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£30 fine and dangerous with it what do you think

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  • #31
    Well aint that just the way of the world these days, dont offend anyone by flashing a bit of artwork on yer arms. Have to say it was starting to get that way when I was in the job ... come to think of it thats the reason I left. When I joined if you could walk and talk at the same time, didnt have too many bits missing and wernt scared of getting into a ruck ,you were in. These days they only seem to want to take on potential chief constables and not guys who would be happy being a P.C.for 30 years and making a good job of it. As you say 'their loss'.



    • #32
      i nearly joined the police when i was 25... didn't wanna drive round at 2am being called a W**ker though.

      had the little fella at the 4x4 today... the police turned up in a shogun (it';s next to a government site so MPLOD check it out regular)... they let him sit in the car, play with the lights and siren and talk on the PA... you NEVER see them doing community stuff any more... They always used to turn up at school fetes etc.

      even if they're not arresting people, they need to do more community stuff so people know they're there.
      nee nar nee nar, i'm a fire engine!


      • #33
        Actually, what Stimpy30 has failed to tell us all, is that his windows are so tinted, that he failed to see the said officer in his rear view mirror who had been tailing his arse for the previous 10 miles with full lights on trying to pull him over!!!

        Actually...no...wait a minute...10 miles on a motorway...in a Surf
        That kills my theory...Stimpy30 would have had to have had a re-fuel in that distance!!!
        Is it supposed to sound like this??


        • #34
          Originally posted by da SLUG man
          i nearly joined the police when i was 25... didn't wanna drive round at 2am being called a W**ker though.

          had the little fella at the 4x4 today... the police turned up in a shogun (it';s next to a government site so MPLOD check it out regular)... they let him sit in the car, play with the lights and siren and talk on the PA... you NEVER see them doing community stuff any more... They always used to turn up at school fetes etc.

          even if they're not arresting people, they need to do more community stuff so people know they're there.

          They seem to be more interested in recruting "plastic plods" these days. I see two plastic plod women most days in Didcot. All they do is walk up and down the high street. Even though the cop shop is 50yds from the high street you never see a "real" copper on his feet. They seem to drive round in two's in their Astras. Half our council tax must be going on their fuel bills.


          • #35
            All goes back to the 60s mate, when they introduced panda cars. The government of the day told everyone that the police would respond the 999 calls in 3 mins cos the bobbys were mobile now. Trouble is, when your in a car you cant hear whats going on around you and at 30 mph you dont see much either. And at night the bad guys can hear the car comming so they have it away on there toes. Having said that it's not easy chasing a stolen car on foot.



            • #36
              Originally posted by Spoggle
              Enough! Stop knocking the boy's in blue Having been a bobby myself a few years ago I can tell you all that it's a $$$$$$ hard and thankless job most of the time. Most people go to work knowing what they are going to face and expect during the day. Thats not the case when you put a police uniform on. Try thinking about the way YOU would deal with a couple who had just discovered that there baby had died in it's cot during the night. Or how would YOU like to have to inform someone that a loved one wont be coming home cos some prat, who thinks he's the best driver in the world and that the Road Traffice Act didnt apply to him, has managed to kill them on the roads. How would YOU feel if you were out and about at 3am and came accross a bunch of yobs screwing a shop or a house or a car, you are on your own, it's your call. Assistance may be only a couple of minutes away, it could be a lot longer, your out numbered and all alone. YOU ARE IT, how would YOU deal with the situation.Run away or deal with it? Come on tell the truth, be honest with yourself. In the ten years I was in the job I had all these things to deal with.I had petrol bombs thrown at me, guns pointed at me, drunken yobs throwing up over me, I could go on for ages some things you remember and wish that you couldnt other things just go from your memory.When I frst joined the job a P.C who was given the job of showing me aroud told me " Son the two things that you will see every day in this job are tragedy and sh1t", he was right. I had some realy good times in the job dont get me wrong. But it's a job thats easy to knock , but not so easy to do.
              The laws of this land are here to protect every one of us ,and safeguard our lives and property. If we dont like any paticular law its just tough, cos they are for the benefit of all, so we must abide by them all and not just the ones that we think are ok. Now I will say that not all bobbys are saints but remember they are a cross section of society and come from all sorts of backgrounds and some like the people they serve some have more common sence than others. If a copper has pulled you over cos your windows are too dark, tell Trading Standards cos someone has sold you a produce that is not fit for its intended use.

              Thats better, rant and rage over; Spoggle
              Last time I looked there wasn't conscription in to the Police, everyone joied cos they wanted to. Speaking from experience, just because you come across the odd decent copper doesn't mean you should tar the whole lot with the same brush.

              I got nicked once on the word of a drunk, spent nearly 24 housr (like 23.5 hrs) in the cells before they could get a statement from the person. My solicitor told me that whatever I said prior to being interviewed they were going to nick me which they did. I was treated like $hite by them when I had done nothing wrong. No respect just patronisation, and rudeness. They wouldn't even let me speak to a solicitor after it became apparent that they wernt going to let me out after a few hours, untill I waved the copy of the PACE leaflet at them that they had provided me with and told them it says in here I can speak to a solicitor when I want and I want now and I want it written in the log. They got me one then. Finally the case was dropped when I appeared in court. I then had to take them to court to get my FAC back, which I also won. I used to think like you Spoggle, that the police did a good job in difficult circumstances until I got caught on the wrong end of their biggotry. I'm white and working / middle classish so just think how they treat the poor black teenager on the council estate? As far as it goes with me I wouldn't pi$$ on one if I saw him on fire in the street.

              Sorry if that upsets you but I speak as I find.
              Parts of your engine go up, stop then go back! Mm!


              • #37
                dont hold back tjg , lol , say what you feel
                would'nt $$$$ on one if he was on fire???
                what and miss a chance of a lifetime
                Last edited by joker??; 15 May 2006, 21:43.
                Only Toyota can get you out of shite


                • #38
                  Due to my job I have had quite a bit of interaction with the boys in blue. It varied consideratly which area I was in to how they reacted. In one area of my patch I knew they would not help at all, but in another area they could help enouth.
                  Since changing positions within my firm, the only experiance I have had is from Traffic who don't do them any favours, an example is one night we went to walk the dogs at 11:30, they watched me load nine dogs in a white van, lock the house and drive off. Two corners later they pulled me over because I was driving a white van away from Eling at night, and the Toffs yachts had been robbed recently. I am pleased of the fact that my brother in law is an Inspector other wise my regard towards them would be below gutter, mainly due to their attitude. I think there are two types of Policemen, those that do it to improve the cities, and those that do it for power, unfortunatley I keep meeting the power ones, and I have to keep reminding myself that there are others out there.
                  Gone from 4x4 to 1x2

