Just one further brainpick with regards to shock absorbers.
Will be running down to Milner's tomorrow for some of their
rear springs, but does anyone know whether their shocks
are generic type replacements for what is already on the 2.4,
or are they along the line of the ES9000's. If they are generic
types, does anyone know of a supplier of Pro-Comp shocks
within the South Yorkshire area? Wanting to get the suspension
done this week, but being an arcane devil without a credit card
means mail order delivery would be into next week.
wanting to get some fairly local'ish if possible. (Unless TonyN
is an extremely trusting type for cheque orders
Will be running down to Milner's tomorrow for some of their
rear springs, but does anyone know whether their shocks
are generic type replacements for what is already on the 2.4,
or are they along the line of the ES9000's. If they are generic
types, does anyone know of a supplier of Pro-Comp shocks
within the South Yorkshire area? Wanting to get the suspension
done this week, but being an arcane devil without a credit card
means mail order delivery would be into next week.

wanting to get some fairly local'ish if possible. (Unless TonyN
is an extremely trusting type for cheque orders
