixing. I know now that the missis will go mental when I tell her how much it's likely to cost. I may need a spare room to bed down in!
I'll keep you informed.