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£30 fine and dangerous with it what do you think

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  • £30 fine and dangerous with it what do you think

    hi got pulled today for my tinted windows being to dark and fined £30 FOR privilage of it. now i,m not going to winge about the fine but about the situation. basaicaly i got pulled over onto the hard shoulder while he checked my window.
    now if you brake down you put hazards on and are supposed to get onto the embankment leaving your car behind. or if working on hard shoulder as i sometimes do i must wear hi viz vest and amber beacons on car at all times.
    but this policeman pulled me onto hard shoulder opened both my cars doors and started to light meter test my windows then had me checking meter readings cars were about 2 foot away from tearing past at god knows what speed . so do you think this copper was mad or insane or had a death wish i think personaly he should have took me off nearset slip road to start testing me car.
    (i also juggle dynamite)

  • #2
    Originally posted by stimpy30
    hi got pulled today for my tinted windows being to dark and fined £30 FOR privilage of it. now i,m not going to winge about the fine but about the situation. basaicaly i got pulled over onto the hard shoulder while he checked my window.
    now if you brake down you put hazards on and are supposed to get onto the embankment leaving your car behind. or if working on hard shoulder as i sometimes do i must wear hi viz vest and amber beacons on car at all times.
    but this policeman pulled me onto hard shoulder opened both my cars doors and started to light meter test my windows then had me checking meter readings cars were about 2 foot away from tearing past at god knows what speed . so do you think this copper was mad or insane or had a death wish i think personaly he should have took me off nearset slip road to start testing me car.
    You should have his badge number , so I would suggest writting in to the Cheif Constable and complain the copper put you in danger and the rest of the public , forget his danger as he deserves to be run over .
    They are obliged to reply with an answer .
    Rick...Member of 1st Gen club. ONE LIFE ... GET ONE !!


    • #3
      Don't get me started on them good for nothing P!6s,

      They all go for the easy route of, "Take it out on the motorist!" because they are incompatant at anything else.

      Last year my son was only 8 years old when a 12 or 13 year old lad, punched him in the face and nicked his bike. We phoned the Police, who took a statement and done nothing! It took me under two weeks to find this cheeky little runt. I found out his name and where he lived. I felt like punching the little Barsteward!, but I restraind myself.

      My son identified him and said "It was definatly him! I phoned the police to give them the information, the Police Woman said "I will pass it on to the officer involved" and guess what happend.....NOTHING!
      Last edited by Bobby Doc; 11 May 2006, 22:00.
      I like Orientals


      • #4
        To be fair, (accepting the fact that there will always be a percentage of
        the force who are pr@*%s who use their position for personal
        gratification purposes), a lot of coppers are just as peeved with regards
        to the position they are in, i.e: what's the point when the scrotes end
        up with not even a tickle, (ne'er mind a slap), on the wrist from the courts,
        and the scrotes solicitors accusing the police(man|woman) of being at fault.
        I have to admit that in general, I can actually empathise with a large
        percentage of the force. They get shafted by the scrotes AND the judicial
        system, and then get complained at by the public. It is at a far higher level
        that the fault lies.

        ( Quickly putting on helmet and flak jacket ).



        • #5
          Originally posted by MattF
          To be fair, (accepting the fact that there will always be a percentage of
          the force who are pr@*%s who use their position for personal
          gratification purposes), a lot of coppers are just as peeved with regards
          to the position they are in, i.e: what's the point when the scrotes end
          up with not even a tickle, (ne'er mind a slap), on the wrist from the courts,
          and the scrotes solicitors accusing the police(man|woman) of being at fault.
          I have to admit that in general, I can actually empathise with a large
          percentage of the force. They get shafted by the scrotes AND the judicial
          system, and then get complained at by the public. It is at a far higher level
          that the fault lies.

          ( Quickly putting on helmet and flak jacket ).

          you should be on stage......


          • #6
            If as you say these enforcement officers are screwed by the system and scrotes judicial system and senior people etc etc ......
            WHY do they put on the helmet and carry the baton , or dissatisfied with the way the system is run do they continue to do the job ?.
            I have had jobs in the past which I have disagreed with the way
            things are run, did I whinge naw I voted with my feet and sought other employment.

            Or do they stay cos' the lerks and perks are so rewarding?.

            I can't get with people who don't want to work, this is wrong, thats wrong,
            why don't they do this. Whinge Whinge vote with your feet.
            I know people have mortgages , loans .
            Maybe people would think more about what they get into before complaining.

            Rant over, look out work here I come!!


            • #7
              Looks like this could be the long post for the weekend


              • #8
                I`m haveing a gripe with our local bobbies.

                Last week i was working with an Italian guy who comes over from Bologna a few times a year to service some machines at work.On Saturday some of our delightful youths demanded money out of him, then decided to give hime a slapping.

                Responce from local force. BUGGER ALL

                Whats made me mad is that a few months ago, whilst going to work at 5 in the morning,some of our over stretched and hard done too bobbies, were parked up in a layby fast asleep.I now wish i had parked up and got their numbers and quietly drove off.

                No wonder the unsolved crime figures are so high.
                Stella Artois


                • #9
                  ...round 'ere

                  they're not a bad bunch in newquay - which must be one of the most tedious places to be a copper...drunken idiots and underage drinkers all over the place

                  last week - 2am - i was woken up by a loud squabble two doors down, a BBQ gone sour - and went outside to see some asshole trying to pull the bonnet badge from my surf! he staggered off into the night kicking parked cars, there looked to be 3 of them. i called the old bill, who came out within 10mins. by this time i was in my truck, moving it to a safer place.

                  the policeman said to me - "if you find them before we do run him over - citizens arrest mate".

                  the ol bill here are pretty quick to take the side of the poor suffering residents over the drunken $$$$$$s and that suits me fine

                  back to topic - thats wrong that the cop should have endangered you for so long on the hard shoulder - write and complain - and then write into the local paper aswell, maybe speak to the editor and see if a journalist will come out and take pics of you standing glumly by your surf - with the headline "copper put my life at risk to check my tints" (make sure they spell that last one right)
                  problems? i'll take 'em.


                  • #10

                    We used to have the best Police Force in the world, the RUC.

                    Brave, solid, honest, dependable and no nonsense, old school coppers!

                    Now they are the PSNI they are complete and utter $$$$ers.

                    My neighbour joined them and I swear, never was a person suited more to an occupation because he is an obnoxious and petty minded little creep.

                    Trouble is over here, when the IRA and other terrorists were shooting our peelers and blowing them up, while the tried to do their duty, ONLY the bravest and most honourable people joined the police, to do their duty and protect the public.

                    Now, with the ceasefire by the republicans etc., we have all the cretins joining the police because it is a cushy number.

                    I honestly believe there are still good coppers around it's just that the whinging liberals and tree hugging loonies will not let them do their jobs properly.

                    I had a good friend was a sergeant in the RUC and he told me in the old days they used to give a person a good hiding rather than arresting them.

                    The police have no respect now, kids openly mock them and the general public have no confidence in them anymore.

                    In certain areas over here, certain sections of the community use their own paramilitaries as police because they get no response from the official coppers.

                    I do not condone it but I see the logic.

                    For example, an old woman was recently mugged by 2 hoodies, within 24 hours the hoodies were given a severe beating, had returned her money and were seen doing the old girls garden and painting her house!


                    The entry requirement for all forces nowadays are such that they are filtering out people who would make very good coppers and ending up with men and women who should not EVER be in the police.

                    My answer is to transfer a few battalions of the British Army to the police, godamn, we would see some changes then.


                    Last edited by hellmett; 12 May 2006, 10:39.


                    • #11
                      Originally posted by hellmett
                      My answer is to transfer a few battalions of the British Army to the police, godamn, we would see some changes then.



                      Great idea but I'm afraid it wouldn't work .........

                      The Army have been suffering the creeping death of political correctness for years - I first became aware of it in 81 when a bunch of us were on a 6 week course at our Depot - we were all Cpls and we saw a new recruit leaning against a wall with his beret off. One of my mates gave him a mild bollocking, the kid sorted himself out and that was the end of it ..... or so we thought - within the hour my mate was dragged in front of the OC and chewed out big style and told that if there was a repeat he'd be back to his unit !

                      On another occassion there was an major enquiry into a female recruit being referred to as a 'slapper' and a SNCO was disciplined over it - the girl in question had been caught in camp with her skirt up round her waist being sh@gged against a wall .......

                      Regretably the Army has changed dramatically over the last 20 years and what was the norm when I joined in 76 is now bullying, discipline is totally inflexible and the fun element has largely disappeared with large numbers of soldiers being excused operational tours and the rest ending up with back to back visits to Iraq, Afghanistan and the like.

                      Life is too important to take seriously !


                      • #12
                        I have worked with the RUC on several occasions whilst on tours in NI. I found them to be solid, decent blokes (and women) that did the job with honour. They were a breed apart from the shower we have over here. That was when there wasn't a ceasefire on. I can't comment on what they are like now.

                        As far as the Army goes, that's one of the main reasons I left. The Human Rights Act sucks. There was a time, if you did something wrong, you got a good kicking and that was the end of it. Now the Army has changed beyond all recognition. I was block NCO for my Troop. After a days work, I used to have to chase young scroats around for 2-3 hours every night to make sure their block jobs were done. They never were. When you asked them to do them again it was always "why do I have to do that again?” instead of "yes, Corporal".

                        Instead of being able to take them on the drill square for a beasting to teach them a lesson, your hands were tied, and they knew it.

                        When I joined up in 1987, it was a different story. One guy I remember was a real grot. We dragged him in the ablutions and flushed his head down the toilet, then threw him in the shower and brash broomed him under the shower. This might sound out of order to you guys that haven’t been in, but he sorted his act out there and then, and from then on was a clean individual. Sometimes you have to be brutal to be kind. You can't have a grot living with you in the field for weeks at a time, as this puts the rest at risk from disease.

                        This sort of treatment is needed NOW for all the hoody scum that is around these days. You have to ask yourselves why society has plunged so low. You have to fight fire with fire with people that only understand one language. So if you catch a mugger robbing an old lady, they should be beaten to within an inch of their lives, as this is the only language they understand. To let them off with 5 hours community service teaches them nothing other than giving them the message that nothing serious will happen if they get caught. You only have to look at Saudi Arabia and Singapore. If you get caught thieving there, expect to have your hand cut off. It sounds drastic, but it works and crime is very low. If you enter into someone’s house to steal something, you are fully aware of the consequences if you get caught.

                        A security guard at my company comes from Uganda. He said if anyone is caught trying to steal there, they get beaten to death. He can't believe the crime over here. He said our government is impotent, and I agree with him.


                        • #13
                          Originally posted by Predictable Bob

                          Great idea but I'm afraid it wouldn't work .........

                          The Army have been suffering the creeping death of political correctness for years - I first became aware of it in 81 when a bunch of us were on a 6 week course at our Depot - we were all Cpls and we saw a new recruit leaning against a wall with his beret off. One of my mates gave him a mild bollocking, the kid sorted himself out and that was the end of it ..... or so we thought - within the hour my mate was dragged in front of the OC and chewed out big style and told that if there was a repeat he'd be back to his unit !

                          On another occassion there was an major enquiry into a female recruit being referred to as a 'slapper' and a SNCO was disciplined over it - the girl in question had been caught in camp with her skirt up round her waist being sh@gged against a wall .......

                          Regretably the Army has changed dramatically over the last 20 years and what was the norm when I joined in 76 is now bullying, discipline is totally inflexible and the fun element has largely disappeared with large numbers of soldiers being excused operational tours and the rest ending up with back to back visits to Iraq, Afghanistan and the like.

                          I agree the country has gone to pot. The army now has a red and yellow card system, if the recruit dont like they way he is being spoken to by his nco then he gives him a card. When i was in if you f***ed up you could either go infront of the boss or get a bit of a beasting from the csm or a kicking for the rest. A lot of the old bil cant be bothered and abuse there powers on people who dont deserve it.
                          SWIFT AND BOLD


                          • #14
                            Hi Daz...howz u and the family? not heard from you a long time.....Mr Plod must have been down on his targets to especially pull u over onto the hard shoulder!


                            • #15
                              Originally posted by stimpy30
                              hi got pulled today for my tinted windows being to dark and fined £30 FOR privilage of it. now i,m not going to winge about the fine but about the situation. basaicaly i got pulled over onto the hard shoulder while he checked my window.
                              now if you brake down you put hazards on and are supposed to get onto the embankment leaving your car behind. or if working on hard shoulder as i sometimes do i must wear hi viz vest and amber beacons on car at all times.
                              but this policeman pulled me onto hard shoulder opened both my cars doors and started to light meter test my windows then had me checking meter readings cars were about 2 foot away from tearing past at god knows what speed . so do you think this copper was mad or insane or had a death wish i think personaly he should have took me off nearset slip road to start testing me car.
                              there is a lot of legislation surrounding this, and I think you stand a good chance of getting out of it! (havent read the thread yet but...)

                              i was reading up on the new regs not too long ago and there is a cut off point...the windows have to let in a certain percentage of light. the key to it all is... did he use his judgement or did he use a machine to guage the light percentage?

                              if he used his judgement you could argue the toss and probably get out of it... if he used a machine you're a bit stuffed. the machines are very expensive though and not a lot of forces/enforcement officers have them.

                              also, if you had removed the blacking at the roadside there and then you could have avoided the fine. bit late now, I know

                              ahhh yes... have a read of this : http://www.itv-motoring.com/features..._else/2277.asp

                              I got me a new Surf baby yeah!

