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London Driver's rant time !!!!

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  • #16
    oh, and all those people that think 4x4 "cost a fortune to buy and can't afford one". but then 3 grand for a 12 year old car that will probably last 5 -10 years in good hands seems far more sense to me than paying 5 grand every 3 years to keep the latest model..... with an initial outlay of say 15-20 grand....
    Just gotta finish doing the next mod...


    • #17
      Again with the pollution = 4x4 !

      How about heading the story up with a picture of an X-Type Jag for a change? (> 225 g/km and as much space inside as a Ford Focus!)

      And putting the cost up is NOT "creative and radical", it's been the primary method of controlling people's behaviour for centuries.

      I spent three days in the C-zone last month (I took the train down because I hate driving in London and do it only when necessary, regardless of cost), walking each day about an hour between hotel and training company, and in all that time I saw 1 (one) Prius - parked - and no end of large German cars. Very few small cars of any nationality.

      Who are we kidding? Differential charging already does not work.


      • #18
        And I have compained to the BBC regarding their choice of picture, explaining that some people need 4x4s, very few people need large "executive" cars, which can be even more polluting.


        • #19
          Why don't the tree huggers do what they are good at
          and hug a tree. Oh, sorry, they can't, no trees left due
          to all the residential and business developers cutting
          down any bit of greenery to fit an extra detached house
          in or a flat complex. Why do the tree huggers never live
          upto their cause and petition the Authorities to penalise
          developers for every tree they remove? Carbon dioxide
          is a naturally occuring gas in many ways. If the tree
          huggers did what they ought to be doing, and tried to
          protect the environment, instead of letting the environment
          disappear due to business reasons, (and officials realising
          they can get a nice backhander if another piece of protected
          land is released to developers), then Co2 emissions would be
          better regulated anyhow. The T.H's are the biggest bunch of
          steaming s**tpile hypocrites around. Most of them have no
          true interest in truly protecting the environment. They just
          see an easy way to make their sad, pathetic lives be inflicted
          upon everyone, and have something to fill their meaningless
          lives with. They won't go against something with the financial
          might of either corporate business or Government, which is
          where most of the blame lies. However, people going about
          their daily lives and actually having to work for a living, and
          wishing to have some enjoyment from the fruits of their labour,
          get shafted continually by these anal retentive pr*cks.

          Sorry for the rant, (and the lack of proper punctuation), but
          these prats do annoy me.


          • #20
            EXACTLY!!! just look around next time you walk your dog, less trees, more clearings and huge, fugly boards advertising 'EXECUTIVE 1, 2 + 3 BED APARTMENTS' or 'LUXURY EXECUTIVE DETACHED HOMES'

            so you have habitat for wildlife removed in the 1st instance, followed by housing targeting 3+4litre plus PETROL guzzler owners, which polute the remaining habitat even more, and due to the FACT that these exec car drivers pay no attention to their surroundings, you have an increase in squished wildlife and pets in areas that before only had careful tractor/4x4/country dwellers prior to the invasion of the townies!

            bunch of tw@ts the lot of them!
            Last edited by logey79; 14 June 2006, 13:44.
            i swear, it was like that when i got here...


            • #21
              I think this will spark another fuel protest type demonstration i think... Just think of all the HGVs that do somewhere in the region of 8 to the gallon just sitting in traffic jams all day cos the numpties in cars dont realise how much space a truck needs to turn etc. so can you see the big haulage firms like Eddie Stobbart and others bowing to that idiot again.....
              Im not a gynacologist but ill have a look


              • #22
                Perhaps that's the answer. Get all the haulage companies to refuse to deliver into the charging zone and it would all fall apart very quickly if there was nothing to sell, nothing to eat and no fuel. Can't see Red Ken being able to survive something like that.
                Mike G


                • #23
                  Originally posted by Tallyman
                  Perhaps that's the answer. Get all the haulage companies to refuse to deliver into the charging zone and it would all fall apart very quickly if there was nothing to sell, nothing to eat and no fuel. Can't see Red Ken being able to survive something like that.
                  One of the plans orignally mooted for the C-Zone was the banning of any goods vehicle over 3.5T gross (Ford Transit or equivalent), so I think Red Ken would be happy if the haulage forms refused deliveries. There would be plenty of van drivers happy to provide the service.

                  Of course, when no-one in London can move because it takes 12 - 15 Transits (or equivalent) to shift the same load as a 40T truck, things may look a little different, but if you want to be a commercial centre for 10 million people, stuff has to be delivered somewhere.

                  And THAT is what annoys me most. People NOT looking for solutions, NOT being prepared to do their bit, just wanting to PENALISE someone ELSE to assuage their consciences.

