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We're gettin a hound!!!!

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  • #16
    Originally posted by Taliesins
    Hi I have kept bloodhounds for about 20 years now and get my own food baked each month complete dried food that is. I can safely say I could supply you food at much less than you quote. ie. 15 kg dried complete food £12.50
    this is for chicken and rice (gluten free) and the same for lamb and rice. although not gluten free. All the best for your new members of the family.
    Where do you get it made, one of my Cockers has an allergy problem (going in for testing for the 3rd time to try to see what it is) and every year - 18 months she gets allergic to her food and we have to try something else. All the usual meats have been worked through and we are on some sort of fish now but I want to have my next reserve paln ready for when she cops it with this one.
    Parts of your engine go up, stop then go back! Mm!


    • #17
      Originally posted by TJG
      Where do you get it made, one of my Cockers has an allergy problem (going in for testing for the 3rd time to try to see what it is) and every year - 18 months she gets allergic to her food and we have to try something else. All the usual meats have been worked through and we are on some sort of fish now but I want to have my next reserve paln ready for when she cops it with this one.
      have you tried raw chicken ?? my bulldog @ trd are both fed raw chicken (wings or legs ) occaisonly give them mackerel (once a week ) and sometime s a mix of veg , leave veg in tupperware box outside for a day or two before feeding it to em (stinks a bit )lol
      Only Toyota can get you out of shite


      • #18
        Originally posted by TJG
        Where do you get it made, one of my Cockers has an allergy problem (going in for testing for the 3rd time to try to see what it is) and every year - 18 months she gets allergic to her food and we have to try something else. All the usual meats have been worked through and we are on some sort of fish now but I want to have my next reserve paln ready for when she cops it with this one.
        They grow out of it. I have Boxers Phoebe and Lucy. Luce had shocking skin peoblems till 2 years old, cost me thousands and ended up being a test bed for the specialist vet read (Wan*^%) that I was referred to. He blamed food, aftershave, household cleaner ANYTHING . Went to collect her one day and he had shaved her side and given her 30 injections of various things to find out what it was.............I was mad as hell as the c*"^ had no idea what he was doing. Took her home and fed her chicken and rice for months and at 2 years she stopped condition as soon as she had strarted.

        Turkey or chicken and rice. Boiled in bulk, has the added bonus that when coming home from the pub and you cant be arsed cooking you can get the dogs dinner out of the freezer and "hey presto"


        To say that I like dogs is an understatement,
        I used to have a surf me!


        • #19
          Originally posted by TJG
          Where do you get it made, one of my Cockers has an allergy problem (going in for testing for the 3rd time to try to see what it is) and every year - 18 months she gets allergic to her food and we have to try something else. All the usual meats have been worked through and we are on some sort of fish now but I want to have my next reserve paln ready for when she cops it with this one.
          I get it made locally at one of the few pet food extruders in the country.
          Dont know where Biggin hill is? If I can be of any help e-mail me or pm me
          Trust your Hound.


          • #20
            Biggin Hill is in Kent, on the edge of London, famous for being home to Spitfires and Hurricanes during the battle of Britain.

            Thanks for all the info guys but the dog is 8 now so I don't think she is going to grow out of it. She suffers from what is best described as hayfever most of the time, its hard to describe but imaging#e a dog that has eyes like they are full of cold & flu! She also gets very sore feet this time of year, if it is left they go from red to all open & pusy, nice. We know when the food is finaly the wrong one because her gums start to go bright red and the weight falls off of her. She is off to have the skin tests again this week so she has been off of her usual dose of anti histimenes and is looking very sorry for herself.

            The chicken is OK but the other one has trouble with that, she has never been the same since eating a beer bottle top! Anything with chicken in tends to cause a bit of a blockage if you see what I mean.
            Parts of your engine go up, stop then go back! Mm!


            • #21
              does she suffer from inter~digital cysts ?? read a long time ago that this was linked to there diet
              sounds like a severe allergy reaction , foods the only answer i've got
              all the best at the vets
              type in natural diets they make intresting reading
              Only Toyota can get you out of shite


              • #22
                if you want a cheap dog, get a slightly mongrel chihuahua, mine eats virtually nothing at all, just a few biscuits for breakfast, some bread s$$$$s from my plate at lunch and maybe some more food s$$$$s at night. he wont touch dog food so he gets pretty much the same as i eat. cucumber, lettuce, ham, bread, tuna pasta, you name it, he'll eat it, unless its actually dog food meat, then hes not interested and would prefer to starve!
                he once accidentally ate a few of my antihistamines and he just sat there looking sleepy for a day.... then another time he accidentally ate some contraceptive pills... ( he has a thing for blister packs and loves chewing them if one falls on the floor) and on that occasion he just got the shakes, panted a bit then pished all over my friends lap! Ha, the vet nurse thought it was very funny when i called to ask her what to do.
                the worst was when he developed a sudden taste for sand at the beach one weekend and nearly killed himself with salt poisoning. hes not done that since.
                I think my surf is a bit over kill for such a small pooch.
                she's no angel


                • #23

                  I'd love a dog too. I would like to have one of those cute Dingo doggies. Not sure they are legal though as they are a wild dog from Aussy. But they definitely look cute....


                  • #24
                    Originally posted by B16mts
                    Well happy!!!

                    Got confirmation that the wife to be (seven weeks today!) has got her first permenant teaching post begining in september. the best bit is, this was the final part of the criteria we had to fulfill before we could get a dog. SO when we return from honeymoon at the end of August we will be picking up and 8 week old Great Dane Puppy!!!!!!

                    Hi Mart

                    Thought you would be impressed with my pup's new friend
                    Attached Files
                    Last edited by Puppywalker; 28 June 2006, 21:44.


                    • #25
                      Got a dobe myself, Mads a bag of monkeys , wouldnt swap tho, 9 months old & very hansome. Not sure whether or not to chop of his spuds , anyone else had experience of spudless dobes?
                      Side mounts are the new top mounts !


                      • #26
                        why do you want to chop him???
                        Only Toyota can get you out of shite


                        • #27
                          Originally posted by joker??
                          why do you want to chop him???
                          Hes very dominant & overbeariing with my missus, oh yeah & he drags his bed outside & humps it !
                          Side mounts are the new top mounts !


                          • #28
                            know a fellah has got a dobe same prob as yours, he had him chopped didnt do no good in fact now the dog is a liability ,
                            if i was you i would put him in hes place ie no on couch beds etc ,do not feed him titbits ,
                            your missus must show him that she will not tolerate that behaviour and if he tries to dominate her throw him out in the garden and scold him ,
                            dobes are lovely dogs but a dominant breed that you must keep on top of especially males
                            i know that its funny sometimes what they get upto but you must nip this dominant behaviour while hes young as it will lead to misery,
                            all the best with him and hope that all turns out well
                            ps ever thought of speaking to behaviourist???
                            Only Toyota can get you out of shite


                            • #29
                              Originally posted by joker??
                              know a fellah has got a dobe same prob as yours, he had him chopped didnt do no good in fact now the dog is a liability ,
                              if i was you i would put him in hes place ie no on couch beds etc ,do not feed him titbits ,
                              your missus must show him that she will not tolerate that behaviour and if he tries to dominate her throw him out in the garden and scold him ,
                              dobes are lovely dogs but a dominant breed that you must keep on top of especially males
                              i know that its funny sometimes what they get upto but you must nip this dominant behaviour while hes young as it will lead to misery,
                              all the best with him and hope that all turns out well
                              ps ever thought of speaking to behaviourist???
                              Cheers, kinda what I was thinking, hes not spoilt & never has $$$ bits, hes NEVER aggressive, im just putting it down to being 9 months, I was just interested in another point of view. Thanks again

                              (3 months ago !)
                              Last edited by javars; 28 June 2006, 22:52.
                              Side mounts are the new top mounts !


                              • #30
                                i know a dane won't have problems jumping into back of a surf (probably be able to do it shortly after you get one) but my shepherd was a bit shocked the other week (and worried me a bit) because i'd done the 2" bodylift and he hadn't clocked the difference and give it his usual effortless bound onto the tailgate and then realised he'd not given himself enough of a leap and had to give it a second stab!

                                since they suffer with the hips and he is one of the largest germans i've seen, i'm going to have to build a ramp soon because although he's still good at the mo he's around about 8 years old (not 100% sure of age, got him from battersea - he's a major handful mainly due to his size and clumsiness!) and i don't want to keep making him jump too high because one day he won't manage it and will hurt himself.

                                so i want to make solid ramp using materials that will take his weight easily (7 and half stone) but will do the suspension lift 1st so i build it to the right size!

                                congrats to the wife to be BTW on her placement and enjoy yourself with your new friend when you pick them up!
                                Attached Files
                                i swear, it was like that when i got here...

