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Vine AND the Ramblers !!!!

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  • #16
    Originally posted by mikey2119
    Is it just me , or does "Squeamous" need tying to the front of my truck the next time i go off road, prefferably on one of those that he has had us banned from!!!!

    Thank my luck stars i don't live next door to that knumb nut!
    It's not just you - what a shining example of "care in the community"

    Look out Eastbourne, the Pandas are coming !


    • #17
      My god the moderator is awake !!!

      My first post just got cleared - think I had better duck now !

      Look out Eastbourne, the Pandas are coming !


      • #18
        You know its sad, the Ramblers and offroad community (and other users) essentially want the same thing, to go out and enjoy the countryside, but are to narrow minded to help each other out with a little give and take.

        There could be a million miles of footpaths within sight, but if a 'Rambler' wants walk where there isn't one, the country must stop and accomodate them. If they are going to get muddy feet on a byway (who have thought there would be mud in the country!!) we must ban 4x4's from using it.

        Oh look we've closed half the byways, now the ones that are left are overcrowded and getting torn up, go figure.................

        4x4toys.co.uk - Keeping you on and off the road...


        • #19
          The chap who wrote message seven has the right idea:



          • #20
            For a good laugh imagine the Naked Rambler with message 35 !!!

            Look out Eastbourne, the Pandas are coming !


            • #21

              Time for a little bump .......

              Things are definitely swinging our way - 59% no after 497 votes

              Is that Vine ??????
              Life is too important to take seriously !


              • #22
                they got my vote (no)


                • #23
                  Well they got my NO vote!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                  These people live on a different planet. They want everyone to stop their enjoyment (in vehicles) of the byways that have been there for centuries, but THEY want access to all areas. Not only will this disturb all the wildlife that relies on the absence of man, they will think they can go anywhere. They need to be stopped. AND NOW!!!


                  • #24
                    Originally posted by NFC
                    Poll currently stands 49% Yes - 51% No. Maybe sanity will rule after all

                    Get Voting !

                    I've voted NO

                    If you all delete your cookies, then refresh your screen, you can vote NO again and again and again and again and again and again and again and again and again and again and again and again and again and again and again and again and again and again and again !!!!!!

                    Go on you know you have got a spare hour to kill...
                    Life on the edge is short, but the view is great !


                    • #25
                      simplest way to stop them is to crack them good and hard across the knee caps with a tyre iron, they won't want to go anywhere in those poxy motorised scooters, especially with all these dangerous 4x4's terrorising our roads.
                      i swear, it was like that when i got here...

