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just bought a 3ltrTD Auto :-)

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  • #16
    Originally posted by joker??
    try confused.com, put your details in and it sorts the cheapest quote,
    mine was £356 fully comp and protected nc , no LIGHT violations lol
    just out of interest i went to confused.com... went through all the steps till it got to the bit where you put in yer car plate or make of car... clicked the button and it just said reg plate not found... i reckon thats because its only just been registered... but i tried to put in toyota and then the details of my 3L auto and it did not recognise it... maybe i can try next year.... lol

    When i spoke with auto direct at the time i had to be put through to the import department as it was freshly import4d.....
    Last edited by amethyst; 29 May 2006, 10:42.

